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Public Figure - Niche RangerBoo / Paladinboo / Rebecca R Rheaume

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
I was just offering a friendly piece of advice. I only want notifications for posts that tag me but you do you. At least don't be a retard and give the spammer attention.

Of course I'm going to give them attention. Eventually that will draw them out and then I can make fun of them and piss them off. Or it won't and I get bored and just stop talking about it. Either way it either produces more of an opportunity for me to be a cunt.

Because you're stupid and don't know physics or because this is some gay little tik tok meme that 16-year-old boys know on Reddit that I'm not privy to?

I mean either way you lose again.
Of course I'm going to give them attention.
Yeah, derail the thread to talk about stickers like a moron 🙄
They'll surely stop doing things the easy way and use their words when you do that. Dumbass. Literally just ignore them or go be a newfag in another thread
Because you're stupid and don't know physics or because this is some gay little tik tok meme that 16-year-old boys know on Reddit that I'm not privy to?
It's a meme old enough to vote
Don't be that guy.
Use the weapons your enemies are willing to use 💅🏻
Yeah, derail the thread to talk about stickers like a moron 🙄
They'll surely stop doing things the easy way and use their words when you do that. Dumbass. Literally just ignore them or go be a newfag in another thread

Look motherfucker you invited me here to help you slap them around because you couldn't handle it on your own. Don't tell me to go elsewhere after you invited me in like a vampire.

It's a meme old enough to vote

But I'm supposed to know every meme on the internet? I'm sorry I have a tiny chiney hiney I like to stick my tongue in every so often.

Use the weapons your enemies are willing to use 💅🏻

So if she fucked a kid, you would fuck her kid as revenge? Poor logic is just poor logic. You don't have to do something gross just because a gross girl does something gross. You're better than that.
Anyway, back to it

Look motherfucker you invited me here to help you slap them around because you couldn't handle it on your own. Don't tell me to go elsewhere after you invited me in like a vampire.
She's threatening to call the internet police and have a restraining order served to a storage unit in parts unknown, I think I'm handling Babby Grill fine. Just thought you'd enjoy getting in the mix. I ain't trying to run you off, just don't fall for retard bait. As a prolific sticker spammer I get the motivation behind someone doing the bit. Just simmer down and don't be a dumb, there's no 3D chess move with derailing a thread I'm enjoying so you can sperg about stickers.
You don't have to do something gross just because a gross girl does something gross.
I have no issue with doxing unless it's someone I'm cool with. It's the online equivalent of gun violence, sometimes it's justified.
Any fucking way
Voldeboo, She Who Will Not Be Married