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general vidya discussion

Im so hyped for the new stair climbing simulator. 50+ new floors, customizable hand rails and a new character class?! Count me in. I cant wait to see new stairway to heaven campaign mode.

EDIT: WTF the only way to ge good shoes in the game is to spend 50$ on lootboxes and elevators are STILL OP in PVP. Dont buy the new stair climbing simulator lads.
Red Dead Revolver was underappreciated in my opinion. I played it to death when it came out and still recommend it to anyone who wants to play a spaghetti western power fantasy à la Clint Eastwood.
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I bought Stardew Valley on a whim after letting it languish on my list for years. It is the best I've played this year. It has been fun experimenting. If you've not played it and are intrigued I cannot stress how you should avoid all wikis and guides; they'll spoil your enjoyment.
I bought Stardew Valley on a whim after letting it languish on my list for years. It is the best I've played this year. It has been fun experimenting. If you've not played it and are intrigued I cannot stress how you should avoid all wikis and guides; they'll spoil your enjoyment.
I've heard it's a pretty looking harvest moon.
I've heard it's a pretty looking harvest moon.
I'd never played Harvest Moon so I can't compare. The music, atmosphere and artstyle makes for a calming experience even when you're down in the mines fighting slimes. I was gifted Cyberpunk 2077 which from what little I played is a decent game despite all of its problems. Stardew Valley has held my attention more than this AAA-title probably ever will.
I bought Stardew Valley on a whim after letting it languish on my list for years. It is the best I've played this year. It has been fun experimenting. If you've not played it and are intrigued I cannot stress how you should avoid all wikis and guides; they'll spoil your enjoyment.
It fun as shit as long as you don't Max/Min everything. I used the wiki on the second run and it didn't take out all the fun
I've heard it's a pretty looking harvest moon.
It is like a 2D harvest moon and 100 percent worth buying for $20.
I'd never played Harvest Moon so I can't compare. The music, atmosphere and artstyle makes for a calming experience even when you're down in the mines fighting slimes. I was gifted Cyberpunk 2077 which from what little I played is a decent game despite all of its problems. Stardew Valley has held my attention more than this AAA-title probably ever will.
lol, I've been having this issue as well. AAA-Titles haven't been that great. I've been glued to Genshin Impact and older games that came out back in the PS2-360 era of games. I may give it a try sometime.

It fun as shit as long as you don't Max/Min everything. I used the wiki on the second run and it didn't take out all the fun

It is like a 2D harvest moon and 100 percent worth buying for $20.
it's on my list of things to buy then if that's cheap- holy shit.
I can vouch for Stardew being in the vein of Harvest Moon, in a good way. I haven't played it in four years or so, but I've been meaning to go through it again.
I haven't found AAA to be exciting or innovative since I was a teenager. As bad as parts of the gaming industry are there are hundreds of independently released gems put out every year. Even if you played nothing but game jam type titles for the rest of your life you'd never be wont for excellent entertainment.

Next purchase I make will probably be the deck-building game, Slay the Spire. It's quite good and has a sizable mod community for PC. I think it runs to almost forty bucks which for as much as I like it and for as many hours of pleasure it has given me is too much for this type of game. Wait for a sale.
I've been waiting for Project Zomboid to have built in multiplayer again. I'm honestly surprised it took KF so long to have a thread on it, because it's one of the games I always like returning to. I'm not big on zombies, but the level of simulation is great.

Teardown was a gem this year, but the system requirements are higher than you'd think, unfortunately.
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I've been waiting for Project Zomboid to have built in multiplayer again. I'm honestly surprised it took KF so long to have a thread on it, because it's one of the games I always like returning to. I'm not big on zombies, but the level of simulation is great.

Teardown was a gem this year, but the system requirements are higher than you'd think, unfortunately.

Edited to include Kerbal Space Program. Building things to explore the solar system with is fun and satisfying.
I played the game way back in 2013. I was convinced by a cousin to download it because it was still a free version. From what I've seen the game has had drastic improvements. I almost want to contact him and set up multiplayer once it's integrated. HK-47's write-up on it is what convinced me.
I played the game way back in 2013. I was convinced by a cousin to download it because it was still a free version. From what I've seen the game has had drastic improvements. I almost want to contact him and set up multiplayer once it's integrated.
That's what I'm doing with a childhood friend. I remember the tech demo from 2011, and playing it sometime later until forgetting about it until a few years ago. I think they've done a great job with integrating what I think are interesting features.
That's what I'm doing with a childhood friend. I remember the tech demo from 2011, and playing it sometime later until forgetting about it until a few years ago. I think they've done a great job with integrating actually interesting features.
Holy shit, yeah, no. I forgot quite how old this game is. It would have been in 2011 I first played this game. It's terrifying how time passes.