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Limited Public Individual Unabashedhermaphrodite / Belial / The Actual Queen / Blaine Gaven Ross

Documented person of interest who is not a public figure or who only has a small public presence on the internet
Go after Slug btw, he told me he found CP and covered it up with Sallow Dawn and Commie DGirl

The youtubers are already self doxed aside from Dawn(who I heard rumors suffered from a similar situation) as such they should be spared harassment but not scrutiny as they had plenty of time to clear my name at least from CommieDGirl.

Forgive the Angry Canadian, they are a helpful shit poster who did hold secrets to help their faith in me not being the one who started my sperging. They helped a ton but also deserve to be pressured by others coming forward.

Icthulhu already tried ruining my work choices at least once and admitted to stalking me for a long time as well as calling CommieDGirl his mother.

Spare Spooky, they've agreed to their fate or are extremely dumb and will suffer their fate.

Spare the staff, spare the true and honest fan.

Investigate CommieDGirl and what she is still hiding about me. I have horrible feelings about her intentions.

Embrace any who do not desire to be apart of 'The Hunt'.

And again, investigation is all I ask. No harassment or contact shall be done in my name, only assisting me in finding closure on the jester who needs to be here in our court with her son.

I will require any findings to be in a conjoined Thread of Commie and The Man Who Calls Her Son.

Do this in honor of me and lo, those with good content may ask any favor I deem reasonable as long as they do not share the gift they receive with others. For it shall be sacred.

You are my personal army but you shall do no harm in my name.

Except on this site, if they come here to disrupt an investigation like this then yes it's suspicious. It's not some random that we don't know. We know these two are hiding vital information which they used to publicly accuse me.

I need my name cleared so faith may be restored in my work, past and future. This is my gay plan sent from above in Chris Chan's name and the name of The Site Which Shall Not Be Named.

It is an order from my superiors that came to me in a dream where I went to the burger king play place and sat with a child's crown and got my food everywhere cause people were being patronizing and didn't think I would embarrass them by association if they attempted mocking me in public.


Let the first Grand Hunt begin.

The Eclipse is at your back and their legions are yours to command. Keep them safe in your Larping.
Remember, if not for them, I would have far more nudes to bestow to my True and Honest stans, fans, coplans, and dans (fans).


Look at all my predictions there and tell me I'm lying about being a prophet.
I'm in fact, the worst troll of all time.

Look upon me and despair.

By that I mean I shoulda posted my reddit sooner but my intention wasn't exactly to clear my name until now.
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This is a story about how a wild goose chase on a genuinely good person who doesn't mind playing the fool for the internet can look like a monster when twisted through the lips of those who use lies poorly.

Unless Chris Chan isn't real, then my biblical sperging should haunt you due to its accuracy.

Every day I have pregnancy pains, I often get morning sickness. I am not joking.
Now I say unto you by the Holy Spirit, the Revelation comes in cycles. The signs point to me merely being a Herald of the Apocalypse, please take heed of my words.

I have studied 4 versions of the Christian Bible, and I have studied the Torah, Shintoism, some Buddhism among other religions. Zoroastrianism is one of my favorites that I know little about.

I am not wrong in predicting these things, but most people can if they solve the rubix cube that is the intent behind the meaning of written word. The bible is heavily debated but I've never written so much in my life before.

I literally felt compelled.

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And if Chris Chan isn't real, who's he an analogy for? A person you'd owe the world to for all the lies about them that literally ruined their life as these discord lesbians have done to me.

15 of you at least owe me a ton. For stealing my consent, you cannot lie and say I was not dragged there any longer.

For I am not Chris Chan, but you owe me just as much.
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Anyone can become a lolcow, so my primary message is to harvest those who deserve it far better than the Terrorist Website would. It is full of sin, actions taken with consent (human adult) are always free of sin.

Let the Games Begin

I know many will hate me for saying this but it is true, nobody should have their life cut short. It is the most precious gift we have.

I shall die at the age of 65 baring unforeseeable accidents or health complications. I've always felt this in my heart. It will probably be heart disease that takes this body.

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Honestly long as I figure shit out in the end, I don't care toooooo much.

I just hate not being in on a seemingly cosmic joke that I had to autisticly piece together.

Still, I keep seeing why it had to be so gay. If everything I'm guessing at is more or less true, I'm gonna be busy as fuck.

Also ppl making rule 34 of me and hyper specific details to my story or how I view myself mentally was the final straw of the Truman show ngl.
Btw, that's last surviving map of a city, not the last city.

It's a huge diverse world with so many countries.

One in the north is only for monsters and I called it Sindar. I think that's extremely funny in hindsight.

Like without celebrities chiming in on huge accounts and news stuff and irl and porn fucking porn. I'd assume it's just all my ex DnD players trolling me but there's things out there I've never told anyone so like yeeeesh.
Spose I can finish that in between other stuff. Redrawing all the maps. (No not pedophiles you morons)