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Who can be a part of our community? All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us. Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't. We're here for you and always will be.

If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

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Suggestion Minor Technical Issues/bugs

@OnionNull what's the current file size limit for attachments? I was trying to upload a 1.5 MiB image just a moment ago and it's saying that it's too large.
The Nnaji thread has a big block when I scroll past it. There is nothing in it and when I click it there is no page.
The full size versions of thumbnailed images cannot be viewed by guests. Clicking on thumbnails sends you to a login page with "You must be logged-in to do that" above the login form.

This keeps happening when I try to post something in the Tech Board. I tried a few other places and can post just fine.
Suddenly was forced into two step verification?
(luckily I could use my email, but it took time to get into my inbox)
No dark theme. Very serious issue.
Free dark theme for all: (install Stylus to use)
Yes there is a darker version. Go to your little avatar at the top and click on it. You will see a menu below it. Click on preferences. When you get to the preferences box, click on Styles and select UI.X Material and you will get to the darker style.
Default theme is great, but I was taking a glance at the other themes (we should probably have a designated dark theme eventually after all) and UI X Material has the logo extremely stretched out.

ui x.png
I'm unsure if it's related to the GoDaddy issue, but occasionally when I switch pages it tells me I have a notification with the red bubble and then the bubble goes away after the page fully loads. There is also no new notifications when I check it.

It may just be a niche issue though.
I'm unsure if it's related to the GoDaddy issue, but occasionally when I switch pages it tells me I have a notification with the red bubble and then the bubble goes away after the page fully loads. There is also no new notifications when I check it.

It may just be a niche issue though.
It only happens if you have unread notifications. It’s actually very handy.