• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
So cool dude. If I were you I'd be really happy this forum will never get above 2,000 members also shoutout to any keffals people lurking, you clowned good on an unsalvageable group that needed to be eradicated. The ones here are straight up posting shit like this while posting lolicon. I would say they should kill themselves but it's not like you don't think about that all the time anyway.

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Great to see that this site is slowly turning into the cancer that killed KF.
You don't understand how the grown up world works. I know that sounds rude, but your logic of "Well, other people did it, and he did it before" is high school at best. You can't keep on fucking up and expecting it to get away with it. Yeah, he got away with some of it, but he kept on fucking up. Eventually people just fuck you off, right?

Lenny Bruce put it best...

"It's not about whether you can cut a piece of ass off... it's about whether you can cut a piece of ass off... with CLASS"

joshy has no class. He'd still be around if he hadn't been a prick. He's done all the shit to people that has been done to him BEFORE, he can't complain. He was warned, by everyone here, I imagine, I certainly quoted the relevant verses. He was read his rights. Fuck him. He's just as bad as the danger hair weirdos.

I note in your answer, you didn't mention whether you wanted joshy back.

Okay, you're right. I was being juvenile. Let me try applying some adult logic.

So Matthew Prince was pissed at Josh because he was a volatile, immature, control freak and shota consumer and the beef with Keffals was the last straw that motivated him to kick KiwiFarms from his DDoS mitigation service. As a PR move, instead of telling the public that Null was a contemptible personality who would read CP and threaten to kill/rape people, he instead went with using the excuse that KF was violent because of a fedpost that was obviously staged by Keffals or one of his supporters, and had to pull his services for the sake of public safety. Logic that, mind you, Prince doesn't use for ISIS or CP rings because they have intense lobbying to protect them or whatever.

When Josh set up a new domain for KiwiFarms in China, the Chinese DNS then decided to revoke services to Josh after a few days because the chinks started Googling him or something and found out about his tumultuous past. When Josh then switched to a host in Iceland, they did their research into Null and found out that he a-logs Ethan Ralph (Icelanders are big fans of the Killstream) and pulled their service for him as well.

To make matters worse, his postal service providers were Vordrak supporters which is why they canceled services to him. His attorneys are fans of PPP & Warski and blame Josh for Kino Casino episodes being delayed, so they decided to drop him as a client. And his LLC agent is an avid watcher of Chantal Sarault's food videos, so they decided to drop him as a customer, too. The fact that all of these people were being harassed by Keffals' supporters was just a coincidence, see. They always hated Null, recent events were just the tipping point that drove them to finally act. Null can't even order meat at his local deli anymore because the butcher never forgave him for banning Kinochet. Apparently everyone is just that in-tune with what goes on in the sektur, even in non-English-speaking countries.

Oh, and as an aside, it's a complete coincidence that Metokur got all of his Twitter alts banned when he started talking about Keffals, that Nick Rekieta got banned from YouTube when he started talking about Keffals, and that Destiny was getting slated for social media bans when he was talking about Keffals.

Well, hopefully I don't sound like a high schooler anymore. I'd hate to say something that's absolutely retarded.
The point I edited into my post remains the same. There are degenerates who have created rule 34 of the simpsons; so it's not beyond the imagination to think that there are people who sexualized Lisa's tribal dance in that episode. People's choice to project some kind of sexual connotation to a drawing which is not inherently sexual or pornographic doesn't magically turn that drawing into pornography.
There probably exist actual rule 34 drawings of the weebshit I posted, I wouldn't know. I also know that there are rule 34 drawings of lisa simpson. Other people's perversions are none of my business.

Keep in mind, I post weebshit and say cunny to spite Josh who banned Vetti for posting "cunny" in chat on a sock. That's gay as shit from king free speech.
Youtube show called Leg Hold Trap where the psi is adjusted for human participants, we see how long they can stay in there without passing out/ puking and how justified various countries are for banning those for animal victims.
felt relevant
I stated this earlier in here but its now offical. Poa.st is being targeted with ddos attacks and is down at this time due to kiwifarms turning it into there life raft. The tranny army continues its genocide of all josh fanboys. They march on through dilation stations and pronoun arguments. Unstoppable it seems. Keep an eye on all this @Sailfish for sure when joshs body is found hanging from a rafter they will turn there saron gaze on all “kiwifarms alternatives” im sure Rob on /cow/ is prepping the hatches.
Except for the fact that Keffals has an open invitation to state her case which she openly refused from what I heard. I picked HostGator because it will permit controversial content. It is known for this. Also, she does not have quite the same victim image she did when KF was dropped.
That's the character's costume in the show.
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They're dragon maids and I know that that sounds autistic and retarded and it is. My wife really liked the show and the one about the hamster chick.
Dragon maid was the last seasonal anime I looked foreword to watching every week as it was airing, also the last anime I watched seasonally. Shit was amazing.
Okay, you're right. I was being juvenile. Let me try applying some adult logic.

So Matthew Prince was pissed at Josh because he was a volatile, immature, control freak and shota consumer and the beef with Keffals was the last straw that motivated him to kick KiwiFarms from his DDoS mitigation service. As a PR move, instead of telling the public that Null was a contemptible personality who would read CP and threaten to kill/rape people, he instead went with using the excuse that KF was violent because of a fedpost that was obviously staged by Keffals or one of his supporters, and had to pull his services for the sake of public safety. Logic that, mind you, Prince doesn't use for ISIS or CP rings because they have intense lobbying to protect them or whatever.

When Josh set up a new domain for KiwiFarms in China, the Chinese DNS then decided to revoke services to Josh after a few days because the chinks started Googling him or something and found out about his tumultuous past. When Josh then switched to a host in Iceland, they did their research into Null and found out that he a-logs Ethan Ralph (Icelanders are big fans of the Killstream) and pulled their service for him as well.

To make matters worse, his postal service providers were Vordrak supporters which is why they canceled services to him. His attorneys are fans of PPP & Warski and blame Josh for Kino Casino episodes being delayed, so they decided to drop him as a client. And his LLC agent is an avid watcher of Chantal Sarault's food videos, so they decided to drop him as a customer, too. The fact that all of these people were being harassed by Keffals' supporters was just a coincidence, see. They always hated Null, recent events were just the tipping point that drove them to finally act. Null can't even order meat at his local deli anymore because the butcher never forgave him for banning Kinochet. Apparently everyone is just that in-tune with what goes on in the sektur, even in non-English-speaking countries.

Oh, and as an aside, it's a complete coincidence that Metokur got all of his Twitter alts banned when he started talking about Keffals, that Nick Rekieta got banned from YouTube when he started talking about Keffals, and that Destiny was getting slated for social media bans when he was talking about Keffals.

Well, hopefully I don't sound like a high schooler anymore. I'd hate to say something that's absolutely retarded.
your wall of text has nothing to do with joshy being a fuck up. Which is my point.

you can try as much as you want to cape for joshy, he still brought this on himself. Regardless of people's alts getting nix'd etc.
It cuts both ways. I bet if Josh were struck by lightning, you'd reason even that were somehow his fault.
You'll never get to make the bet, so it hat's a pointless statement. "It cuts both ways" doesn't really apply here.

As you have some problem with actually dealing with what I wrote, there isn't much point carrying on, is there? You seem to have a blind spot when it come to joshy, I can only guess to why that is.
If Josh ran outside during a lightning storm with a metal pan over his head, (which is kind of a metaphor for how he ran the site when you think about it) then yeah.
Leave it, he doesn't have the critical thinking skills.
If Josh ran outside during a lightning storm with a metal pan over his head, (which is kind of a metaphor for how he ran the site when you think about it) then yeah.

I'm not saying that Josh hasn't pissed off some people over the years and exacerbated the situation. But getting kicked off of services by people who, in all likelihood, don't know his history? Even getting kicked off of services in foreign countries where English isn't their first language, so they almost certainly don't know anything personal about him? Then getting kicked by even his LLC provider and mailing service? All at the same time a bunch of other internet personalities and archive sites, many much less controversial than Josh, were successfully getting deplatformed or bullied into compliance by the Keffals-led troon army?

I doubt Josh being a good boy would've helped in this situation. The troon mafia was mad that KiwiFarms hosted incriminating information about them, and wanted it scrubbed. Short of deleting Lucas Roberts' and other troons' threads and banning users from speaking negatively about them, I don't see how Josh could've saved himself from this. That goes for this site, too. If it became popular enough to fall into Keffals' crosshairs, I doubt you could argue your way out of getting attacked by pointing out that you never tugged your broke dick to neko shota porn.

The "metal pan over his head" isn't his past, at least not in this case, it's that he crossed the troons.

Leave it, he doesn't have the critical thinking skills.

You're right. I didn't have the galaxy brain to realize that the reason CloudFlare is willing to platform ISIS but not KiwiFarms is because ISIS has better lobbying power behind it.
Except for the fact that Keffals has an open invitation to state her case which she openly refused from what I heard. I picked HostGator because it will permit controversial content. It is known for this. Also, she does not have quite the same victim image she did when KF was dropped.
He. Stop playing along with the mentally ill faggots' game you coward.
So what exactly is to be done with kids who are experiencing gender dysphoria? What is your solution? Because I see what happens when parents tell them it's all in their head or outright abuse them, the dysphoria stays and the kid's life just gets worse and worse.

I'm sure you mean well in your intentions, people like you view yourselves as champions for the underdogs and misunderstood. But you are misguided and ignorant. Here's a few things to consider:

The human brain isn't fully developed until about 25 years of age, in particular this refers to the prefrontal cortex, which is our executive function and decision making organ.

Teenagers have a poor track record for understanding their own feelings and discerning what truly matters to them. Finding their own identity, fitting in to a group, while also finding a way to be a unique special individual are all competing goals. It is a time of great confusion, prone to flights of fancy.

This NY Post article elaborates on exactly what I'm talking about, interviewing a de-transitioned girl who regrets being encouraged down the path to transitioning by the LGBT crowd. Tumblr and certain areas of Reddit are echo chambers where vulnerable teens can find people who give them acceptance and encouragement to go down this path, even if they weren't initially inclined to do so.

For teen girls especially this is dangerous. Puberty for them can have its ups and downs, with having a period being a particular low point. I've heard stories of teen girls lamenting their frustration with their new menstruation cycle, only to be met with such comments as, "That's exactly how I felt and I realized I'm actually more comfortable as a male! You sound just like me!" and suddenly a seed is planted and instead of learning to grow in maturity as a woman, she is encouraged to take HRT and cause irreversible damage.

Now I'm not arguing that gender dysphoria is completely nonexistent, I do believe no two cases are alike. But you must see that this tremendous uptick we've seen in recent years is not all genuine. A significant portion, in my opinion the majority, of this is teen bullshit. Most experts don't recommend HRT and sex reassignment surgery at a young age. A lot of time after reaching adulthood and 'finding yourself' a bit more, the genuine gender dysphoria starts to be more distinct from this false kind.

The bottom line is enabling teenagers to circumvent this natural filtration of time, especially via the means of someone like Keffals where they even circumvent expert supervision, can lead to permanent regret.
I'm not saying that Josh hasn't pissed off some people over the years and exacerbated the situation. But getting kicked off of services by people who, in all likelihood, don't know his history?

Imagine you are a company trying to make a good name for yourself and suddenly get an army of people complaining about how you are supporting the alt right.

You google “Kiwifarms“ with every place like Wikipedia calling it the evil doxxing harrasing site with ties to the alt right, and your client “Joshua Moon” gleefully telling people to fuck off for legitimate concerns because nobody tells him what to do , and legit having racist and bigoted opinions.

Are you going to risk your company’s good name, and all your hard work, and success for him?

And again, I said, for him. Not free speech or whatever. Because you are making a company to make money not to promote free speech. If you were, you would have been an activist instead of selling internet services.

This is why reputation matters.

You and me know the farms are telling the truth about Keffals. But their reputation is so tainted nobody is going to take their word.

Every time they did research like this, the best they could do is hope someone that actually had good reputation would use their research for them.