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Kiwifarms Speculation Why are Kiwis obsessed with porn and lolicon?

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Like I said, there's a lot of legitimate reasons to not like the Porn Industry and the people that consume that content but even with that said; I still see the whole Anti-Porn rhetoric as a glowie psyop that is meant to make the Right look bad.

When I look back on the Alt-Right in retrospect, it was pretty obvious that during the final days of popularity for the Alt-Right the movement began to glow. If there were glowies being involved in the Unite the Right rally back in 2018 then congratulations to them; they've subverted the Alt-Right where they encouraged its most unhinged individuals to act out which caused the Alt-Right to get derailed, discredited, and mocked into oblivion by the media. The Alt-Right is now no more and if the glowies had anything to do with the demise of the Alt-Right, then they pretty much won in ruining the Alt-Right.

It's the same with the Groypers. In the beginning, Nick Fuentes was a respected person within some right-wing groups. But over the years, he's gotten more insane and says stupid shit like "Having sex with women is gay". Seeing Nick Fuentes and the Groypers saying it's "gay" for men be in a relationship with women to start a family not only gives the Left plenty of material to work with to discredit Nick Fuentes and the Groypers but also benefits the powers that be which is by making the Right look bad via guilt by association. Nick Fuentes is a right-winger and the more stupid shit he says then the more he will make the Right look bad which will benefit the glowies. It's why many on the Right are now coming to the conclusion that Nick Fuentes is a fed plant that glows.

As for the Anti-Porn rhetoric, seeing what happened to the Alt-Right and the Groypers before has made me come to the conclusion that the Anti-Porn talking points that are often mixed with religious and far-right talking points is also a glowie psyops that is meant to make the Right look bad. Most of the Anti-Porn rhetoric from what I've seen online comes from people that either adopt some variation of Christian Nationalism or adopt some form of a far-right ideology (like Fascism). These far-right extremists groups are often prone to violence and promoting violent rhetoric which something like that would really benefit the glowies where they can prop them up to make the Right look insane (much like what happened with the Alt-Right and the Groypers); especially since many of these groups on the Extreme Right often promote violence and intimidation against Jews and other minority groups they don't like which is beneficial for the glowies to justify them gaining more power.

So when I see Kiwi Farms and other similar groups do a lot of A-Logging towards the porn industry, they don't seem to realize they're being taken for a ride and they're being entrapped by the glowies because the glowies want to see these online groups become extremist echo chambers where the glowes hope that they can one day act out and then the media and the glowies can claim that the Right is becoming more violent and extreme and they must be stopped. Hence why I see Kiwi Farms users (and people from other similar online communities) that adopt the Anti-Porn rhetoric being pushed by some extreme voices on the Right as useful idiots for the glowies because the feds actually want these said troll communities and right-wing groups to adopt these unhinged ideas for the benefit of the glowies.

It's why I see the Anti-Porn stuff as a Pied Piper glowie psyops because everything about it to me glows brighter than the Sun.
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shut up woman
When it comes to why Josh hates porn and lolicon, it's because Josh is a petty repressed homosexual who seethes at any expression of heterosexual male sexuality. The further away from Josh said object of attraction is, the more is causes him to seethe. Josh is a middle aged, morbidly obese braphog, the polar opposite of which is a skinny, young fictional anime loli. Therefore, men who are attracted to lolis are the furthest from being attracted to Josh, which makes him seethe the most.

When it comes to the rest of Kiwi Farms, it's because Kiwi Farmers are cattle who parrot everything Josh says, since anyone capable of independent thought got permabanned years ago. However, when it comes to other users, there are a few other factors at play.

1. Kiwis want to claim edgy right wing culture as their own, purging any elements they are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with, much like the SJWs tried to do with gamer culture in the 2010s. Since edgy right wing shitposting originated on 4chan during the early-mid 2010s, there is a lot of overlap between right wing shitposting and anime (and particularly lolicon) culture. Kiwifags, who only became right wingers after browsing Twitter during the pandemic and the Floyd riots, feel excluded whenever old-school right wing shitposters reference anime or make jokes about lolicon. As a result, wignats on Kiwi Farms seethe constantly about anime and lolicon in particular, pushing for it to be banned.

2. Pedophiles are one of the few social groups where it is socially acceptable to wish death upon them (and understandably so), especially on the right, and virtue signaling about how much you hate pedos is one of the easiest ways to farm engagement and positive stickers. By defining pedophilia as loosely as possible, Kiwi Farmers are allowed to defame and make death threats against people they don't like, while also being able to farm those sweet, sweet green checkmark stickers.

3. Much like Josh, the obese landwhale braphogs of Beauty Parlor seethe uncontrollably against any expression of male sexuality that is not directed at them, which is why they hate any porn that features a woman under 300 pounds. And like Josh, the polar opposite of a middle age obese braphog is a skinny, young fictional anime loli, which is why they especially seethe about lolicon. Since any user who disagrees with a Beauty Parlor users or makes them cry is banned, most Kiwi Farmers go along with this, lest they witness the wrath of the Broom.

FWIW, I still find lolicon and shotacon to be weird and gross, much like furries or diaper shit. Also, I think that porn is an overall net negative for society and is at best the sexual equivilent of junk food that should be consumed rarely. However, anyone who can't go five posts without seething about porn or lolicon (i.e. 90% of Kiwi Farms) either has something darker they're trying to run cover for or they really need to touch grass.