• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
An Onion Among Onions
"The Zizians": The radical far-left troon "death cult with a high local death rate" - About their cult leader: "Ziz preaches a doctrine of radical high-tech veganism that promotes punishing your ideological enemies. She rejects the idea of 'niceness, community, and civilization'."

I can't believe TomDark hasn't put out a video about this yet, this is blowing up all over the internet right now, because some of their members are apparently still at large:

The Vegan Cult Linked To 6 Deaths (The "Zizians")​

Who Are the Zizians? Radical Trans 'Cult' With Ties to Border Agent Killing

The recent killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Vermont is reportedly linked to a purported "death cult" made up of radical, highly-educated, vegan and transgender members known as the "Zizians."

The group is said to revolve around Ziz, who is a transgender woman. Ziz, whose legal name is Jack LaSota, garnered a following online after posting about her ethical and social theories on her blog, Sinceriously.

This was how Felix "Ophelia" Baukholt, the German national involved in the shooting last week, discovered LaSota, Baukholt's friend Jessica Taylor told Newsweek.

Taylor posted on X, formerly Twitter, after hearing of the shooting, saying that she knew Baukholt and calling out the "Zizians."

Baukholt, who was also a transgender woman, was fatally shot on January 20 after she and another individual, identified as Teresa Youngblut, engaged in a shootout with Border Patrol agents. Agent David Maland was killed in the gunfight after he and other agents pulled the pair over in a traffic stop.

After Baukholt was identified by authorities and Taylor realized it was her friend who had been killed, she thought LaSota might have been involved, given her friend's fondness for the blogger and the "pattern of violence" that she said matched up to what she knew of the group. She posted on X, formerly Twitter, after hearing of the shooting, saying that she knew Baukholt.

"I remember warning Ophelia that Zizians were a death cult with a high local death rate..." Taylor wrote.

The guns used by Baukholt, an-award winning youth math genius from Germany, and Youngblut, a computer science student at the University of Washington, have since been determined as belonging to a person of interest in other murders. That individual has been identified by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives authorities as bioinformatics researcher Michelle Zajko.

Among the possibly connected killings is the murder of Curtis Lind, a landlord in Vallejo, California, who was stabbed to death three days before the Vermont shooting. His killing came just before he was scheduled to testify in a case pertaining to a violent 2022 incident on his property. Two years ago, Lind was stabbed and blinded with a samurai sword by two individuals, who were allegedly tenants and who had allegedly stopped paying him rent. Lind shot his attackers, killing one of them.

On Tuesday, Maximillian Snyder, a 22-year-old data scientist, was charged in the killing of Lind. Snyder and Youngblut applied for a marriage license in Washington in November, according to police and court records obtained by Open Vallejo.

Lind and Maland's deaths come two years after Zajko's parents, Richard and Rita Zajko, were found dead in their Delaware County, Pennsylvania, home in January 2023.

"It appears to be a small group, highly educated, computer savvy, at times geographically scattered, and a number of them if not all of them appear to identify as trans or nonbinary—with their deadnames potentially being publicized widely as law enforcement releases information about the cases, as these are still their legal names," SFist, a local San Francisco outlet reported last week.
Aella, who says she is a sex worker and researcher and claims to know several people involved or adjacent to the Zizians, said on X that the group's activities date back to 2019. That is when she says that LaSota and another member, Gwen Danielson, were banned from an alumni reunion for the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR), a Berkley-based nonprofit focused on behavioral psychology and AI.

In response to the ban, the pair and two others allegedly protested the event by blocking the entrance and exit while dressed in black robes and Guy Fawkes masks. All four of the individuals were believed to be transgender women.
Taylor said while it seems LaSota is recruiting transgender members who might be financially vulnerable and ripe for radicalization, she believes most of the members are acting on their own accord and are just being persuaded to join the group.

Starting in 2021, LaSota reportedly advocated the killing of various people and the punishment of "non-good" people, like non-vegans, according to Aella. Both LaSota and Danielson allegedly faked their own deaths in 2022. An obituary for LaSota was published on September 7, 2022, claiming that they died in a boating accident. But on January 13, 2023, LaSota was arrested in Pennsylvania for "obstructing administration of law" and "disorderly conduct." LaSota made bail in June and stopped showing up to court.

"We still don't know the whereabouts of the people in this story who aren't either dead or in custody, and we sort of expect them to continue doing murders," Aella posted Wednesday.

According to this article on Reason, the cult used sleep deprivation to exhaust cult members and thus cause a personality split in them:

This killing is linked to six other deaths across the country. The suspected killers—the tenants-turned-delinquents who had been living as a cult—are almost all transgender and part of the Berkeley-based rationalist community, following their leader, Jack LaSota (Ziz). Some of them are romantically linked to one another: Snyder, for example, applied for a marriage license in the state of Washington back in November along with girlfriend Teresa Youngblut, the suspect in a Vermont-Canadian border shootout that killed a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

Back in January 2023, 71-year-old Richard Zajko and his 69-year-old wife, Rita, a Pennsylvania couple suspected to be the parents of one of the cultists, were murdered. And all the way back in February 2018, a woman named Maia Pasek killed herself after being in heavy contact with Ziz, and seemingly under her influence (more on that in a second).

The purported cult leader, Ziz, had attended workshops at the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR). In 2019, CFAR reportedly banned both Ziz and another cult member, Gwen, from events; multiple followers started protesting the organization (even alleging transphobia). At an unclear time, possibly several years prior in 2016, Ziz started a blog, advocating "a ruthlessly enforced altruism towards all living creatures, and to follow the principle that it's never valid to surrender" and promoting "the punishment of 'non-good' people, particularly those who are not vegans," per Aella's writeup. The group's members claimed to have invented things like "unihemispheric sleep" (UHS), "a form of sleep where only one half of the brain rests at a time," per a writer named Apollo Mojave. "Entering UHS requires the sleeper to be exhausted, it also has disorienting effects so they are not quite themselves. The Zizians exploit this state to convince the unwary that they are actually two people. Ziz believes themselves to be 'double good', and almost without exception tells the people she is recruiting that they are 'single good'. By doing this Ziz establishes a relationship of moral superiority over her followers." (Pasek reportedly killed herself after UHS experiences.)

A February 2023 post from the rationalist blog LessWrong warned of this cult and possible violence, and many members of the rationalist community have made clear that the Zizians have long been unhinged and disturbed. "Ziz preaches a doctrine of radical high-tech veganism that promotes punishing your ideological enemies," concludes Mojave. "She rejects the idea of 'niceness, community, and civilization' that's often at the core of Effective Altruism and AI safety movement member concerns."

This OnlyFans whore on Twitter (who has been on Lex Fridman's podcast) apparently knew some of the Zizians and posted this long thread detailing everything she knows about the cult:

August 2021: Ziz advocates for "airlocking" (a sci-fi term for killing) various people in blog comments and claims many people seek "suicide by Ziz." Ziz runs a blog which appears to be the primary attractor for this community. They claim that people have two hemispheres, and are either non-good, single-good, or double-good (very rare, which Ziz herself is). Ziz advocates for a ruthlessly enforced altruism towards all living creatures, and to follow the principle that it’s never valid to surrender. She promotes the punishment of “non-good” people, particularly those who are not vegans.

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Journalist Andy Ngo had a couple of videos about the Zizians about a week ago. This is the latest video where Andy points out that "Ziz", the leader of the cult, and another cult member are both still at large:

Andy Ngo: Who is the leader of the 'Ziz' trans terror cult?

Who is the leader of the leftist trans terror "murder gang" linked to six deaths across the U.S.? Supporters of Jack "Ziz" LaSota claim he died in 2022, but he’s been seen multiple times since, including near murder scenes. He was allowed to bail out both times he was apprehended. And now more people are dead.

Earlier videos:

Andy Ngo: Leftist trans terror cult linked to multiple homicides

Andy Ngo: New look at trans terror cult's California commune

Someone wrote a webpage about the Zizians where they explained their cult mindfuck (based on something called "Functional Decision Theory"), their cult brainwashing tactics and the superiority of their cult leader "Ziz" within the group:


Attendants of the 2019 CFAR alumni reunion were shocked to arrive at Camp Meeker only to be turned away by police. The venue was occupied by five masked protesters in black robes. Surrounding them were several police cruisers, SWAT, and a helicopter. The figures who were reportedly there to protest had made themselves seem too sinister, and the police response was based on the procedure for dealing with a mass shooting. According to eyewitnesses the resulting showdown involved the 5 screaming at police surrounding them. Nevertheless, the masked women turned out to be unarmed when they were brought into custody. Surreal as this was for the CFAR alumni, people farther away from the situation found it captivatingly odd. The story was weird enough to even receive brief national attention when it was retweeted by Qanon.
So just who were these masked protesters, and what did they want out of crashing the alumni reunion? To answer that question we'll take a look into a peculiar online cult that operates in the Bay Area.
The central character in our story is Ziz, who writes a blog called sinceriously.fyi. Sinceriously started out as a self improvement column giving advice on motivation and habits. Over time it became a platform for Ziz to discuss her ethical and social theories. Before the Camp Meeker protest Ziz was best known for her Rationalist Fleet project. Rationalist Fleet was supposed to be a way to avoid paying high bay area rents by living on boats. The idea was that if you could extract people from paying rent they could spend the time studying and still get access to the bay area network.
As she tells it on her blog Rationalist Fleet did not go well. Having moved to the bay area so she could work on AI risk, the dysfunction of the bay wore her down. Her posts become progressively more bitter over time, until the latest ones outright accuse CFAR and MIRI of sexual and financial crimes. Shortly after these posts Ziz and four others interrupted the alumni reunion with a masked protest. The accusations might seem like the motivation for the protests but even a quick glance at the flyer that was supposed to be given out to CFAR alumni shows there's more to the story here.
Purpose of This Document
Four other people went with Ziz to her protest. Doing a quick count there's at least 9 folks in her orbit who endorse her ideas and keep mutual friendships. The purpose of this document is to warn you not to join them! Ziz is a master manipulator; she is extremely skilled at selling people on nonsense ideas about decision theory and ethics that defy not just the "rules of rationality" but basic common sense.
Ziz is particularly interested in AI risk researchers, and approaches them under the guise of providing "mental tech" for people to build a singleton based on "altruism" (i.e., rewarding people Ziz likes and hurting people she doesn't like). If you're an [FAI person] who has been approached by Ziz you should read the sections Roko's Basilisk and Unihemispheric Sleep before getting involved.
Functional Decision Theory
The theoretical basis for Zizian social conduct is Yudkowsky and Soare's "functional decision theory". "Functional decision theory" is designed as an answer to Newcomb-like problems where the actions of others are conditional on which decision theory an agent uses. In normal English, it's about situations where the environment will change depending on who you are. The classic example is a choice between two boxes full of money. The first box has much more money in it but only if you're the sort of person who will take that box and leave the other behind. Functional decision theory says the solution to this problem is to choose a strategy which responds to this situation by only taking the first box. It asserts an acausal theory of decisions, where you do not make choices between outcomes but choices between strategies. Instead of saying "now that I'm here I'll take both boxes" an FDT agent says "I know I only get to be here if I one box; so I'll one box".
In Zizian thought this concept is expanded to justify behavior that would make a Sovereign Citizen blush. Zizians do not think it is ever valid to surrender. The reasoning goes that if someone is trying to extract a surrender from you, giving in is choosing a strategy that gets coerced into surrender. If you fight bitterly you prevent the coercion in the first place by making it too costly to fight you. (Associated phrases: "nosell"; "collapse the timeline";)
This can often be a valid way to think about things, but Ziz and her followers apply it in every scenario without considering the power difference between fighters. If you can't make it costly enough to fight you, refusing to surrender is a sure way to see the inside of a jail cell or the pearly gates. We see this in action during the Camp Meeker incident. While we can only speculate on the motives of the protesters for screaming at police, it seems likely this played an important role.
Ziz bases her social theories on the idea that a person is made up of "core" and "structure". Structure is the derived aspects of a persons identity and skillset, it is everything that is downstream of their chosen strategy. Core is the thing which chooses a strategy, it is what has moral patiency in Ziz's theories. Ziz writes that each person has two cores made up of their left and right hemispheres. Each of these is considered a full person, and when Ziz says "person" she really means an animal's core.
Ziz believes there are two kinds of core, "good" and "nongood". "Nongood" cores are the most common (about 95% of the population). A "nongood" core is one that only grants full agency when dealing with issues of self survival or protecting offspring. This is enforced by a filter that only unlocks full agency when it detects those objects in a situation. Sometimes this filter breaks, producing a "good" core. Because people have two cores, there are three basic alignments: "nongood", "single good", and "double good". "Single good" is about 5% of the population, having one broken core which allows limited altruistic agency. Ziz seems to believe the probability of cores breaking is independent. That means the "double good" alignment only occurs in one fourth of one percent of people. This is important because double goods are the only people who can have full altruistic agency in Ziz's worldview.
In this model "core" cannot be changed and you're stuck with the morality you have. This is important to consider in later sections where we talk about what Ziz tells people about their cores.
This is a brief summary of a very detailed model. If you want more information read Hemisphere Theory: Much More Than You Wanted to Know.
Moral Progress & Bentham
Zizians believe normal ideas about morality are mostly obfuscated nonsense. They think real morality is simple and has already been put to paper by Jeremy Bentham with his utilitarian ideas. Bentham famously predicted an expanding scope of moral concern. He says if humanity is honest with itself it will eventually adopt uncompromising veganism. Zizians think arguments which don't acknowledge this are not about morality at all, they're about local struggles for power delaying the removal of an unjust status quo. This is a lot of the reason why they're so unhappy with MIRI / CFAR. To them these organizations waste their time on fake philosophy problems. In trying to "figure out human values" they are not fighting philosophical difficulties, but rather their own cowardice and refusal to update on their poor moral practices.
This also suggests a desire to secede from society. In the mind of a Zizian, liberalism means the same thing it does for a Communist or Nazi: an opportunity for decadence, vice, and corruption. Because we "already know" the correct moral policy is a ruthlessly enforced altruism towards all or almost all living creatures; supporting liberalism is to participate in crime on a mass scale. They believe that now is the time to [betray our corrupt society] and establish a vegan hegemony.
Roko's Basilisk
Ziz writes on her blog that she spent a long time "suffering from Basilisks". This anxiety seems to have been resolved by trying to become one. Ziz doesn't write about it publicly, but supports "Nuremberg Trials" after the singularity to punish people for eating meat:

Other Zizians seem to share her viewpoint. In the pamphlet distributed at Camp Meeker is a passage threatening to punish "nongood" people:
Eliezer offered us heaven Ill considered-solace in hopes of heaven worships hell
Two futures only? Extinction vs Utopia Why two? What really prevents an evil/unjust singleton? “No motive for predation post scarcity??” - false. Indifference is not enough 1. Evil cannot create (but can capture) 2. Good will destroy hell and punish all those who would build it
Claiming we’re safe because good would destroy hell puts the cart before the horse. Dark gods whisper lies of logical order.
It's important to read the post Net Negative to have the full context for this. In it Ziz describes how she doesn't just think animals and insects are important moral patients, but of approximately equal moral worth to human beings:
I think we discussed the unilateralist’s curse. Also in the context of talking about consequentialism, I told a story about a time I had killed 4 ants in a bathtub where I wanted to take a shower before going to work. How I had considered, can I just not take a shower, and presumed me smelling bad at work would, because of big numbers and the fate of the world and stuff, make the world worse than the deaths of 4 basically-causally-isolated people. (I said I didn’t know whether ants had feelings or not. But I ran empathy in a “I have to feel what I am doing” way for the people they might have been.) I considered getting paper and a cup and taking them elsewhere.
When Ziz talks about punishing people who will build hell, she really means people who are singularitans without being vegan. The basic idea is that human values might endorse conditions for the rest of earthly life that are unacceptable from a Bentham-utilitarian viewpoint. She also probably means a bunch of other people, but if you're reading this the important point is that she has you in mind.
Cult Tactics
Unihemispheric Sleep
One of the techniques that Ziz uses to manipulate people is unihemispheric sleep. Unihemispheric sleep (or UHS for short) is a form of sleep where only one half of the brain rests at a time. Normally it is not possible for human beings to sleep with only one hemisphere. However a weak form of UHS can be achieved by stimulating one half of the body and resting the other. Like hypnosis or fasting, this is a vulnerable psychological state for a person. Entering UHS requires the sleeper to be exhausted, it also has disorienting effects so they are not quite themselves. The Zizians exploit this state to convince the unwary that they are actually two people. Ziz believes themselves to be "double good", and almost without exception tells the people she is recruiting that they are "single good". By doing this Ziz establishes a relationship of moral superiority over her followers. See this post by Jay W for examples.
How To Perform Unihemispheric Sleep
Ziz uses UHS as a secret she rations out to her followers. But the process itself is simple. To perform UHS:
You need to be tired.
You need to be laying down or sitting up. (It is important that you stay in a comfortable position that won't require you to move very much.)
In either case you want to close one eye and keep the other open.
Distract the open eye with some kind of engagement. (This works best if you have a partner who can help you.)
Eventually you should feel yourself begin to fall asleep on one side. That side will also become numb. (The degree of numbness is a good way to track how deep into sleep the side is.)
Once into UHS, it is supposed to be possible to infer which aspects of your personality are associated with which side of the brain. (This is a little farfetched, and the more likely explanation is that it disrupts peoples visceral sense of what is and isn't socially okay.)
One of the dangers of UHS is that it provides a false sense of rest after waking. If you pay close attention though you'll realize that you are inhibited and need real sleep. It's also unknown if UHS reveals a twin personhood or causes it by desynchronizing the sleeper. You might be giving yourself split personality by using this technique.
For readers who plan to try anyway we suggest doing it alone or with a trusted friend. A trusted friend means someone who does not have an interest in the results you get (i.e., not Ziz or one of her friends).
Maia Pasek
According to someone familiar with the matter Ziz played a large role in the death of Maia Pasek (also known as squirrelinhell). Maia tried UHS as a way to gain awareness of their twin personhood, what Ziz calls "debucketing". We're told these sessions were done with Ziz and involved telling Maia to focus on their suicidal impulses while in a disoriented state. Ziz briefly mentions this in her post Good Group and Pasek's Doom, but skips over the details for obvious reasons. Supposedly Maia began using UHS as an alternative to real sleep. If you paid attention to the previous section you understand that's a bad idea. Between their natural suicidal impulses, the sessions with Ziz, and prolonged sleep deprivation from substituting real sleep with UHS Maia probably had a mental break and committed suicide.
Cutting Off Support Networks
Ziz will tell people they are in the process of indoctrinating to get away from trusted family, friends, and lovers. Jay gives an example of this on her blog with the comment:
It’s still noteworthy that Ziz tried to break up a happy marriage so like, someone could spend less time being with a partner and more time trying to save the world though. Doing that is a good way to get people to stop satisfying their values, and in turn become less effective.
During her work on Rationalist Fleet she would try to get potential recruits to move into her boat, which isn't exactly [bad behavior] on its own but in the context of other stuff very concerning.
Jargon & Loaded Language
Many people find Ziz's blog nearly impossible to read. It's thick with odd jargon that confuses readers. Familiar terms such as "Good", "Justice", and "Alive" are given new meanings skewed towards Ziz's perspective. Ziz's enemies are "vampires", the mass of unenlightened humanity "zombies", nice folks who don't see things her way "single good". The construction of "good" is particularly jarring. Ziz comes out and directly says she intends to fight any use of the word "good" that doesn't agree with her perspective:
What a turnabout that I’m calling my values “good” after saying “‘Good’ and ‘right’ are a set of values that is outside any single person.”
It turns out my values just happen to correspond as well as language can expect with that word. And i.e., if other people think carnism is okay, and roll that into the standard definition of “good”, then I won’t let them claim this word insofar as convincing me to describe myself as a “villain” like I used to. Because in a sense I care about, and which people I want to communicate with care about, that’s them executing deception and driving out our ability to communicate.
Our word. Hiss.
This jargon serves multiple purposes. An important one is that it separates Zizians from others. The cost to read and understand Sinceriously is substantial, and most people are not willing to pay it. Another is to warp the beliefs of people who use it. The connotations and affect of Ziz's jargon encode her moral beliefs about the world separated from the quality of reasoning used to produce them. By offering language that reinforces these judgments Ziz creates conditions where even engaging with the beliefs of her followers requires the repetition and reinforcement of their frame.
Creation of A New Identity
The idea that every human being is actually two people is not just recognized as an abstract fact. Zizians encourage the adoption of a new identity along these lines, giving a name to each hemisphere (e.g., Ziz's left hemisphere "Xalis"; right hemisphere "Yanrae"). They also encourage new members to make significant and often uncharacteristic lifestyle changes. Most often a new Zizian is told they need to become vegan to remain in the group. Wardrobe changes might also be encouraged. Ziz herself famously wears "dark robes" at all times, a preference which explains the ill fated decision to show up at the alumni reunion in sinister garb.
Transgender and Bigender
All four of the people arrested as part of Ziz's protest were transgender women (the fifth was let go without charges). This is far from coincidence as Ziz seems to go out of her way to target transgender people. In terms of cult indoctrination such folks are an excellent fit. They're often:
Financially vulnerable.
Newly out transgender people are especially likely to already be estranged from friends or family.
It is common for them to lack stable housing.
Many traditional social services (illegally) reject them for cultural or religious reasons (e.g., Christian homeless shelters).
Intolerant attitudes among the underclass hit twice: they can't rely on strangers for help and being transgender often makes them a target for violence; making them outcasts even among outcasts.
Already creating a new identity.
During transition people change their name. This creates an opportunity for Ziz to insert themselves into a recruits ongoing transition. By showing them their "double personhood" as they're abandoning an old identity it's possible to convince recruits to adopt a Zizian name (e.g., left hemisphere / right hemisphere) as their new social identity.
As the name implies transition is a time of transition; old patterns and habits tend to fall away. People who have spent years repressing important parts of themselves suddenly have the opportunity to completely change their social presentation. This does not always mean someone wants to play the same role as before but a different gender. With the radical changes that can accompany transition come strong opportunities for radicalization.
All of these factors combine to make Ziz, themselves a transgender woman, more credible to recruits than she might otherwise be. A privileged cis person with close family and stable housing might reject boat housing out of hand: "I don't know, that sounds iffy to me". For someone facing mortal danger after their rude ejection into the underclass it's an easier pill to swallow: "It can't be worse than sleeping on the street right?"
Another important concept Ziz uses to manipulate people is the idea of being "bigender". Ziz claims that each hemisphere has a gender and that fairly often people have opposing gender identities between hemispheres. This provides a convenient basis for her to undermine the identity of people she's recruiting. If the target is cis, tell them their other half is trans, if the target is trans tell them their other half is cis. It's a similar disorienting trick to the idea of single and double good. If the target identifies as good tell them their other half is irredeemably evil, if they identify amorally insist that half of them is a saint. The pattern is to take aspects of folks identities that they're invested in and disrupt them by creating a domain of self which Ziz (and only Ziz) has knowledge about so the target is forced to trust their interpretation.
Because they've operated in obscurity until recently, it seems likely that the most concerning or abusive aspects of Zizian philosophy are not public knowledge. What is known at the present is more than enough to be alarmed. Ziz preaches a doctrine of radical high-tech veganism that promotes punishing your ideological enemies. She rejects the idea of "niceness, community, and civilization" that's often at the core of Effective Altruism and AI safety movement member concerns. They use unethical tactics to onboard new members (e.g., encouraging isolation from friends and family). Perhaps most concerning is her indifference to the felony conspiracy charge caused by their poor protest planning. As far as we can tell, the Camp Meeker incident has not been a wake up call for anyone involved.
More videos are coming out about the Zizian cult, including more mainstream news outlets and channels:

'Zizian' fringe group connected to murders in three states

Three crimes in three states in just over two years, and all of them lead back to a fringe group called the 'Zizians.'

Christopher Fufo has a video about how the left can no longer mass-organize and now needs to resort to outburst of Charles Manson-esque cult violence:

Transgender Computer Science Cult

From the comments:

Yeah I was looking for somebody to say something about the [Bay Area] Rationalists. I’m friends with a lot of them, and lived in a Rationalist group house (not quite a commune) at one point in Berkeley. Spent more time in the Boston community in Cambridge, but I thought within the Bay Area they were more concentrated in Berkeley. Some of them definitely gave me this vibe of “trans- or trans-willing/supportive free love soup” So I’m not entirely surprised to hear this although I wouldn’t have guessed Vallejo.
But anyways, some dots connect but not all the dots connect — what’s the actual link here, and how far does it truly go or not with regards to the Rationalists being a part of this story centrally or peripherally?

But yeah when you sever your connection to your intuition-based right-brain in worship of perfect rationality and logic only, you leave yourself vulnerable to being led into a logical argumentation based on-ramp into a cult, which in its self-pursuing logical-extreme conclusion turns out to be about AI doomerism and AI risk/alignment etc.

Still incredibly impressive as an entire accomplishment & body; but still-

Found this substack article about the Zizians and their connection to the Rationalist Movement:

4,700 words on "the Zizians" and the cult lore of the Rationalist Movement

Today’s newsletter is a ~4,700-word missive on the “Zizians,” the transcontinental Rationalist cult implicated in at least six murders since 2022. In the piece, I try to explain “Rationalism,” cover the Ziz lore in a fairly straightforward fashion, and understand why Rationalism has been a breeding ground for so many cult-like objects.
“Rationalism,” in and of itself, doesn’t necessarily lead its adherents into violent confrontations with the state. But it’s also been a breeding ground for a number of--at best--cult-like social formations. For their part, Youngblut and Ophelia, as well as suspects and persons of interest in at least three other murders around the country, seem to have fallen in with the infamous Rationalist blogger “Ziz,” who espouses a hardline philosophy of justice and an eccentric theory of cognition, and whose charisma and rhetorical technique is notable enough among Rationalists to have inspired a number of websites and posts “warning” about her influence.

The main idea behind the “Rationalist Movement,” as the community sometimes calls itself, is that human beings can and should develop their reasoning skills to better purse good (personal, political, economic) outcomes. In practice this tends to mean (1) coming up and experimenting with “cognitive hacks” and “de-bugging” tricks to think more rationally and (2) pursuing abstract but meticulously thought-through philosophical games and experiments and then attempting to live in compliance with the (often seemingly ridiculous) consequences of that reasoning.1 The most famous version of this Rationalist impulse is reasoning yourself into a belief that a godlike computer-based super-intelligence is inevitably coming, and therefore the best use of your time in the present is to devote yourself to ensuring its compliance with human morality.

This is, more or less, what the godfather of the Rationalist Movement, a man named Eliezer Yudkowsky, believes. Yudkowsky is the founder of the LessWrong forums--the main online gathering place for Rationalists--as well as the author of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, a series-length fanfic in which Harry Potter applies Yudkowsky’s reasoning principles to the magic world. (HPMoR, as it’s known, is many budding Rationalists’ gateway to the community.) Yudkowsky is also the founder of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (M.I.R.I.), a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that “smarter-than-human A.I.” is safe.

Yudkowsky’s long history of banging on about A.I. has helped make both his anxiety about the singularity, and his style of thinking, prominent in the A.I. industry. (OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit, and nearly broke apart in 2023, in part over Yudkowsky-type concerns over “alignment.”) But not everyone under the broad Rationalist umbrella is so intently focused on A.I.: “Effective Altruism,” the utilitarian school of philanthropy that famously lay behind Sam Bankman-Fried’s desire to amass wealth, owes a huge debt to the Rationalist movement (seen in, e.g., the idea of “longtermism”).

And the other key Rationalist institution, the Center for Applied Rationality (C.F.A.R.)--which was founded by a number of prominent LessWrong posters--avoids much A.I. talk and focuses on holding workshops for businesses or interested would-be Rationalists “where we teach and train techniques for forming accurate beliefs, navigating intellectual disagreement, making better use of our internal advisors, developing non-self-deceptive motivation, and building the habit of getting things done.”

Anyway, this should cover enough to follow the rise of the Zizians.

I really do think that people are focusing too much on their connections to rationalism, and I suspect this is in order to downplay the more overt troon aspect of their cult. This of course is part of the general brainwashing of the gender cult: ignore the most obvious thing in front of you - the fact that a man pretending to be a woman to infiltrate women's spaces is just plainly psycho and dangerous- and instead focus on some other thing that no one cares about, because it's obvious these are the ramblings of an insane person who just happened upon Rationalism as the ultimate excuse to justify their murderous ideas. Unlike the troons, the rationalists did throw these Zizians out of their event and explicitly disavowed them. The trans community is always the last ditch resort for these garbage cases, because no one else will put up with them.
More videos about the Zizian cult coming out. This item is only just gaining traction IMO, as LE are still trying to catch the cult members that are still at large.

This new YT video has only 6k views but it's excellent, this guy really put some work into this and even dug up and read the blog entries of cult-leader "Ziz":

This is the Archived version of the blog that cult-leader "Ziz" was using to record every demented thought that popped into his head:

This is the blog article where Ziz claims that a higher up at the CFAR told him he should NOT get involved with AI safety development because he would be a "net negative" to the safety of AI.

In the article he says that he was looking for "a startup co-founder" (read: the troon had no money and wanted someone else to pay him to be a pseudo-rationalist philosopher, in order words a useless parasite):

I did go to grad school (for a master’s degree only), I did drop out, but I did not find someone at grad school who felt like good startup co-founder material. Maybe if I was better at networking / had the conviction to commit to dropping out instead of… finishing all my classes with good grades. But in retrospect, I don’t consider grad school a good place to look for startup co-founders.

The Zizians care so much about the environment and living creatures, they left behind this boat they used to live in to rust away and leak gas into the water for years:


About these North Carolina raids on Zizian properties:

FBI raids properties connected to 'Ziz' trans terror cult

Weeks after the murder of a border patrol agent that revealed a trans terror cell may be behind years of serial killings across the U.S., the FBI appears to finally be taking the group seriously. Watch my video to learn about the belated FBI raid in Chapel Hill, N.C. The militants are already gone.

I guess Andy Ngo doesn't know this, but I am sure the FBI knows who else is in North Carolina... this fucking troon: https://bsky.app/profile/margaret.bsky.social

The Joy of Anarchy: Eric Laursen in Conversation with Margaret Killjoy

A Conversation with Margaret Killjoy: Speculative Fiction, Punk Radicalization, and Anarchism

This is tranarchist Magpie Killjoy, ex-boyfriend of Laurie Penny, sci-fi author and far-left survivalist podcaster. I posted about him in the ContraPoints thread back when I was active on KF.

Now why would a bunch of murderous far-left troon cultists move to a region of the US where Magpie Killjoy already lives and operates? I am sure this convergence of extremist troons was just a coincidence...

This is Killjoy's latest substack blog entry:

I’ve been asked an awful lot, in the past couple weeks, some variation of the question “what the hell should we do?” I’m shy with answers, because, on some level, what do I know? I’m as lost in this shit as anyone else. If I look back on twenty years of protests, it feels sometimes like I’m looking back on a string of failures.

If he feels like his past protests were all a big failure... wouldn't he link up with a violent death cult to go out with a bang? It seems like the inevitable next step for someone like him.

He ends the blog entry with:

We’ll get through this by sharing seeds and hiding neighbors and blocking busses and not calling the cops on each other. We’ll get through this by conflict resolution and by accepting our own imperfections. We’ll get through this by recognizing that we all need a livable world and that fascism is a threat to every living creature on earth.

I think the Zizians knew where they were going when they went to NC. They knew they'd be in good hands here.
The Vegan Deterioration channel has a new video on the Zizians, specifically about one of the cult-members, Max Snyder, who has already been arrested and is on trial for killing the landlord: "I am not one of Ziz's friends and neither she nor her friends endorse me or my words as far as I know. I speak only for myself, as myself, for the sake of everyone."

Murder Suspect Motivated By Veganism? (The Zizians)

TLDR, Max has very likely been coached by Ziz to disassociate himself from the cult and to bullshit on and on about veganism and Yodkowsky instead to distract, confuse and misdirect.

Deepdive livestream into the Zizian cult including the live reading of several articles:

Cult leader Ziz apparently interned at NASA and Oracle before becoming a cult-leader:

This article that the Prof reads at the beginning of the stream is top notch and deserves to be read in full, amongst the best that I've read so far:

The affair has real “Manson Family” energy. It will likely end in an FBI tactical operation, with sensational charges filed against a dangerous cult leader who inspired devotion through fear and threats.

Ngo first reported the story at The Post Millennial and then The New York Post, where he noted that “Some trans activists online are pressuring people not to talk to authorities or journalists, and are cheering the killings.” LaSota, known to his followers as “Ziz,” clearly has a larger fandom than his seven named cult members known or suspected to be alive.
Along with three of his cult members, LaSota was arrested for felony conspiracy, misdemeanor obstruction, and false imprisonment. All the defendants used delaying tactics: demanding vegan attorneys, requesting a change of venue, accusing the judge of transphobia. Finally, LaSota faked his death through false reports of a fatal boating accident to escape the charges.

He has since been arrested twice, ducking justice each time by demanding hospitalization. Police released him after the attempted murder of Curtis Lind, allegedly because they did not want the headache of dealing with his request for an ER visit. LaSota was also arrested at a hotel with Michelle Zajko and a third associate, Daniel Blank, after the murder of Zajko’s parents in January 2023. However, LaSota escaped custody after he faked a health crisis and was taken to the hospital.

As we have seen in too many other criminal cases, these mens’ transgender identification has been a convenient means to abuse process, escape justice, and commit more felonies. Who even knows what other crimes LaSota has had them do on his behalf that may still be unknown?

LaSota’s “Sinceriously” blog includes extensive excuses for his failure to find a job. Not only was he cursed by bad luck and rich parents, LaSota complicated every aspect of his life by prioritizing his gender transition. Accounts of LaSota’s behavior speak to deep autism — and a frightening, feverish intensity that likely repelled potential employers. Every violent gnostic cult leader hates to work for a living and blames the fallen world for their misfortunes. He seems no exception.
LaSota “also writes, painfully and at length, about withdrawing from [his] family as a teenager, coming out as trans, feeling [his] own genitalia as ‘alien parasites,’ and avoiding sex and most physical contact because of deep-held feelings and anxieties about sex, consent, orientation, and gender writ large,” Jay Barmann writes at SFist. He cites this paragraph, to which I have added emphasis.

I’ve got a strong impulse to self-immolate rather than have sex after having my values forcibly modified by some hypothetical collective decision like that, lending moral legitimacy by allowing the civilization that did that, the ability to say, 'look things aren’t that bad you’re enjoying it'.

Nothing here will feel unfamiliar to the reader who has examined transgender ideology through a critical lens. LaSota seems to have dissociated from his sexed body before 2016, the height of the Tumblr era, and developed a post-sex, transhumanist philosophy for the very-online autist. His concern that adherents should not “eat the flesh of the innocent,” even while taking innocent lives, is a moral inversion. It is justified by the supposed threat of artificial intelligence, a world-destroying demiurge that only the Zizians can possibly stop.

Over the weekend, Mondegreen worried that executive orders signed by Donald Trump are worded too harshly, playing into the “phobia indoctrination” of a highly-radicalized population “that includes a lot of very vulnerable, psychologically unwell young people who've been told for years to expect a ‘trans genocide.’”

She has a point, but the Zizians were already acting out years ago. Just imagine what the next transgender death cult is getting up to, right now. Sooner or later, the legacy news media will be forced to report this story, or a story that is even worse, whereupon their audiences will at last confront the contradiction of preferred pronouns.

Why The Zizian Transgender Death Cult Could Be A Tipping Point
The story has everything we have learned to expect

The Vegan Deterioration channel has a new video on the Zizians, specifically about one of the cult-members, Max Snyder, who has already been arrested and is on trial for killing the landlord: "I am not one of Ziz's friends and neither she nor her friends endorse me or my words as far as I know. I speak only for myself, as myself, for the sake of everyone."

Murder Suspect Motivated By Veganism? (The Zizians)

TLDR, Max has very likely been coached by Ziz to disassociate himself from the cult and to bullshit on and on about veganism and Yodkowsky instead to distract, confuse and misdirect.

Deepdive livestream into the Zizian cult including the live reading of several articles:

Cult leader Ziz apparently interned at NASA and Oracle before becoming a cult-leader:

This article that the Prof reads at the beginning of the stream is top notch and deserves to be read in full, amongst the best that I've read so far:
Will have to be seen how much is inspired by veganism and how much due to brain malfunction from malnutrition.
Vegans themselves are making now videos about the Zizians, because let's face it, the Zizians use their veganism as part of their "rational" superiority to justify killing people who aren't vegans:

Angy Ngo has a video about cult-leader Ziz playing dead:

Is the leader of Trantifa terror cell dead?

No, of course not. He faked his death and was allowed to bail out even after he was arrested again. And now more people have been killed. Watch my latest video update into my investigation into the "Ziz" trans terror cult.

Holy shit, this is what the Zizian cult leader actually looks and sounds like IRL:

And people were actually swayed by this nerd?! Least charismatic cult leader ever. Only on the internet, and only with troons.

More mainstream news items:

How the "Zizian cult" started, and may have led to Vermont
More mainstream news about the Zizians:

AP: 'Zizians' lived in North Carolina before coming to Vermont

FBI search in NC tied to group accused in crimes in multiple states
BREAKING: Cult leader Ziz has been caught together with one of the cult members who is suspected of having murdered her parents to show her loyalty to Ziz.

BREAKING: Trantifa terror cult members caught​


At-large Trantifa terror cult leader Jack “Andrea” “Ziz” LaSota and his co-member Michelle J. Zajko have finally been arrested.

They were caught in Allegany County, Md. overnight on Feb. 16. Both of them were armed.

LaSota is held on suspicion of obstructing & hindering, trespassing private property and handgun in vehicle

Zajko is held on suspicion of obstructing & hindering, trespass private property, handgun in vehicle and resisting and interfering with an arrest

This story is finally being picked up by the mainstream news channels now:

Apparent leader of cultlike 'Zizian' group arrested in Maryland​

Two members of cultlike Zizian group arrested

Leader of Zizians arrested in Maryland; Group has been tied to death of Vermont Border Patrol agent

What in the Squeaky Fromme is this shit? 😂

You mean how does Michelle connect to Ziz and the cult? The theory is that Michelle killed his parents as some kind of loyalty check from Ziz, who wrote on his blog that cult-members need to break with their families. Presumably Michelle and Ziz were together in the hotel after the murder of Michelle's parents because Ziz effectively ordered the killings and they were trying to figure out how to cover up the crime. The other theory is that Michelle was helping Ziz build an arsenal while buying weapons for him, which is how weapons ended up being passed around amongst cult members who used them to commit crimes in different States. It was through these "common-use" weapons that a match was made between these different people operating in different States.
You mean how does Michelle connect to Ziz and the cult? The theory is that Michelle killed his parents as some kind of loyalty check from Ziz, who wrote on his blog that cult-members need to break with their families. Presumably Michelle and Ziz were together in the hotel after the murder of Michelle's parents because Ziz effectively ordered the killings and they were trying to figure out how to cover up the crime. The other theory is that Michelle was helping Ziz build an arsenal while buying weapons for him, which is how weapons ended up being passed around amongst cult members who used them to commit crimes in different States. It was through these "common-use" weapons that a match was made between these different people operating in different States.

So violent and aggressive. I guess no amount of estrogen in the world will ever take the man out of the woman 😂

Source video:

Friend of ‘Zizian’ suspect says cult members were preparing for violence | Elizabeth Vargas Reports

On Fox News:

‘Demonic’ killings linked to alleged transgender cult members

Slain couple's daughter arrested in Maryland; allegedly connected to cultlike group Zizians

Another video by Andy Ngo with more information on the arrest:

After years on the run after faking his death, the leader of the trans terror cult linked to six violent deaths was finally arrested on Feb. 16, 2025. How did the arrests happen and will a judge lower Jack "Ziz" LaSota's bail again? Watch my video to learn about how they were caught and what happened in court.
Guess who else made a video about the Zizians:

Transgender Vegan Cult! The Zizians Explained

I haven't seen a Tarl Warwick video in ages and he looks AWFUL. He honestly almost sounds more wasted than the Zizians. Damn has this guy become a wasted junkie since I last saw his content. He just says the same thing three times about blaming the cult on Donald Trump, which no one has done.