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Onionfarms Drama What happened to kf general?

Onionfarms drama
The thread I deleted was a thread started by Ashley to openly harass my employer.

I don't know what actually happened here, I wasn't paying attention, but if Ashley was using the KF thread to harass your employer, then you ought to nuke Ashley and all of their posts, not the entire KF thread itself. Many people here really appreciated that thread for keeping up with KF infighting and drama after losing their accounts there. Please bring it back.
I don't know what actually happened here, I wasn't paying attention, but if Ashley was using the KF thread to harass your employer, then you ought to nuke Ashley and all of their posts, not the entire KF thread itself. Many people here really appreciated that thread for keeping up with KF infighting and drama after losing their accounts there. Please bring it back.
I am doing everything I can.
I don't know what actually happened here, I wasn't paying attention, but if Ashley was using the KF thread to harass your employer, then you ought to nuke Ashley and all of their posts, not the entire KF thread itself. Many people here really appreciated that thread for keeping up with KF infighting and drama after losing their accounts there. Please bring it back.
No, just the ones in question should be deleted. The rest of her posts make her look bad, so leaving them up is good. This would not happen if ken hired enough staff with the privilege to move and or delete posts and merge accounts or at least tard cage them to be online at all hours.
No, just the ones in question should be deleted. The rest of her posts make her look bad, so leaving them up is good. This would not happen if ken hired enough staff with the privilege to move and or delete posts and merge accounts or at least tard cage them to be online at all hours.
Atleast give some active users local mod or something to temp remove posts until higher ups can check.
Ken really showed how much of a lolcow he actually is with this one.
How fucking embarrassing.
Ashley dunked her nuts in this forum's mouth so hard and the only person to blame is the dipshit who uses his full name as his UN.

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Congrats on being a fucking z-celeb, but could you possibly get the fuck out of the way? Like all the way. Seriously, you don't even read this website and have continuously made insanely retarded decisions.
Just put the site up for auction and transfer all admin privileges to the highest bidder.
It's time for you to stop being anything but a financial benefactor to this side of the Online