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Suggestion Suggestion Box

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Can the live Reaction/Logo images be scaled down? The full sized spedestrian reactions are being linked on every page and its stealing the sites bandwidth. Its usually more of a hog than anything else.
I've resized all of them down to 69x69 since the bear computer sticker was already at that resolution.
The new :opeed: emote is an abomination and I suggest it be removed. I don't feel safe in a forum where that image can assault me at any given moment.
The organization of the Joshua Connor Moon sub forum confuses me. Why do we need a Joshua meltdown mega-thread? won't this all be included in the Main thread? Is @Vex's Thread going to be the Main thread? I think the way the sub forum is organized should have more thought put into it since its the most active place on this site.

I think the "lol Look at this" faggot thread should be moved out of the sub forum and expanded merged with other Kiwi Farms(KF)threads. The thread seems to just have too much overlap with other threads and no real purpose. I feel like a lot of the things that people talked about in their can just as easily fit in the general KF thread, Josh meltdown thread, ect. My thoughts are you can move it out of the Josh sub forum put it in the general sub forum and just expanded it to be about all sites not just KF to encourage people to hunt down content on a wide variety of sites. Right now the site main focus is KF but I doubt that this is sustainable so I think it would be better to try incentive people to go looking for content in different places.

@Kengle I think the sub forums and the sections are a mess. You are making sub forums for things that have no reason to have a sub forum and just finding small caveats to further split something into it own little section. I think you should take your time with @SIGSEGV and @cjöcker to look at the sub forums and threads slash the unnecessary ones and group similar ones to make the main page less bloated. While you guys do this you should stop yourself from making sub forums or deleting them until you guys have an actually structure that is visibly appealing. Keep in mind that the site doesn't have that much traffic so all these extra sub forums do is make the site look more of a ghost site than it already is.

Also I would like to suggest a Dark theme. The default theme works as a Proto dark theme but the different colors and bright ass font make it fucking annoying.

Edit: couple of other points
  • Turn off signatures. People have these long ass signatures that make the page annoying to scroll through.
  • Look into adding some front page board like KF has where announcements of big happening can be put
  • Make an extra chatroom for politics. Having political discussion in general chat should be a no no.
  • Move political sections and boards to the bottom of the site. The site main focus should be Lolcows so when structuring the main page they should always remain on top.
  • No more Admins. I think 2 is enough right now you should focus on finding good jannies for active sub forums and threads that need them. Have SIG and Cj focus more on helping the site overall rather than sweeping up (Granted there is very little top sweep up right now).
  • Start a TTS section for concerns and private matters that can't be handled in public like disputing bans.
  • If you don't have one start a thread or PM with SIG and CJ strictly for you guys to discuss further actions. You seemed to do a couple things and caused confusion like the themes being btfo's with the update. To avoid future porblems like this discuss your actions with your staff and weigh their opinions.
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I posted this in the cage but literally no one saw it there so
Since the cage is empty now, how about we put it to good use?
I propose that once a month, on the first, we have a poll to determine the most annoying user on the site. Whoever gets the most votes has to spend a month in the cage until a new resident is chosen. What do you think?
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He said he isn't planning on having people pay pig. I doubt will get any hidden payed places or are you talking about something that you don't have to pay for?
Something you don't pay for

Like KF has 3 hidden forums.
One for people who have an account older than 6 months and have atleast 50+ positive score
One for people who joined before Parkour Dude revealed he was a hoax
One for paypigs