Beat me to it! I was just making this thread.
These past 2 months have been big for gaming! A new console generation, and a fuckload of new games are coming out.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is probably one of the best superhero games out there today, I think it surpasses Spider-Man PS4 by a lot and Miles is an overall better character, Miles has something to prove unlike Peter Parker who we already know is a legend and top bloke and quite frankly is just a Mary Sue. "I can't save all the people" being the worst of Peter's issues is so ridiculous.
I'm quite skeptical of Cyberpunk 2077, it has been delayed so many times and it screams of dogshit management. I feel like a lot of people are forgetting it's an RPG too, look at the trailers, non stop action explosions and shit and a lot of people are going to be disappointed when it comes out and the gameplay isn't as high octane that the trailers made it out to be.