• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

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User @KampungBoy continues showing what a "useful" tool he is by making these insane threads about people he zoomered across on TikTok
View attachment 66555
Wow, so epic. You're not just being the most enthusiastic faggot of a janny I've ever seen, you're really bringing "content" that won't be forgotten tomorrow, zoomer dicklick
Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 18-08-43 Kengle Is A Faggot Onionfarms.png
It's been about two weeks since @Cat Administrator did anything retarded so we're about due for a wave. What unnecessary change is coming next? Is he going to start developing his own forum software in Rust to spite Null? Will he move hosting over to the EU where it's illegal to say the nigger word? Djibouti Blog 6.0?
I for one am excited to see the next epic fumble regardless of what it is
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No we are not. The forum is still on the old server. I am having my developer look into this so we can move over safely and efficiently.
The term Emp was parodying was "we gonna make it out the hood with this one", which to the negro savvy or those that enjoy ironically affecting an urban patois elicits the imagery of two young negro men celebrating the finalization of their latest hip hop music endeavor.
I hope this helps