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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Universe Adventurer aka Phạm Trung Hiếu

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
When attacking a forum member backfires spectacularly
This is my first attempt at a lolcow thread, and GOD DAMN this was a blast to witness/participate in.

I haven't seen something backfire this hard since Uncle Buck's car.

So @universe adventurer decided to make a thread on everyone's favorite alt collector:

As you can see, this thread was one post by Universe Adventurer followed by three pages of the kind of bullying that causes a school shooting.

But Socky... Was! Not! DONE!

He doxxed the dog shit out of this kid, fucked with him for two days straight, and pushed this kid's shit in so hard he got a "Daddy please stop" DM from the lil lolcow. He was kind enough to share it with me and the rest of the class:

View attachment 53254

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you everything you need to know. That is an undeniable white flag, and it tells me that what Socker was able to doxx was the real deal.

Ladies and gentlemen, members of the midnight society, I give you @universe adventurer:

I don't know who the fuck the target audience is for this shit, but it makes me feel like this kid is either on drugs he shouldn't be on, or stopped taking drugs he should be on under a doctor's supervision.

You can always just search his posts because 90% of them for the past 48 hours has been this kid just getting slapped around and refusing to walk away. It is fucking hilarious:

We also started a Sperg Pit, where everyone could break each other's balls and blow off steam. Buddy boy completely misunderstood the point of the thread (good natured ballbusting) and proceeded to pick fights with everyone and refuse to leave the thread:

The funniest part about all of this was Universal was CONVINCED I was one of Socky's socks. He couldn't BELIEVE more than one person would have the audacity to fuck with him. He finally believed it when I was the one who told Sock maybe he should delete all of the shit and let it go.

But Socky is more hardcore than me. He's leaving that shit up. My hat's off to you Socker, I have never seen an Asian get fucked that hard and my girlfriend is a Chink.

Next time use napalm... it's more humane.
lol, lmao even
hmm... let's test this claim, shall we?

View attachment 53281
let me guess, you artistically prepared this account to make yourself look like you are not a sock. show me your oldest xbox live post since xbox live doesn't show when an account was registered.

is this your account?
View attachment 53278
View attachment 53280
I smell a larp.

here what I can find about you:

that's it?
You are TERRIBLE at this, cuz


I know this is going to come as a shock to you, but both the internet and Anne Hathaway have been around for a long time and I don't own the copyright to Anne Hathaway fan.

Ya missed every shot you took except the Xbox gt, kiddo.
It's the exact same God that Christians and Jews worship.
This is a misunderstanding of their religions, they all worship one god but that one god is not the same god. The pre canaanite religion was polytheistic and believed there were gods of different people and that the Arabs and israelites for example had different gods but yahweh defeated them which is why he aknowledges other gods. Allah is a different god of a different people who both believe they are chosen. Depending on which sect of Christianity you are some believe the Jewish god is the demiurge and Jesus was trying to warn us of it.
Reason: People also mix up Satan and Lucifer too. The story of Lucifer parallels Prometheus in many ways. Bringers of modernity their god wanted to keep from mortals, similar views on humanity, fire/light bringer is what they're known as.
Also some sects think Jesus was Lucifer freeing people from the demiurge who wanted to keep people ignorant, and some believe yahweh is a dragon who demands virgin sacrifices. They also believe demiurge supposedly created our world as a flesh prison and that a higher god created our souls and we were never supposed to be physical beings. And that there are parts of the bible the Vatican removed to cover up that they're a continuation of pagan traditions disguised with Christian symbolism. The other canaanite gods eventually became known as demons like baal and dagon. Any god with a name was known as a lesser god first. Like yahweh Allah Jehovah etc.
Reason: The word Elohim suggests multiple gods. Several religions predate Judaism in its earliest monotheist form which is the oldest of the 3 main ones you see today. Such as Zoroastrianism which influenced them.
Also some sects think Jesus was Lucifer freeing people from the demiurge who wanted to keep people ignorant, and some believe yahweh is a dragon who demands virgin sacrifices. They also believe demiurge supposedly created our world as a flesh prison and that a higher god created our souls and we were never supposed to be physical beings. And that there are parts of the bible the Vatican removed to cover up that they're a continuation of pagan traditions disguised with Christian symbolism. The other canaanite gods eventually became known as demons like baal and dagon. Any god with a name was known as a lesser god first. Like yahweh Allah Jehovah etc.
I was always taught that the Catholic Church intentionally brought in pagan symbolism and holidays to entice converts, and that's why so many things are familiar to paganism in Catholicism.

But then again I was raised Roman Catholic, so I didn't exactly get unbiased information from my sources 😂
I was always taught that the Catholic Church intentionally brought in pagan symbolism and holidays to entice converts, and that's why so many things are familiar to paganism in Catholicism.

But then again I was raised Roman Catholic, so I didn't exactly get unbiased information from my sources 😂
A lot of the buildings in the Vatican look down right satanic like the snake building with creepy statues. Also they have a huge ass hidden library with 53 miles (yes MILES) of shelving no one is allowed to browse, you have to know what you're looking for in the exact place it's kept to even get access. So you have to already be in the loop to look at it. Great way to cover up secrets of a religion they don't want anyone to know. Especially when they are the cause for so much lost books because of all the book burnings.
Reason: Totally not an active cover up to keep in power