Celebritysphere (Lolcow) Nick Rekieta: Minnesota Lawyer (Joshua Moon's Legal Eagle)

Celebrities who are clearly lolcows
Does anyone have that clip in which Nick Rikieta dresses up as a trap with programmer socks and everything and starts to make weeb jokes?

I remember that Null at one point commented on it on his podcast MATI and then went on to rant about anime.
Found the other sex tape.
Interesting Google Reviews so far about him being a great lawyer and all that when none of them have given any reviews in his home state.

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Richard Hoeg is an associate of Nick Rekieta but he himself does not appear to be a lolcow.
Hoeg Law is a business law firm in Northville Michigan. He has some pretty solid credentials and reviews compared to Nick Rekieta. From his website, he deals with business law in terms of startups, acquisitions, private capital funding and other related subjects but does not deal with business litigation (lawsuits). Hoeg Law runs a program called Virtual Legality on YouTube.
He did a livestream video with Nick Rekieta on Rumble and YouTube.

His website Hoeg Law

Business Address
The Hoeg Law Firm, PLLC
200 N. Center St., Second Floor
Northville, Michigan 48167

Wikipedia on Northville, MI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northville,_Michigan
Google Reviews: https://www.google.com/maps/place/T...491ebe!8m2!3d42.4323335!4d-83.4831136!9m1!1b1
Facebook: Hoeg Law
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hoeg_law/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoegLaw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HoegLaw/featured
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I watched this funny video and so should you: DuncanMacLeod @DuncanCantDie is a complete retard who got dunked on by a small-town Minnesota lawyer after publicly saying he wanted Nick to be banned from YouTube and disbarred from practicing law and invited himself over to his channel.

Nick is also acting like a complete clown so there's no losing here even if you hate both sides!

I've found at least 5 other small and mid-sized YouTubers react to the original full stream - usually in favor of Nick from what I saw.

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Rickets has been interviewed on Louder With Crowder. And he didn't have to speak to Crowder. Everything is coming up Nicky. He's no Half Asian Bill, tho.
About 50mins in.
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This guy really hates Nick Rekieta
YouTube: http://Youtube.com/Vito
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VitoGesualdi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheVitoShow
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheVitoShow
Merchandise: https://killdozer.industries/

Nick is a Fake Lawyer According to Vito
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He is all over Kiwifarms as well: This is only a small listing of him being mentioned

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we need a vito thread even kiwi lacks one how has this wetback pedo escaped the wrath of us for so long