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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Message to Raiding BP Legbeards

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Yes, and not being rude or anything. On Friday night/Saturday morning (depending on where you live), an account that was obviously JambledUpWords started to try and start shit. Some of us immediately recognized it was her from past experience, posted her pic dox, and shut it down. Then the Freya thread was started and was obviously raided either by JUW's socks or other people from the BP just being assmad that OF gives banned users like me and PalidinBoo a place to post. Freya posting here was some last straw for them or something. Got me.
Oh so that's what this thread is about. I'll just watch the show.
This doesn't surprise me. Daniel Lopez has on many occasions had outbursts that seemingly come out of nowhere. It's clear he's got some serious unmitigated mental problems in addition to being a pedophile.
He will baselessly call people pedophiles while defending Issac aka dark ninja who has a CPS case for child sex abuse. There is a thread about it on this site.
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If I have to waste time thinking about it, I just imagine a 300lb Thot-to looking legbeard with lots of failed relationships because they are insane. Of course that is always the man's fault and I am a nigger that dinna do nuffin. But generally, Lidl, I really don't care about you enough to dox you. I just have other things to do with my time than waste it on you.
I couldn't imagine caring about the opinions of internet people. But there's nothing to reset, I am well know and well loved. You've been leading my fan club for months, so you know thos
take a picture of yourself logged as Odd Opossum in KF with your ban message then.
if you cant then that settles it
take a picture of yourself logged as Odd Opossum in KF with your ban message then.
if you cant then that settles it
I used a randomly generated password for my login on that account and have since deleted it from my password vault. I could always click inspect element and make the page say whatever though if you like. I'm sure that piece of "evidence" would work on someone as smart as you
take a picture of yourself logged as Odd Opossum in KF with your ban message then.
if you cant then that settles it
I wonder what's causing him to lose it like this. He had no problem facedoxing and using his real name before he "left".
I used a randomly generated password for my login on that account and have since deleted it from my password vault. I could always click inspect element and make the page say whatever though if you like. I'm sure that piece of "evidence" would work on someone as smart as you
sure. whatever you say hackerchan.
do it then faggot
I wonder what's causing him to lose it like this
Interesting. You think the guy who has made hundreds of socks across both Farms allegedly making a new sock to presumably ban evade is a total meltdown?
He should share some of his lithium with you
We really need a thread on this guy.
I liked the part where he carved Elaine's name into his legs to apologize for making fun of her
Interesting. You think the guy who has made hundreds of socks across both Farms allegedly making a new sock to presumably ban evade is a total meltdown?
He should share some of his lithium with you

I liked the part where he carved Elaine's name into his legs to apologize for making fun of her
This is just your gay diary.