FYI: The album is called Sabotage!, not because of the pun, but because... deep breath...
The tapes that the ORIGINAL album was recorded on, were of a batch that were dodgy, and when it came down to mixing the album, well, it couldn't be done, I won't bore you (anymore than I've done so far) of the tech details, but the ENTIRE album had to be rerecorded in less than a day. Sabbath blamed the company, and I don't know how accurate this is. I've read stories, implying that the record company* should have known the tapes were crap, and hence the name.
It's a testament to Sabbath's greatness, this album is seen as the last great Sabbath album (by cunts who don't like Jazz). Prolly the most diverse in songage, as it features The London Philharmonic Choir on Supertzar. Fun fact: Ozzy wasn't aware that Tony had booked a choir AT ALL, and when he walked into the recording studio, he did a double take and said "Sorry, I'm in the wrong room".
Finally, this album is famous for having "The Worst Front Cover", it was done last minute, and if you look close enough (on vinyl you can see it quite well) you can see Ward's very 70s underpants, under his very 70s red tights.
*NEMS, not Vertigo, due to "contractual problems", Sab signed to the label started by Brian Epstein for this album, and the "contractual obligation" album Live At Last (disowned by the band, in fact, on Live Evil, Dio makes the point of saying "FOr the first time, there will be a live album from Black Sabbath", and LE is a better live album, imo)