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All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Kiwifarms may disable registration. We don't.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

  • The Ashley forums have been merged
  • Posts from the Public Figure Miscellaneous forum have been merged into the Public Figure forum
  • The Lounge and Hot Tub has been merged into the Pure Autism and Chaos Forum (Fomerly Bullshit and Lowlife Forum)
  • All threads in the Yoga Studio have been moved to the Public Figure Forum
  • All threads from the Q and A forum have now been merged into the Pure Autism and Chaos Forum
  • Lounge96 has been merged into The Great Ashley Forum
  • All of the threads in the Funhouse Assorted Topics and Memes forum have been moved to Funhouse with Hot Buttered Popcorn

Merch Ideas and Rough Drafting

Is this better?

I saved the Kiwifarms General Thread Deletion.png
No. I know this is a dick move but I don't want to "push the envelope" insofar as printify is concerned. Poking fun at Kiwifarms is probably okay as long as we don't turn into a "kiwifarms" from Printify's perspective.

Personal opinion I don't even think we should acknowledge those chicken shits at KF. We are doing our own thing... Why do we need to harp on them?
Personal opinion I don't even think we should acknowledge those chicken shits at KF. We are doing our own thing... Why do we need to harp on them?
Well... because Joshua Moon and the Kiwifarms is our biggest draw and the overwhelming majority of the people here are from the Kiwifarms community. We are already, doing our own thing. You bring up a good point. However if you are looking to culturally distance ourselves from kiwifarms, that is going to depend on the degree of interest in alternate threads and the success we have in attracting new people from outside the KF Community.
Well... because Joshua Moon and the Kiwifarms is our biggest draw and the overwhelming majority of the people here are from the Kiwifarms community. We are already, doing our own thing. You bring up a good point. However if you are looking to culturally distance ourselves from kiwifarms, that is going to depend on the degree of interest in alternate threads and the success we have in attracting new people from outside the KF Community.
I understand that I'm relatively new here, but in my humble opinion I think that our connection to Nulls gay site should start and end with "we are the bullies that were too cruel for Kiwi Farms" 😂
Making fun of Kiwis opens the market to people who will spend money just to shit on KF. But overdoing it isn't fun either. Just enough of a jab at their expense, enough to make even basic bitches consider purchasing just because the design is decent and the message is funny.
Well... because Joshua Moon and the Kiwifarms is our biggest draw and the overwhelming majority of the people here are from the Kiwifarms community. We are already, doing our own thing. You bring up a good point. However if you are looking to culturally distance ourselves from kiwifarms, that is going to depend on the degree of interest in alternate threads and the success we have in attracting new people from outside the KF Community.
Have the news and general discussion here not separate
Making fun of Kiwis opens the market to people who will spend money just to shit on KF. But overdoing it isn't fun either. Just enough of a jab at their expense, enough to make even basic bitches consider purchasing just because the design is decent and the message is funny.

I could go for it if it was a subtle job like "onions taste better than kiwis" or something for that effect. But I honestly don't think we should stroke Nulls ego by making merchandise about how much we hate him.

Also on an unrelated note my shirt is due to arrive on April 30th so @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt you really went with a company that ships their shit QUICK!
Making fun of Kiwis opens the market to people who will spend money just to shit on KF. But overdoing it isn't fun either. Just enough of a jab at their expense, enough to make even basic bitches consider purchasing just because the design is decent and the message is funny.

I double posted the same thing on accident.

Have some Hathaway
