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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Celebritysphere (Cowsphere) Nick Rekieta: Minnesota Lawyer (Joshua Moon's Legal Eagle)

Celebrities who are clearly lolcows
This is what a real friend is like and why Null never was Rekieta's friend and never had his best interest at heart. This man, who unlike Rekieta works professionally as a lawyer in his daily life, is realistic, patient but firm, while still offering Rekieta a helping hand.

Null just sucks other people into his vortex of chaos and ruin just to wring them dry and move on to the next willing sucker. PPP is a moron for shaking and making up with him.

"I want as many KiwiFarms assholes to identify themselves on my channel so I can block all of you", LMAO, that's the spirit!

She doubles down on blaming KiwiFarms for Rekieta and his wife becoming drug addicts:

Nope, sorry not sorry, it's not KF's fault he fucked his life up. Rekieta knowingly and intentionally pandered to an audience of far right judgemental trad-LARPers to grow his channel. He could've used KF as a source for lolsuit drama content without reaching out to a far right terrorism-glorifying grifter asshole like Null. This is what most Drama Channels on Youtube do: they use KiwiFarms as a source while disavowing any direct association with the owner or the community. That's how you do it when you're a smart Drama Channel, but Rekieta wanted direct access to KiwiFarms as a subscriber base, and we all know what happened next: the moment he got a mainstream audience and no longer felt beholden to Null or the Kiwis, they all turned against him like a possessive ex.

When Rekieta wanted to break free and move on from the far right cult of these rabid fundamentalist moral police crazies - after his Johnny Depp trial, when Rekieta got a more laid-back mainstream audience and realized he didn't have pander to far right crazies - he found out he couldn't move on, because the crazies were working to turn his new audience against him. This is why you should never pander to these people, or any other internet cult for that matter. Because these are crazy people who think they think they own you and that you owe them your perpetual loyalty.

Any Youtuber like Rekieta that actively courts KiwiFarms as an audience to grow their channel deserves what's coming to them. He should use his criminal prosecution for two heaping table-spoonfuls of cocaine as an impetus to turn his life around.
I never was a big fan of Nick. I liked his commentary on the law stuff. he seemed pretty knowledgeable things it was obvious from the good girls that well. They were drunk a lot because there was a lot alcohol around his desk. You seem to be an asshole to certain people and then he would get wild up about it but the latest news.
I mean, I heard him and his wife you know wanted do you know get spice up their love life at least that’s why I got .other stuff happened??? and then some other stuff happened and now drug charges.
I don’t really keep up with this person, but yes, he was really liked on kiwi farms until he started doing weird shit. unless there’s been evidence to say otherwise I don’t think the firms is involved with him getting drunk doing cocaine because they lost favor a while ago on the farms.
Any professional is better off not trying to have relationships with an online forum like KF. Rekieta was doozy with the e-fame trad daddy status that KF/pol/4chan bestowed on him, even though he has never been a particularly impressive lawyer. I still don't know what exactly he practices. In fact, just look at his linkedin profile, and his introduction says, "I tell people wrong for a living." Definitely not how you want to put yourself out there.

And just for easy reference: https://www.fox9.com/news/nick-rekieta-mn-lawyer-youtuber-facing-drug-charge
Nope, sorry not sorry, it's not KF's fault he fucked his life up.
Rekieta knowingly and intentionally pandered to an audience of far right judgemental trad-LARPers to grow his channel. He could've used KF as a source for lolsuit drama content without reaching out to a far right terrorism-glorifying grifter asshole like Null. This is what most Drama Channels on Youtube do: they use KiwiFarms as a source while disavowing any direct association with the owner or the community. That's how you do it when you're a smart Drama Channel, but Rekieta wanted direct access to KiwiFarms as a subscriber base, and we all know what happened next: the moment he got a mainstream audience and no longer felt beholden to Null or the Kiwis, they all turned against him like a possessive ex.

When Rekieta wanted to break free and move on from the far right cult of these rabid fundamentalist moral police crazies - after his Johnny Depp trial, when Rekieta got a more laid-back mainstream audience and realized he didn't have pander to far right crazies - he found out he couldn't move on, because the crazies were working to turn his new audience against him. This is why you should never pander to these people, or any other internet cult for that matter. Because these are crazy people who think they think they own you and that you owe them your perpetual loyalty.
Wow none of this touches upon his descent into hedonism and debauchery; a lot of words possessing zero substance.

This whole situation reminds me of this classic of American literature ny John Updike, only here it's set in the 2020 in the age of Livestreaming, LMAO:

There you go bitchez, didn't I say from the very start of this drama that the wife herself wanted this and she initiated all this polyfuckery stuff herself?

Swapsplaining: Aaron fell in love with Kayla Rekieta (May 26, 2024)

Swapsplaining: Aaron on the Imholtes opening their marriage to the Rekietas (May 27, 2024)

We're watching the Tarantino movie... and Kayla and April start making out.

Remember how Null denied this sexual agency on Kayla's forever? Null insisted that Kayla was manipulated into swinging by her husband, and that she really didn't want it and was only going along with it to please Nick. Here you have Kayla's own fuckboi fucktoy saying that Kayla herself wanted all this. Kayla herself wanted sexual experiences with another couple. Kayla herself initiated lesbian sex with April.

Null is an ignorant moron who has no idea what women are really like. Even after two of his favourite women coming out as lesbians, Null refuses to see the facts for what they are: women want to have sexual experiences and adventures out of their own volition, and really don't need to be manipulated into it by their husbands. And yes, like men, women too will happily risk their marriages and neglect their marital duties just for the sake of giving into their sexual degeneracy. Especially when there are drugs involved.

Gotta LMAO Kayla claiming her degeneracy was just to please Nick, saying shit like, "I was just being the woman he expected me to be":

That's just some convenient disavowal of personal responsibility and agency through an appeal to traditional gender roles. If Kayla really gave a shit about traditional gender roles, she would've fed her children properly and spent her time cleaning their pigstry of a house instead of making out with her fuckboy's ex-wife. Female trad-LARPers blame everything on their men so they themselves never have to owe up to their behaviour and actually grow up. Everything is "I was just pleasing daddy" with them, which is just the feminine version of "Befehl ist Befehl".

Just STFU Kayla, you're a fucking drug addict and a degenerate just like your fucking husband. You could've said no to him at any time. He didn't put a gun to your head and force you to fuck Aaron. He never forced you to take drugs. You did. You decided drugs and home-wrecking were more important to you than feeding your own children.

If you listen to what Aaron says in these clips from Kino Casino, Kayla's silly "just pleasing daddy" alibi falls to pieces. It's very clear from Aaron's side of the story that his extramarital relationship to Kayla was something she herself wanted and initiated, something that made Kayla so happy that even Nick told Aaron: "I've never seen Kayla like this in years!", it was a relationship that Kayla kept going even and despite Nick's jealousy, and eventually broke off on her own. Kayla had personal agency throughout the relationship.

Again, this whole sitution in terrible, especially because there are children involved who are on the verge of losing their parents, but, NGL, this part did make me LMAO:


"Nick is a pretty slippery dude, he only operates on encrypted app", you mean just like Null does? Who was chatting with Nick on Signal, and telling Kiwis he will only allow someone to message him on Signal if he considered them part of his inner circle, otherwise they had to go through Telegram to get through to him?

"Do you guys have the Signal app on your phone?", again, it was probably Null who told Nick to get on Signal and convinced him that as long he used disappearing messages, he could openly discuss his drug abuse on Signal without those messages ever coming back to bite him down the line... or so Nick thought, because Aaron confirmed he has screengrabbed as many of his Signal exchanges with Nick, and is willing to hand them over to LE when he testifies against Nick:

LMAO, I bet it was Null who asked Nick that question first!

Remember, this was the supposedly picture-perfect superstraight trad-LARPing marriage that Null was using as a shield to hide behind so he could perpetrate his own trad-LARP, by being trad-by-association to the Rekietas:

Tell me again how superstraight trad-LARPers have it so much more together and are so much happier in their marriages than gay people, LMAO!

What he describes here "going into a laundry list of physical descriptives" and then ending it with "Why don't you do the whole world a favour and kill yourself", that's what Null always does when he's angry at someone, Nick was copying Null here:

"Nick throws a fit when you don't buy into what he wants all the time", again, VERY Null behaviour:

Null is like this too, he too thinks he's a fucking clergy man hiding behind his trad-LARP that no one can actually fact-check:

This is Null too BTW:

"Do I think Nick is actually religious? No. I don't think he holds any of the tenets of faith. Do I think Nick believes he is? 100%. I think he believes it."

I just love watching these videos of superstraight trad-LARPers demonstrating over and over how much more together they have it than gay people and how picture-perfect their family values compliant lives are, LMAOOO:

Nothing to see here folks, just straight people being superstraight, LMAOOO!

I agree with PPP, when you sign up for the superstraight trad-LARP, either LARP it all the way or GTFO: "When it comes to these decisions in life, there is no refund. You're an adult man, a grown ass man, an educated man. When you take on these roles, and start snorting snow, you can't be surprised when there are consequences for that."

PPP: "Kayla was manipulating Aaron so Rekieta could fuck his wife"

Warski who has actually met Kayla confirms she was always very flirty, not just with him but with every man she was able to get close to.