Serious story: my mom always wanted to fill out a request to look in the Vatican archives, but you're right: you have to know beforehand exactly what you're looking for, exactly why you want to look at it, and then they look at your application and determine whether or not you're allowed to look at it.A lot of the buildings in the Vatican look down right satanic like the snake building with creepy statues. Also they have a huge ass hidden library with 53 miles (yes MILES) of shelving no one is allowed to browse, you have to know what you're looking for in the exact place it's kept to even get access. So you have to already be in the loop to look at it. Great way to cover up secrets of a religion they don't want anyone to know. Especially when they are the cause for so much lost books because of all the book burnings.
To even look at the most benign document in the Vatican library is harder to get into than a Quaker girls panties and fort knox COMBINED.
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