I'm happy to keep us on track.
Anotha' Ralphamale W in the books ladies and gentlemen.
Me: Let's talk about the pedophile.
You: WhY ArE YoU DeRaIlInG Us fRoM TaLkInG AbOuT ThE PeDoPhIlE, ChAsE???? YoU'Re rEtArDeD AnD FlAIlInG.
Even calling me Chase, because you think it's going to derail.
Like I said, not slick.
Except you are. You are covering for him. And instead of listening when someone tells you "Hey, you're coving for a pedophile right now," you take issue with me. And you think this isn't making you look like a pedophile. Or you just don't care about looking like a pedophile.
So which is it? Do you think you don't look like a pedo right now, or do you just not care?
So sassy.
But everyone on this thread already agrees they are right wang... or wing (sorry, I'm straight). So what's the point in going on about this. Other than to derail.
And why the fuck would her being a vtuber matter to this conversation at all, pedophile?
The only thing I can see her being a vtuber does is create an army of simpy fags to cover up for her pedophile.