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Limited Public Individual Unabashedhermaphrodite / Belial / The Actual Queen / Blaine Gaven Ross

Documented person of interest who is not a public figure or who only has a small public presence on the internet
Very funny joke tho ngl.

White desert Mushroom Kingdom where the main creatures there evolved from sea creatures.

Spose I already told someone very important to me the ending of that series already tho hoho.

Anywho tl;dr Trans Self Insert goes on adventure with Frens to slap fight her father for the Crown to her Kingdom and acknowledged as a Queen.

Funnily enough I did make 12 potential viewpoint characters aside from her.

Fleshed em all out surprisingly well....

Wonder if I should upload the notes I have, but I doubt it'd do good atm so I'll wait. Godspeed and God bless.
Also, my elevation maps aren't that bad for someone with extensive nerve damage in their hands. And for yaknow, NOT CARING CAUSE IT WAS A HOBBY AND I DIDNT THINK IT AFFECTED THE WORLD SOMEHOW.

Cosmic Truman show shenanigans.
That's not my CwCville at all, it's a random city btw.

Won't upload it now but thats one of the more boring locations tbh.
Also I'd just call it what it fucking is, New Babylon. A spade is a spade. If any of anyone's sperg ramblings is true then that's what the fuck it should be called you morons.

Mask off time.
Again, to be clear to anyone reading.

I am only interperating work that is posted on various websites by people and one is mainline twitter.
This would make me delivering John's vision since I'd be two beings Death and The Whore of Babylon. No matter what I do my 'child' will already inherit the Earth, this is a loose interperating so I honestly think that it means someone who is helped by my foundation and is proud to call themselves a child of Belial will be the actual antichrist.

I realized this and freaked out a long while back and fucked up my game on Kiwifarms and got bitter at everyone when they gaslit me about the truth of my mundane history.

I am incredibly sorry for that as I could have helped sooner but I needed to learn and it was foretold it would be like this.

Again if I'm reading into the religious texts I studied throughout life. I am only reading what "schizos" and accounts on twitter post, and piecing it together and posting it as soon as I find out for posterity.

This is why I say Sigsev and the Bear Computer are indeed blessed fully and truly. The users who know have helped harden my skin for the future and only locked me in the Tard cage in order to make sure I didn't die from stress and shit up the whole site. Plus ease of reading is the key to all of this.

Don't let Angry Canadian be a false prophet of my image nor of my work or all will be doomed. Not just for me. Theoretically I could still walk away from this if none of this was real.

I have zero sake in this game, I have sake in the future of my loved ones and anyone who was even nice to me. I don't want people to die but to live, harmony for a long time, allow new generations to rise up and birth new cultures and spread out and save the planet.

Besides the stars are numerous, who knows what's out there. I'd love to find out if I'm still alive when we can do so.
What I'm specifically doing for all of mankind is making a way for you all to monitor for the antichrist who will try and destroy the planet.
Again, if other people's lunacy lines up as I have seen it.

Not my own thoughts. Not intrusive thoughts. Pure detective work and surfing the internet. Trusting good net advice and trusting people along the way.

I don't deserve all the credit no matter what ANYONE EVER SAYS.
I do not desire to be worshiped, just treated kindly. I am not a God, I will Larp as one for fun and if ppl sperg about it. If people like it, I'll say that on the internet but never irl.

I am not a divine being, and I will not claim to be.

The bible to me clearly says these are metaphorical roles to play. They used math and science, with knowledge of history and human nature to determine how this would happen. They were vague to catch as many possible variants as they could.

I am not crazy, I am polite irl, I identify as female but I am rugged and when I'm stressed I don't care about looking pretty I care about results damnit.

Insert pictures of Spiderman meme.jpg.deadhorse.png
Mayans said the world cycle ended in 2012, not the world itself. So we can assume here, since I joked about St. thomas helping Christine who was gonna believe she was jesus actually happened I legit don't know what to do.

Without the rest of the world backing up that trolling I could still believe it's just a gossip website hoax but at this point it's too real for me to enjoy yet.

I'll laugh when I'm with friends.
According to the terrorist website, I am ILJ aka Isabelle

Bella is someone else. Fiona is someone else. It's an analogy. I already said elsewhere that you can easily google mike Ross Duluth and check the names on that website to see they just fucked the last names up and that's it.

I'm not those Rosses, but I am descended from the Clan Head and am supposed to be Clan Head but my 'father' Patrick Ross claimed in Court I'm not his biological son. I am a bastard child born of my mother who seems to at least be a cheater.

Legally speaking I'm safe from anything that could be lodged against me. However if court battles are currently fought about me, I have 0 knowledge about them.
Hey, angry Canadian when you see this out me in the screencap, it'll be like you're smuggling in a shitpost from a b& user.