Local Moderator

It could have been so beautiful, so autistically beautiful
TruthIf you couldn't see this coming idk how to help you. It's a hugbox ran by a homo that's an offshoot of an already unpopular offshoot that didn't even have a name or identity. Try again later and come back with a name/identity already thought up. Even then though I think it's hopeless personally.
Yeswhy for to unyuns not loggering? Gone site?
How come?unyuns sad
No literally nobody likes you,What makes my site different is that it is run by someone who is somewhat well-liked, with technical knowledge
The problem is you wouldn't listen to anybody who had oppositional opinions to yours.who is also willing to listen to users, who doesn't go and make stupid changes that nobody wanted. This is substantially different to Josh and Ken.
No literally nobody likes you,
The problem is you wouldn't listen to anybody who had propositional opinion to yours.
So no you're just a gayer version of jesh
Good. Don't stopMan you guys are retarded.
I had stopped some services to do maintenance, and then I went to work. I forgot to restart apache2, hence, it was down all day.
The problem was he sees spook's and shadows. I saw friends and opportunities.I likee him until he decided to make me the target of his fucking impotent rage and psychotic obsession.
He had me so gassed up on the idea of his new message board. It was supposed to be this awesome thing where there was going to be a bunch of pop culture shit, and people like me were going to be frequent collaborators that made articles and other original content. Like I was supposed to do an advice column every week or every other week that gave advice to scenarios that would never happen.
Just long comedy articles that were extremely specific. I believe the first one that I was writing was "what to do if your ex-wife's new husband is attacking you with a bag of dry concrete"
I was sold on the idea of it being this absurdist, comedic, user content generated forum that was completely different from everything else.
And then I signed on and it was literally kiwi/onion farms if only seven people were using it.
New communities are a good thing and there's really no reason why there can't be more than one site.
Idk why some of you are faggots because you don't like it there. Just don't use it.
unyuns likering to new forum!How come?