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Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

Because I'm not letting you get away with protecting a pedophile.

But you... You are the most angry person here trying to protect Zachary Willoughby.

Now why are you so angry, friend. What about this shit is so up your ass in particular. 🤔
Dude there's no pedophiles except for yourself perhaps you should spend less time online and work on your own demons dude.
Everyone accepts that Zachary Willoughby groomed and raped Pipkin Pippa at age 13. We've known that for three years now. It's the least controversial part of the dox. I'm seeing a lot of demons here and they sure as hell aren't on this side.
You know, I might be willing to let all of this slide and ignore it all, if your side wasn't CONSTANTLY doxing children to protect Pippa. You guys have doxed THREE KIDS SO FAR. So you can shove your high horse up your ass kiwifails. We're not going to stop talking about this.
I missed the raid it’s ogre was it good
I'm sure it was ineffectual and got swept, like all the other lame ops you guys run
We're going no where. Accept it now, or accept it later, but you will accept it.
We enjoy kicking you, Chase. We hope you stay
We're not going to stop talking about this.
I don't think anyone here cares if you tard loop about rabbits, you're just the bigger lolcow. Like I told you initially you'd be significantly better served if you properly socked and posted all this stuff on Kiwi Farms instead. This site has dozens of users, KF has thousands and the crossover is almost exclusively one sided since the Kiwis consider this to be the retard containment zone (they're not wrong)
I'm sure it was ineffectual and got swept
Even if it was, I hope he doesn't stop. See, unlike you, I support efforts to out pedophiles. 🤷🏻‍♂️
We enjoy kicking you, Chase. We hope you stay
I don't think even you think I'm Chase any more. But I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I have yet to feel kicked here, so I'm assuming at some point you will tucker yourself out, get tired of being a retard, and stop trying to protect a pedophile.
I don't think anyone here cares if you tard loop about rabbits
Or pedophiles! I know. You guys are here to protect Pippa, her groomer, and her pooner. You don't need to keep saying it. 😂

But KF has banned me twice so far for some pretty lame reasons. As much as I support Josh finally getting off his ass and saying whatever it is he clearly wants to say about Nicolette, his site is being run pretty badly. I think we all recognize it.
Trying to do a site like that with that much moderation is even worse than trying to do a site like this with no moderation.
You guys are here to protect Pippa, her groomer, and her pooner
Only one of those is an issue but you've yet to show proof that he did anything to Pippa.
I support efforts to out pedophiles
But you're completely ineffectual? You keep blabbering about this dude yet you've done nothing impactful.
No one uses this site and you're such a total sperg you can't even get a proper thread on her going at the site that actually draws real traffic.
Well, I'm glad after 65 pages of covering for him, you're pretending to be interested in us actually talking about the pedophile. It's progress.

Can we get a "Did we get this guy yet" check?
I don't know what this sassy catty fag shit is, so we're just going to move on.

Only one of those is an issue but you've yet to show proof that he did anything to Pippa.
According to their social media, they started a relationship together when she was at age 13. She moved in with him that year, and he changes his status to "Engaged". And then you have the constant bragging he did about banging Pippa which is what started the dox in the first place.

To say we haven't given proof is a lie and you know it's a lie.
But you're completely ineffectual? You keep blabbering about this dude yet you've done nothing impactful.
No one uses this site and you're such a total sperg you can't even get a proper thread on her going at the site that actually draws real traffic.
You go onto any site and there's twenty of you fags shouting "Chase!" and guarding for the pedophile. There's already a thread which draws real traffic covering this topic, along with here and the Sharties. Explain to me why you think that no talk about the pedophile on this thread is somehow being more impactful. Seems like that's the opposite of that, don't it.

You're not slick. You want us to shut up about the pedophile. We're not shutting up about the pedophile. Accept it now.

Or take a real long time to accept it and be a real cunt ass about it.

Only one of those is an issue
Her grifting off of her audience while lying about what she believes is very much an issue. Like why the fuck wouldn't it be?

See, this is why you guys come off like Pippa simps. Even shit that shouldn't be an issue to you is an issue to you.
To say we haven't given proof is a lie and you know it's a lie.
Do you think anyone actually reads entire threads? We don't even have a Next Highlight button. Repost this supposed proof you want everyone to read
You go onto any site and there's twenty of you fags shouting "Chase!"
Maybe Chase (you) should stop being such an obnoxious faggot that anything he (you) participates in gets derailed to fuck
You want us to shut up about the pedophile. We're not shutting up about the pedophile. Accept it now.
No schizo, no one here is trying to cover for him, I personally don't know anything about this story other than what you've said during your tard loops and rare lucid moments. There's no conspiracy, you're just a dumbfuck that actively prevents anyone from listening to you , because you're retarded and flailing
Her grifting off of her audience while lying about what she believes is very much an issue. Like why the fuck wouldn't it be?
Because it's an anime rabbit on YouTube. You're a dumb shit that thinks Ethan Ralph and Andy Warski are right wang thought leaders, so I can see why you're confused that someone would roll their eyes when you say you were lied to by a cartoon
Repost this supposed proof you want everyone to read
I'm happy to keep us on track.

Maybe Chase (you) should stop being such an obnoxious faggot that anything he (you) participates in gets derailed to fuck
Me: Let's talk about the pedophile.
You: WhY ArE YoU DeRaIlInG Us fRoM TaLkInG AbOuT ThE PeDoPhIlE, ChAsE???? YoU'Re rEtArDeD AnD FlAIlInG.

Even calling me Chase, because you think it's going to derail.

Like I said, not slick.
No schizo, no one here is trying to cover for him
Except you are. You are covering for him. And instead of listening when someone tells you "Hey, you're coving for a pedophile right now," you take issue with me. And you think this isn't making you look like a pedophile. Or you just don't care about looking like a pedophile.
So which is it? Do you think you don't look like a pedo right now, or do you just not care?

Because it's an anime rabbit on YouTube. You're a dumb shit that thinks Ethan Ralph and Andy Warski are right wang thought leaders, so I can see why you're confused that someone would roll their eyes when you say you were lied to by a cartoon
So sassy.
But everyone on this thread already agrees they are right wang... or wing (sorry, I'm straight). So what's the point in going on about this. Other than to derail.
And why the fuck would her being a vtuber matter to this conversation at all, pedophile?

The only thing I can see her being a vtuber does is create an army of simpy fags to cover up for her pedophile.
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I'm happy to keep us on track.

Me: Let's talk about the pedophile.
You: WhY ArE YoU DeRaIlInG Us fRoM TaLkInG AbOuT ThE PeDoPhIlE, ChAsE???? YoU'Re rEtArDeD AnD FlAIlInG.

Even calling me Chase, because you think it's going to derail.

Like I said, not slick.

Except you are. You are covering for him. And instead of listening when someone tells you "Hey, you're coving for a pedophile right now," you take issue with me. And you think this isn't making you look like a pedophile. Or you just don't care about looking like a pedophile.
So which is it? Do you think you don't look like a pedo right now, or do you just not care?

So sassy.
But everyone on this thread already agrees they are right wang... or wing (sorry, I'm straight). So what's the point in going on about this. Other than to derail.
And why the fuck would her being a vtuber matter to this conversation at all, pedophile?

The only thing I can see her being a vtuber does is create an army of simpy fags to cover up for her pedophile.
Nobody agreed with you on anything you fucking loser kill yourself
Well, you'd know about that.

Me, I mostly know about keeping us focused on Nicolette Pinder, her pooner, and her pedophile groomer who she gave a job in her company to.

We're different like that.