I mean you act like you were born with fetal alcohol syndrome so yeah checks out.]My dad never left for cigarettes. That would have been way too bold of an achievement. They were always right next to him on the table as he slowly smoked himself to death while watching TV. He didn't talk much. He didn't do much. When he died, nearly 100% of bone marrow in his had turned to cancer. It was a very short fight, but as they were trying to save his life they discovered that he'd been born with such bad fetal alcohol syndrome that a significant portion of his brain was just missing. It had never developed.
So like father like son a woman hating obsessed loserI think my father could have been a great man if his mother had not drank so much while he was in the womb.
And he could have taught me to be a great man. But him being such a complete failure taught me to never be what people like you are. NPC thinking would have killed me as a child. I never would have lived all around the world, I never would have had $3000 to blow on a vtuber in the first place if I had parents who tried.
This perfectly describes youI would have been a boring hateful moron, incapable of accepting new ideas and incapable of challenging my own thinking.
[/SPOILER]My father made me different and I love him for that. And I strive to be the man he never got the chance to be.
Daddy issues figures that explains a lot about you
Hi worthless Goon I see your still coping and seething.@kiwifails problem is that he's looking for someone to blame. He's a very angry person. And that's fine. That's a good thing. But he can't seem to recognize that the anger is coming from inside him. And so he can't channel it at anything worth while except finding someone to attack and blame for it.
It's no one's fault but your own that you're angry, @kiwifails. It doesn't have to be. You don't need an excuse or anyone to blame.
Always stay angry. Always, always, always stay enraged.