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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights When did you turn on Kiwi Farms?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Probably when Jewsh started banning users I liked in early 2020 without good reason and then showed his general laziness & incompetence, including letting my fine halal die because he wouldn't let the poster in question come back even in a limited capacity without reason. Before you ask, yes multiple TTS threads from multiple users were made.

If the staff isn't going to put in the most basic of work to help threads get off their feet, there is no point in using the website or posting threads. Particularly if the lolcow in question isn't the most relevant to current events.
Probably when Jewsh started banning users I liked in early 2020 without good reason and then showed his general laziness & incompetence, including letting my fine halal die because he wouldn't let the poster in question come back even in a limited capacity without reason. Before you ask, yes multiple TTS threads from multiple users were made.

If the staff isn't going to put in the most basic of work to help threads get off their feet, there is no point in using the website or posting threads. Particularly if the lolcow in question isn't the most relevant to current events.
What in god's name is that thread.
What in god's name is that thread.
a thread on one of the best A&N posters and chatfags who ended up being a federal agent for the british government as a result to his ties to neo-nazi movements including combat 18, where he eventually admitted to being a drug smuggler for them and working with pedophiles. He also abused animals.
Probably when Jewsh started banning users I liked in early 2020 without good reason and then showed his general laziness & incompetence, including letting my fine halal die because he wouldn't let the poster in question come back even in a limited capacity without reason. Before you ask, yes multiple TTS threads from multiple users were made.

If the staff isn't going to put in the most basic of work to help threads get off their feet, there is no point in using the website or posting threads. Particularly if the lolcow in question isn't the most relevant to current events.
Good job on finding a true blue horrorcow, but yeah, he really should have let that guy come back and just limited him to that thread. I'd have been glad to rip on him myself.
Good job on finding a true blue horrorcow, but yeah, he really should have let that guy come back and just limited him to that thread. I'd have been glad to rip on him myself.
I hope his punishment in hell is this spitting on him for eternity.
Yeah the stickersperging exists everywhere. Go to the Yaniv section and make fun of TERFs and you’ll see a couple dozen dumpy radfem catladies stickerswarm you. Go to the Beauty Parlor and make fun of fat chicks and the girls who are as fat as Amberlynn Reid but are in denial will negrate you. Just about every section of the board gets really autistic about their internet stickers. Them pretending it’s just A&H is all part of their autism.

Speaking of the TERFs, the same Kiwis who whine about A&H getting political refugees are the same ones who ignored the r/gendercritical refugees who flooded the Yaniv subforum. If refugees from hated corners of the internet should be purged, so should they.

Its funny you say this. As someone who falls into the "ranting about jews and niggers" posters, I find a thread where I don't like the political navelgazing:

The BP posters are just as bad as schizo right wing AN retards.
The site stopped being as fun. I haven't really turned on it but I've stopped using it nearly as much as I was. Part of it is I just don't care as much about lolcow drama itself as I used to, so its more entertaining for me to post about kiwifarms drama than actual cow drama now.

I never really minded the sticker bullshit honestly. They are a nice way to gauge people's reaction to your posts and when someone gets super autistic over a negrate (or a positive rating from a user they disliked, saw that too) it was more amusing than anything. I didn't really see stickers creating an echo chamber in the threads I followed and I've actually noticed a few cases where people got about as many positive ratings for going against the narrative than the people pushing that narrative did, which helped show it wasn't as popular as a few vocal posters were trying to make it seem.

That being said, I have noticed a decline in post quality, especially in the gunt subforum (to the shock of absolutely no-one). There isn't really a nuanced discussion of the drama or a focus on bringing up and documenting facts as much as there is an agenda to bitch about the cow. Maybe the site was always like this and I'm just noticing it again, but its made the primary purpose of the forum less appealing to me as a whole.

A similar note to that is how seriously members of the forum take things. Not seriously as in "we should archive absolutely everything and must be objective" but in that they are so caught up in their own viewpoint that they miss obvious jokes. You see this happening time to time in lolcow threads and whatnot, but the onion farms thread itself is a perfect example of that (waves). You have people bitching about how we have a subforum where we make fun of "lolcow animals" as if that subforum is a serious attempt to compete with one of KF's major subforums and not in any way tongue in cheek. Or the people acting like this is a serious attack on KF or a serious attempt to replace the farms. Its like they are incapable of realizing that people might just want to shitpost on another site and air grievances they have with KF without having some nefarious long term plan.

This seems to go especially for politics on the site, everyone is so super ultra serious about everything and not in the sense that they take time to think about things critically and evaluate reality. Every time they see something, they instantly try to figure out how they can fit it into their world view, if they can't it didn't happen. If someone disagrees with them, they *must* respond to that person at face value no matter how obviously futile doing so would be. I've only read A&H on occasion though, so maybe its not always like this (though I have yet to hear anyone state otherwise).

This honestly isn't really an issue unique to one part of KF or KF at all honestly, people everywhere are like this now, to the point that children will sell out their parents and parents will disown their children over red team blue team politics. I don't really even blame josh for how things have turned out on KF, try to find me a single community that isn't like this and hasn't become a total echo-chamber for one side. The worlds just going to shit and you can only insulate yourself from that shit for so long.

In short, kf is getting less entertaining and reading this site amuses me so I post here too now. I don't have some big boogeyman that's responsible for that or a moment of disillusionment. Things change and if I don't like that change I move on.
You have people bitching about how we have a subforum where we make fun of "lolcow animals" as if that subforum is a serious attempt to compete with one of KF's major subforums and not in any way tongue in cheeK.
You're telling me some animals don't deserve to be called lolcows?
It just kinda got stale for me. Every other week is another slap fight to keep track of and how nothing is finished without a dox just doesn't make sense to me. This on top of the politics all-over the place. Some places read like a right wing Twitter thread pretending to be better than Twitter at the same time.

I don't have anything against it and still have a small bit of interest. Just not like I did before.
TL;DR: I miss Tumblr, I preferred a more tight knit site enviroment, and I hate the hugboxy political schitzoposting.

I started browsing Kiwi in mid-to-late 2017. I was there primarily for the tumblrcows - people like PurpleKecleon and Stinky whose antics and cults of personality I found particularily amusing. I've lurked the site on and off since then, but recently I've found that the experience has become... lackluster, I guess.

A major part of the problems lies with the fact that the era of the traditional tumblrcow died with Tumblr itself. Tumblr was unique in that it fostered an enviroment where anyone could create a unique webpage entirely devoted to their own personal brand of autism, while cultivating a more intimate level of interaction with their audience. A lot of people took their cowry to Twitter after Tumblr kicked the bucket, but Twitter is very unlike Tumblr in design. It's extremely polished and corporate in a way that the bumbling devs on Tumblr were too inept to ever accomplish, and it shaves the edges off even the most autistic of lowcows until every user blends into a generic, unpleasant mass. The user profiles are a pain to navigate, and the market of deranged Twitter users is so oversaturated that it's difficult to pinpoint anyone that actually stands out as a unique & interesting cow in their own right; everything is just more of the same shit that's become more tiring than amusing.

In general I've just been struggling to find any cows I'd like to follow for a while. I love petty, insane, girly drama, artcows, and autists in tech/gaming spheres like YanDev, but it's been hard to sift through the mountain of content now available on Kiwi to find something genuinely appealing to me. While the girl subforum has been doing alright, I don't find listening to fat bitches talk shit about other, fatter bitches all that funny compared to tumblresque drama that featured genuine cults of personality and unique shit that wasn't dreadfully repetitive. Amberlynn is so boring to me. Other threads in the site are quite bloated and can become difficult to read - even with the highlight feature, which I appreciate but doesn't do a lot to make 1000+ page threads into more manageable reads. The site has become overrun with psychotic refugees from shitholes like Reddit whose company I despise and have sucked all of the soul out of a community that was once much more niche and bearable despite the exceptional nature of it's users. There's also been a general shift towards careercows and internet influencers as subjects of mockery and generally speaking I find a lot of these cows uninteresting. I don't fucking care who Ethan Ralph is and it's beyond my comprehension why he's such a popular cow who's on the front page all the time. I also just can't stand politisperging and I feel like half the site's userbase is now made up of unironic schitzocows who could be halal'd into oblivion, but honestly the less I say about that the better. I don't want to myself turn into a bitter cow with some political agenda. The internet isn't that serious and it makes me a little wistful to think one of the last few places I found on the internet - Kiwi - that didn't take itself too seriously is now burning itself to the ground.

Which brings me to why I decided to join the Onion Farms. Kiwi Farms has become the lolcow of my yesteryear - a shitty self-serious, self-important forum run by an insane faggot and his exceptional cult of personality. It's absolutely fascinating to think about. I think the meta discussion of Kiwi & it's deranged userbase has become more entertaining than browsing Kiwi at face value ever will be again. This site seems to be a lot more tightly knit and focused in it's presentation as of now, so I'll probably hang around and poke fun at some retards here until it inevitably becomes swamped by internet rejects as the Kiwi Farms was before it.
TL;DR: I miss Tumblr, I preferred a more tight knit site enviroment, and I hate the hugboxy political schitzoposting.

I started browsing Kiwi in mid-to-late 2017. I was there primarily for the tumblrcows - people like PurpleKecleon and Stinky whose antics and cults of personality I found particularily amusing. I've lurked the site on and off since then, but recently I've found that the experience has become... lackluster, I guess.

A major part of the problems lies with the fact that the era of the traditional tumblrcow died with Tumblr itself. Tumblr was unique in that it fostered an enviroment where anyone could create a unique webpage entirely devoted to their own personal brand of autism, while cultivating a more intimate level of interaction with their audience. A lot of people took their cowry to Twitter after Tumblr kicked the bucket, but Twitter is very unlike Tumblr in design. It's extremely polished and corporate in a way that the bumbling devs on Tumblr were too inept to ever accomplish, and it shaves the edges off even the most autistic of lowcows until every user blends into a generic, unpleasant mass. The user profiles are a pain to navigate, and the market of deranged Twitter users is so oversaturated that it's difficult to pinpoint anyone that actually stands out as a unique & interesting cow in their own right; everything is just more of the same shit that's become more tiring than amusing.

In general I've just been struggling to find any cows I'd like to follow for a while. I love petty, insane, girly drama, artcows, and autists in tech/gaming spheres like YanDev, but it's been hard to sift through the mountain of content now available on Kiwi to find something genuinely appealing to me. While the girl subforum has been doing alright, I don't find listening to fat bitches talk shit about other, fatter bitches all that funny compared to tumblresque drama that featured genuine cults of personality and unique shit that wasn't dreadfully repetitive. Amberlynn is so boring to me. Other threads in the site are quite bloated and can become difficult to read - even with the highlight feature, which I appreciate but doesn't do a lot to make 1000+ page threads into more manageable reads. The site has become overrun with psychotic refugees from shitholes like Reddit whose company I despise and have sucked all of the soul out of a community that was once much more niche and bearable despite the exceptional nature of it's users. There's also been a general shift towards careercows and internet influencers as subjects of mockery and generally speaking I find a lot of these cows uninteresting. I don't fucking care who Ethan Ralph is and it's beyond my comprehension why he's such a popular cow who's on the front page all the time. I also just can't stand politisperging and I feel like half the site's userbase is now made up of unironic schitzocows who could be halal'd into oblivion, but honestly the less I say about that the better. I don't want to myself turn into a bitter cow with some political agenda. The internet isn't that serious and it makes me a little wistful to think one of the last few places I found on the internet - Kiwi - that didn't take itself too seriously is now burning itself to the ground.

Which brings me to why I decided to join the Onion Farms. Kiwi Farms has become the lolcow of my yesteryear - a shitty self-serious, self-important forum run by an insane faggot and his exceptional cult of personality. It's absolutely fascinating to think about. I think the meta discussion of Kiwi & it's deranged userbase has become more entertaining than browsing Kiwi at face value ever will be again. This site seems to be a lot more tightly knit and focused in it's presentation as of now, so I'll probably hang around and poke fun at some retards here until it inevitably becomes swamped by internet rejects as the Kiwi Farms was before it.
What do you mean "refugees from Reddit"?
What do you mean "refugees from Reddit"?
General low quality users who came to Kiwi after being ejected from other internet communities who saw it less as a silly internet forum and more like a souper serious final bastion of their freedom of expression. I'm not sure how much of this behaviour originated from Reddit specifically but I feel like a lot of it did, lol.
General low quality users who came to Kiwi after being ejected from other internet communities who saw it less as a silly internet forum and more like a souper serious final bastion of their freedom of expression. I'm not sure how much of this behaviour originated from Reddit specifically but I feel like a lot of it did, lol.
It doesn't help that Null actively advertised the site as a 'final bastion of free speech' either.
I believe strongly in diversification. I don't personally take much of an issue with the farms, but there's no harm in making an account to shoot the shit elsewhere. I enjoy going at it with the doomposters and politispergs, but I can see how they're extremely tiring for folks not on my particular autistic wavelength.

Null should probably have a plan in place for if he ever does get tired of hosting the farms as to what to do with its vast archives, but I'm a bit too new to the scene to comment on the site's trajectory. I just wanna make fun of retards and make gay jokes.
I believe strongly in diversification. I don't personally take much of an issue with the farms, but there's no harm in making an account to shoot the shit elsewhere. I enjoy going at it with the doomposters and politispergs, but I can see how they're extremely tiring for folks not on my particular autistic wavelength.

Null should probably have a plan in place for if he ever does get tired of hosting the farms as to what to do with its vast archives, but I'm a bit too new to the scene to comment on the site's trajectory. I just wanna make fun of retards and make gay jokes.
Hi Rich Evans Apologist.
I go where the fun is. Right now I'm having fun laughing at Josh and the sensitive kiwis. I wouldn't say that I "turned". More that I started noticing the posters were more of a spectacle than most of the threads. I spent the last year or so barely even interacting with the site or the threads themselves and just watched the posters. The chatfags. I had way more fun watching these people overshare. The slapfights. The personal drama that got aired. Finding out how much of a freak Josh is and always has been. Watching him abuse his own userbase in chat is one of the funniest things.

They cry that we're all obsessed with them and Josh over here. But I really have to wonder how they rationalize this in their minds. When they sit and read through threads about different people and communities for hours. While many of them spend literally their entire days sitting in chat. Always ready at the drop of a hat to defend dear leader's honor when needed. They're the ones obsessed with KF and Josh, and I'm making fun of them for it.
General low quality users who came to Kiwi after being ejected from other internet communities who saw it less as a silly internet forum and more like a souper serious final bastion of their freedom of expression. I'm not sure how much of this behaviour originated from Reddit specifically but I feel like a lot of it did, lol.
I'm assuming you're talking about most of the A&H crowd. That's actually not Null's fault, even if he encourages them to come on, since there is plenty of genuine censorship online that drives them there.