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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
An Onion Among Onions

Maya Vivian Strange aka Vivian Strong aka Vivian Zelda Strong aka Dorian Strong aka Dorian Zelda Strong aka Voltairine de Guerre aka Laura Tyler/TyLaura - rapey millennial tranarchist with a severe case of Palestine Derangement Syndrome - abused psychedelics & developed schizophrenia - was in a GAMP relationship with an older AGP transwoman who trooned him out his early 20s - claims to have grown up "in a Christian cult" - identifies fully with Aaron Bushnell (US airman who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in 2024) - claims to have written countless of screenplays that will never be made into actual films - got fired from his job scanning tickets at a film theater - launched his OnlyFans career because he can't pay rent & has to skip meals, but still keeps smoking and doing drugs - 2024: Vivian Strange has been exposed as an abusive gaslighting rapey sex pest by 4 different Youtubers

Update: Vivian has created a secret alt account on Letterboxd, "Laura Tyler" aka "TyLaura", that he uses to re-follow Youtubers who have already stated they want nothing to do with him.

Update: Youtuber Ali Nahdee cuts all ties with Vivian Strange after being contacted by Sarah from The Leftist Cooks about the Google Doc: "I am furious. I am angry. I am cutting ties forever.", "You broke my fucking heart Vivian. I believed in you. I thought you believed in me. This is devastating."


Update: Vivian Strange responds to his accusers: "NOT GUILTY", reads Hot Allostatic Load.


Update: Four Youtubers allegedly victimized by Vivian Strange post a Google Doc of their testimonies with detailed, specific allegations - "She [Vivian] has spread defamatory, deceitful, misleading, and personal (mis)information about us in private and public settings to soften public perception of her repeated offenses of inappropriate conduct including but not limited to predatory behavior, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, voyeurism, sexual coercion, and sexual assault."


Update: Serafina and Vivian Strange's latest GoFundMe grift: "We're getting married!"


Vivian's boyfriend Serafina on the new GoFundMe page admits that the $11k previously raised on GoFundMe in the summer of 2024 (on the basis of a lie about being on the verge of imminent eviction and homelessness) was instead spent on... things and stuff: "the previous donations went almost entirely to food, bills, and clothing for Job Interviews."

PDS will ruin your life/Burning all bridges update 2: Vivian Strange destroys his friendship with Youtube/Nebula video essayist Lola Sebastian for the sake of his Palestine Derangement Syndrome. Lola Sebastian nukes her Instagram account with all the pictures of her and Vivian Strange together during happier times.

PDS will ruin your life/Burning all bridges update 1: Vivian "I'm hotAF, I'd fuck me" Strange destroys his friendship with GenderWeird podcast co-host Jane Brown/Jane Evelyn, cancels the podcast. Are Vivian and Jane cockblocking one another because Vivian was meant to make an experimental porno short with Jane's NB, Elaine Fuentes aka @mondayLover24?


Original OP follows:


Vivian Strange is an Appalachian mountain troon from Boone, North Carolina. He is 29 years old as of 2024, so that means he was born in 1995. Despite being heterosexual and only interested in women, claiming to have have dated many and been very promiscuous as a teenager and adolescent, Vivian trooned out at the age of 21, which would technically make him an "early transitioner" but given his heterosexuality ("In college, I was pansexual on paper, I never got with any guys") I think it's obvious he's more of the "autistic AGP" troon type. Vivian, like most troons, has claimed to have a number of different mental illnesses - including autism and schizophrenia from psychedelics drug abuse - so who knows what his original afflication was. He claims to have many siblings, including a 15 year old sister, but claims his parents were neglectful of him. He also claims he was "raised as an Evangelical Christian".


As an adolescent man called "Dorian Strong", Vivian went to the Appalachian State University to study English literature and film, and actually got to visit England and the birthplace of Shakespeare in the summer of 2015. This cultural trip to the Anglo motherland did not enlighten Vivian in any way. It was during that trip to the UK that Vivian first admitted to his gay drama teacher that he wanted to troon out. (This is really interesting because Nyk/ContraPoints too decided to troon out after he visisted England with his brother and his gilfriend. Amerimutts clearly cannot handle the culture shock of seeing England IRL, visiting their ancestral lands apparently really fucks with them.)

Dreaming of Dori (my 2016 unreleased short film)


Vivian only barely managed to escape a suicidal contagion wave amongst the student population at the Appalachian University, which led to 9 students taking their own lives in 2015. It's likely that Vivian realized that the only way he could escape this dreadful environment was to troon out and find a "transmom" on the internet willing to take him in (a "transmom" is an older AGP groomer whose fetish is to make younger boys troon out). That "transmom" was a man Vivian calls "Laura", who brought Vivian out to the West Coast. ("[He] was older than I was by 6 years") Vivian claims he spent 3 wild years with "Laura", but he doesn't explain what happened thereafter. He claims he was homeless at some point, but he also claims he joined a trannie sex cult that raped him and left him with "boatloads of sexual trauma".

Vivian's Cinephilia and Hollywood Dream Deferred: "The scripts I've written are a bit ambitious"

Vivian is a cinephile with a Letterboxd account full of film reviews of all the LGBT movies he has been gooning to with his fellow cinephile troons. While in school studying film and literature, Vivian dreamed of becoming an "artsy queer filmmaker" so he could change the system from within:

Should Leftists Read Theory?

Just like every waitress is "really an actress", Vivian who buts your tickets at a cinemaplex is really a genius screenwriter, who has been writing screenplays that will never be made into movies for the past decade:

Vivian Strange's Cherry Stream - It's My First Time Streaming, AMA!!!

But then Vivian Strange realized that making films actually takes a lot of work and money, and since he's a lazy impoverished troon he gave up on his film-making dream before he even started. Instead of making any actual films, Vivian did drugs and spent his days writing long screenplays that will never see the light of day:

"I wrote a shitload of scripts, and most of them are really fucking good, if I may say so myself... there is no situation in which I'd ever make them."


Probably as a result of his failed film career, Vivian seems to habour a lot of resentment towards bigger trans Youtubers who actually went on to make films, like PhilosophyTube and Mia Mulder.

Vivian claims to have worked as an usher scanning tickets at big and small cinemas for over 10 years. He also claims to have "worked with children" - which is definitely alarming given his many public comments in favour of pedophilia, incest, EPE (early porn exposure) and pediatric transitioning - but didn't elaborate on the kind of work he did with children. I guess pouring their popcorn into a can at the canteen qualifies for "working with children" when you're a troon who allowed anywhere near children despite openly advocating for pedophilia, EPE, incest and pediatric transitions.

Pro-pedophilia/pro-incest comments

Vivian claims that there is nothing wrong with EPE or Early Porn Exposure, despite countless of studies documenting how EPE harms the sexual developement of children in multiple enduring ways. Vivian claims that children should watch the 1975 movie Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom by the late gay Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini (who was murdered by his own gay hooker) as part of their sex education.

Salo is an extremely graphic violent movie about fascist elites in Italy basically raping their sex slaves to death. The movie features multiple graphic rape and snuff scenes, with people being tortured and killed indiscriminately. This movie is clearly unsuitable to children, but Vivian insists children should watch it anyway. On his Letterboxd account, Vivian brags about making his 15 year old sister watch the 1970s Czech softcore movie Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, which features a 13 year old girl naked.

Vivian made a Youtube video denying that the 2023 movie Poor Things by Yorgos Lanthimos has a "kiddie porn plot", despite many viewers immediately recognizing that the movie was trying to Trojan-horse pedophilia and misogyny into a mainstream Hollywood movie. In response to a scene where a father has sex with a prostitute in front of his twin sons at a brothel, Vivian said that it's better for parents to have sex in front of their children as a form of sex education. On a subsequent "Postpartum" Livestream following his Poor Things review, Vivian defended incest saying that there is nothing morally wrong with it. Vivian also tried to justify incest by pointing out that it's one of the most popular porn search terms, as if that justifies anything.

Original post:

I found a new political lolcow to laugh at!

Everyone, meet "Vivian Strange"/"Maya V. Strange", a millennial tranarchist military brat of a troon with severe PDS (Palestine Derangement Syndrome).

This here is PDS, Palestine Derangement Syndrome, made 10 times more severe by HRT frying his brain:

"I will never stop talking about Palestine... BTW, here's my Marquis de Sade video, even more incendiary and blasphemous than the first! Here's my OnlyFans with my t-porn! Gotta buy smokes, it's cheaper than food."

Vivian Strange's far-left anarchist extremism: anarchists have infiltrated the US establishment and they will "unalive the US government" from within

Vivian Strange claims that Bushnell - the service man who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. - was himself a far-left extremist anarchist and was watching other anarchist Youtubers before he committed sudoku:

Vivian: "more soldiers should die", so he openly states he wants more copy-cats of Bushnell.

Vivian claims that he and other anarchists have been going through Bushnell's posting history on Reddit and discovered he was posting anarchist content from Youtube. Here he reads one of Bushnell's posts on Reddit, where he references an anarchist Youtuber he was watching:

This is Andrewism, the far-left Youtuber that Bushnell was allegedly watching who radicalized him:

Vivian claims that since Bushnell was already watching Andrewism and got radicalized by Youtube Anarchism, he inevitably must've stumbled onto Vivian's videos as well. No actual proof of this, but Vivian is very excited at the prospect of potentially reducing his degrees of separation from Bushnell.

Here Vivian says that he basically wants anarchist members of the US military to "unalive the US government":

"We're anarchists, we're everywhere", claiming anarchists have infiltrated the US government:

"As an anarchist it's good to know what we have operatives behind enemy lines, we do have insiders."

Here he's advocating for hackers to commit acts of digital sabotage and digital warfare against the US:

"Extremism is not something we need to be afraid of", remember, he is saying this shit openly on Youtube, if I didn't know that this is a PDS troon crazed by HRT I'd assume he was an agent provocateur "glowie" or something like that:

Back when I was on KF, I posted fucking dozens of these clips of far-left anarchists telling on themselves in the BreadTube thread, trying to show people there what these far left people were saying and doing, in their own words, in their own videos. This man here isn't a glowie, he's a far left accelerationist who literally believes everything he's saying.

Why is Vivian Strange like this? Growing up as a military brat on a German US military base, while suffering EPE (Early Porn Exposure)

Vivian claims that when he was a kid, his dad was stationed at an American military base in Germany, but that the base was set up in such a way that no one ever had to venture outside the base:

He admits he's a victim of EPE (early porn exposure) and has basically been pornsick his whole life: "I was watching porn before I was watching rated R movies."

This story about living on a German military base is really interesting to me, because Bardfinn had told a similar bullshit story about how he was groomed from the age 14 to be a spy in East Germany. I wonder if Viv has made up a similarly crazy origin story for himself.

I'm not gonna link to his social media account because I checked his Instagram and it had a picture of him showing off his moobs with a bra on, so you can guess what his other social are like if he can't stop himself from being exhibitionist on Instagram. I checked his Letterboxd account to see which movies he has been watching, and every other movie in his list was a blue movie. Only once (that I could see) did Vivian take some time off from his Goon-O-Rama to watch a documentary about Palestine.

The creepy Letterboxd film review mentioning his 14 year old sister

Vivian is 30 year old millennial, as of this time of writing, but he apparently has a much younger 14 year old sister.
Here's what Vivian posted about his younger sister in a Letterboxd film review:


This is the 1970 Czech movie Vivian made his 14 year old sister watch together with him while she was suffering from menstrual cramps:


Why are troons always like this?


His (lesser known) social media accounts/pages:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vivian.z.strange

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Lady_V_Strange/
Edit: Also used the account https://www.reddit.com/user/DorianZelda21/ to post his YT videos pretending someone else is posting them

IMDB entry for a "Dorian Zelda Strong": https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8738408/

Vivian Zelda Strong (Director, Screenwriter, Script Supervisor): https://catalystfilmcollective.org/author/vivianzelda/

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user132618786
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I see Vivian's OnlyFans simps have already shown up here to defend their favourite t-porn performer & their favourite Palestinian terrorist group.
Funny how the one always goes together with the other in far-left extremist tranarchism.

I think Vivian's OnlyFans simps should follow the example of Bushnell, because only then will they ever win the respect of their favourite porn troonie.
I see Vivian's OnlyFans simps have already shown up here to defend their favourite t-porn performer & their favourite Palestinian terrorist group.
Funny how the one always goes together with the other in far-left extremist tranarchism.

I think Vivian's OnlyFans simps should follow the example of Bushnell, because only then will they ever win the respect of their favourite porn troonie.
I don't know who any of those people are but Bushnell was an anarchist, he stated as much. He died heroically to keep from being shipped to Israel to kill more children while you're going to die obsessing about losers on the internet. So stuff "Palestinian derangement syndrome" up your ass.
I see Vivian's OnlyFans simps have already shown up here to defend their favourite t-porn performer & their favourite Palestinian terrorist group.
Funny how the one always goes together with the other in far-left extremist tranarchism.

I think Vivian's OnlyFans simps should follow the example of Bushnell, because only then will they ever win the respect of their favourite porn troonie.
kill yourself retard
Possible, but until the sexual threats against Fnaarf, it's X from me. Be honest... it could be so many people from BP. Gays... just rubs people up the wrong way.
Maybe, the account did go after VAIDS victim. I figured it was just her getting around to others like she eventually did me. Her bpd could have made her turn on gays for not noticing her is my first assumption.

But there is a chance of it being a random kiwi, which would make it even more funny if his account got merged with hers.
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This is Vivian's 7 Year Transition Livestream:

May 16th marks seven years that I've been on hormones and out as a trans woman! Come celebrate my special day with me! AMA!

"I am attracted to men"
, but he calls himself a lesbian?
Naw bitch, you're an AGP, I don't give a shit that you trooned out at 22, it's obvious you're a hon.

"I never got with guys, I never dated any guys, at all"

He claims he went to nameless college where the mental healthcare offered to students was so bad that 9 students committed suicide over the period he was there:

GAMP to AGP pipeline confirmed: he dated an older troon that he came out to a trans, who was his transmom for three year:

"The [transgender] circles that I was in were the hypersexual, polyamorous"
, you say:

He was reading about Power Feminism on Tumblr because he wanted to be "a good feminist, because all the girls I liked, they were feminists":

Explaining PDS or Palestine Derangement Syndrome and why self-admitted schizo troon Vivian represents a severe case of PDS on Youtube:


Slide obtained from this Livestream interview (warning! This is an interview between two feminist Hamas apologists)

Here's how the Palestine Derangement Syndrome started with Vivian. This is him on his 29th birthday talking about "the genocide in Palestine", when the war had only been going on for 3 days at that point:

He's literally asked why he supports Palestinians knowing that they're Islamists who would kill him on the spot if he went to Ghaza and showed them his degenerate OnlyFans account:

Here's Vivian expressing his Palestine Derangement Syndrome on Letterboxd in a film review:

"There were no such thing as Palestinians...they did not exist."
- Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, 1969-1974

"There is no more Palestine. Finished..."
- Moshe Dayan, Israeli Minister of Defense, 1967-1974

This film is from 50 years ago. The same genocide is still taking place today, in 2024.

And in 2024, just as in 1974, Palestine and its people very much do exist. And they will continue to exist fifty years from now, when Israel's occupation is ended and the Israeli state is destroyed.

Palestinians have always lived in Palestine, and they always will. And they will be free.


Vivian did another Livestream where he said that he fully identifies with Aaron Bushnell: "I see far too much of myself in Aaron Bushnell, so much that I can't ignore it. If I had not transitioned, if I had joined the military, I would become... what he did."

If Null is hate-lurking at this thread, he's probably glad that I didn't make this thread on KF. KF already had to deal with being blamed for a troon setting himself on fire over being homeless. At least if Vivian pulls a Bushnell in there future, KF will be spared this time.

BTW, I suspect that Vivian is merely ripping off Demon Momma by claiming he was in a Christian cult, because Emily did a whole video claiming he was raised in one:

Isn't that interesting? One big tranarchist Youtuber makes a video claiming they were raised in a Christian cult... and a bit later all the other tranarchist Youtubers come out with the same claim. This is what happens when you get to constantly retcon your past in the name of transgenderism. When you're trans, you can literally make up whatever bullshit you want about your past because no one is able to fact-check it anyway.

He read an eulogy that the anarchist website CrimeThINC has published, wherein they admit that Bushnell had contacted them before he committed sudoku. As true anarchist comrades, instead of reaching out to Bushnell and trying to talk him out of his fatal deed, or contacting LE to let them know that a man was going to set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C., CrimeThINC hid what they knew was about to happen and didn't tell a soul until after Bushnell was dead. Imagine what would've happened if a rightwing website had prior knowledge of someone planning to set themselves on fire and didn't immediately reach out to LE.

CrimeThINC's eulogy is exactly the kind of doublespeak you'd expect from a group of extreme left death-cultists who on the one hand can't hide their very obvious admiration for Bushnell, but on the other hand still want to have that legal disclaimer in place. They praise him throughout the piece, only to offer the perfunctory "don't do what he did" towards the end of each praise.

Here is the CrimethINC post that Vivian is reading on his Livestream:

The Israeli military is now planning a ground invasion of Rafah that will add untold numbers of casualties to this toll. It is not hyperbole to say that we are witnessing the deliberate commission of genocide. All available evidence indicates that the Israeli military will continue killing Palestinians by the thousand until they are forced to stop. And the longer this bloodshed goes on, the more people will die in the future, as other governments and groups imitate the precedent set by the Israeli government.

Imagine the nerve of an American website claiming that it was Israel who set the standard when it comes to acceptable deathcounts in retaliatory wars.

3000 Americans died on 9/11.
America and the Coalition of the Willing killed an estimated 2 million Iraqis during the War on Terror.

By that standard, set by America itself, Israel should kill at least a million Palestinians in response to 1400 dead Israelis before they stop.

Aaron Bushnell was one of those who empathized with the Palestinians suffering and dying in Gaza, one of those haunted by the question of what our responsibilities are when we are confronted with such a tragedy. In this regard, he was exemplary. We honor his desire not to stand by passively in the face of atrocity.

Human beings influence each other both through rational argument and through the infectiousness of action. As Peter Kropotkin put it, “Courage, devotion, the spirit of sacrifice are as contagious as cowardice, submission, and panic.”

The far-left is a death-cult. If more people set themselves alight in the coming weeks, you know who advocated for it.

This is merely their legal disclaimer:

If your heart is broken by the horrors in Gaza and you are prepared to bear significant consequences to try to stop them, we urge you to do everything in your power to find comrades and make plans collectively. Lay the foundations for a full life of resistance to colonialism and all forms of oppression. Prepare to take risks as your conscience demands, but don’t hurry towards self-destruction. We desperately need you alive, at our side, for all that is to come.

"As a white American w o m a n"...

Anyways, Vivian Strange knows that if he went to Ghaza and showed them his degenerate OnlyFans account, or if he tried to gaslight them about being an "American white w o m a n", they'd probably stone him to death or throw him under an IDF tank.

Here's another troon - whom Vivian admitted he follows (and is jealous of for having better quality videos) - that I myself used to write about in the ContraPoints thread on K, who has since developed Palestine Derangement Syndrome:

HRT + mental illness + terminally online = Palestine Derangement Syndrome.

Vivian abused psychedelics, become a schizo, now he thinks he's a woman, and he has Palestine Derangement Syndrome. Hmmm, what could the connection be there...

HRT + schizo + drugs = Palestine Derangement Syndrome.

He admits he's "messed up and broken", his words:

This thread already has 186 views. Now I will show you the evidence of Vivian himself having seen this thread.

Vivian did a Livestream today where he was reading yet another CrimeThINC piece about Aaron Bushnell:

Vivian referred to Aaron Bushnell as "she" - despite the fact that one of his personal friends refers to Aaron as "a straight man" in one of the pieces he's reading. Vivian ignores this and keeps referring to Bushnell as a "she":

More significantly, Vivian referred to Aaron Bushnell as a "tranarchist":

I have not seen a video of Vivian using this term to describe either himself or others before, so I take this to mean that Vivian seen this thread where I referred him as a "tranarchist". I guess this means Vivian has some kind of Google Alert set up to notify him when his name gets mentioned?

Ohai Viv, since you and your stans are likely already hate-lurking here, I hope you like the next post I am preparing about you! BTW, anarchism is bullshit and so is transgenderism. Humans create hierarchies because it's just more efficient to do more advanced, complex things hierarchically. Humans create more advanced societies when they can specialize, and you could say that "leadership" is just another specialization that some people are better suited to than others. There is nothing inherently wrong with people specializing in being leaders and leading others, because a lot of people want to be led by someone who is knowledgeable and competent and has an overview of the bigger picture so everyone else can focus on their specialization. It's absolutely ridiculous how far-left anarchism constantly tries to demonize this very efficient, very human way of doing and achieving great things. Transgenderism is also bullshit because there are only 2 sexes, TWO! You identify with Aaron because Aaron was a man, just like you. Aaron simply moved from a Christian cult to a far-left anarchist cult, just like you did.
Vivian Strange and Older "Women": the ongoing cycles of internet grooming

Do you like body?
Do you know I'm 60?

Here's Vivian Strange's Letterboxd review of the movie Harold and Maude:

Maude represents the potential of life, everything Harold could be outside of the strict confines of Harold's gender & social position. The inclination toward suicide is also something that rings true for many trans people who remain in the closet into adulthood, myself included. I was around Harold's age when I started transition. I also had mommy issues & a thing for older women. Needless to say, watching Harold's experience is like looking in a mirror. Except I didn't look fourteen years old at 20.
As for the age difference, *shrug *. It's in part a way of coding their relationship as queer (as in socially deviant to the point of being contemptuously unthinkable), & honestly, if I'm gonna take issue with wide age differences in film involving the "barely legal" on principle, then I need to just give up on the whole of cinema.
Plus, hypocrisy, given my preference for older women when I was a "barely legal" myself. Plus, they're just such a cute fucking couple! And one would have to jump through a LOT of metaphysical hoops to convincingly argue that Maude exploited him, or did anything besides enrich his life.
Before some last stray observations, I wanna say,
I enjoy the portrayal of Maude as a desirable & sensual old woman. The way the elderly, especially women, are portrayed in media is some bullshit - guess what? People fuck into their 80s. They don't start deteriorating into ruins after 40. Old people are just people. And the way Maude is written is very true to this. I love it. Don't expect to live that long cause the world is burning, but it does give me some hope about aging.

"I also had mommy issues & a thing for older women", "given my preference for older women when I was a "barely legal" myself"

Vivian Strange openly admits in this review that as a "barely legal" he was skirt-chasing after "older women"... if you're thinking in terms of Larry Clark's Ken Park at this point, turns out those women weren't actual women but so-called "transmoms", older AGPs who groom younger men into transitioning as a sexual fetish. If you're familiar with the Keffals saga with the Catboy Ranch, you know how this goes: the AGP will "help" the younger man procure HRT illegally or legally behind their parents' back, and once the kid is on HRT and undergoing bodily changes, the AGP will ask them to send him "transition progress pictures" so he can supervise their transition. These "progress pics" from the younger person to the older groomer are essentially a form of child porn, but because it's done under the guise of "being trans", it's allowed. The idea of any underage person showing an older man on the internet pictures of their boobs would be considered blatantly criminal online grooming... unless if it's done between two people who identify as trans. You can see now why a lot of online pedophiles want to get on the trans bandwagon. Because everything that's considered pedophilia and grooming in the normal world is considered "support" in the online transgender underground.

I am not saying this is what happened to Vivian himself (he claims he was 21 when he began transitioning, so he was legally an adult), but this is how it usually goes. There are many many testimonies out there from male detransitioners that are a but a variation to this pattern. Many detransitioners are still too proud to even admit they were groomed.


I noticed that Vivian had a Licorice Pizza poster in the background in his Livestreams. Licorice Pizza was widely denounced as a movie that seeks to normalize female groomers of younger men. As expected, he's written a novella sized (ohai) review of that movie on Letterboxd, which contains exactly the kinds of excuses and rationalizations from someone who will never allow the thought of perhaps having actually been groomed as a possibility to ponder into their head:

Gary [the 15 year old protagonist] gets her [his 25 year old female groomer] an audition, during which she says she'd be willing to do nudity for a role. He gets pissy and complains that she's hypocritical for not letting him see her boobs. He's being childish, of course, but Alana can tell he's genuinely upset, so she's like, fuck it, and shows him, demystifying herself and diffusing his fantasies. The scene is not erotic, or romantic; it's casual and neutral, y'know, like actual nudity (because nudity is not inherently sexual, and if human history has shown us anything, it's that it's psychologically quite dangerous to hypersexualize human bodies as a rule. It turns people into plastique, ready to explode upon the slightest disturbance, makes us afraid to even be too near each other. It's awful.)

While it isn't really a romantic thing, there is a level of enchantment on Alana's part. She is a lower class woman living with her family, doing shit work to make it by all to be underappreciated by her parents and invisible next to her sisters at the end of the day. No shit she's gonna appreciate the hell out of the chance to be friends with a rich teenager who thinks she's cool and makes her feel special, and whom she can feel proud of, and have an appropriately fun time with (they start and run frivolous businesses together; that's like, adult as hell). Her friendship with Gary is an escape from her difficult and unremarkable life.

And I think it's as easy to relate to that as it is to just admit that when we were kids, we were enamored with certain adults, usually the ones we found ourselves in, examples of the kind of people we wanted to emulate and grow into. But our young brains couldn't really wrap themselves around that, so we processed it as the only thing we're taught to - a heterosexual romantic crush.

I could go on, but really, you should just watch the movie and see for yourself. Don't come into it with heterosexualized preconceptions, cause you'll be missing out on a fantastic well-told story of a rather sweet and formative relationship.

Here you have a guy who, over and over, openly admits he was groomed talked into transitioning by an older man... but he's just too Gay Proud to admit he's a victim of grooming, and he's memorized all the Queer Studies thought-stopping terms like "heterosexualized preconceptions", to admit to himself that that's all it really was. Vivian himself was the dancing monkey of online degenerates who had nothing to show for themselves, who only wanted to infect someone else with their degeneracy, because that's all they have going for them. All they can do is send someone else down the same path of destruction as themselves.

And just like Vivian got into trooning through an older AGP, he himself is now the older "transmom" to this decade-younger troon:

Jane Vivian
Hammocks, FL

20 | 🏳️‍⚧️ | Movies | Lainist | Melancholic Filmmaker | Werewolf Enthusiast | Semi-Goth | Any/All pronouns | Nature F@g 🌳 | Minors DNI🔞 |Free Palestine! 🇵🇸

Of course there is a transition fund, and I would guess lots of "transition progress pictures" too:

Hi, my name is Jane and I'm currently attempting to not only gain the money to pay for my laser hair removal but also to save up so I can finally move out and get away from my abusive and transphobic father. I will try to use this to pay for most of my laser bill and save up for HRT and other things so I can finally actually start living and reduce my dysphoria. thank you so much for reading. Any amount is welcome.

Again, this Jane person is 20 so they're a legal adult, but you can see how a pattern is being repeated here. To reinforce the notion of a "trans-pedigree" being created here, "Jane Vivian" has even adopted the chosen first name of his "transmom" as his last name on Xitter (I don't know if this name change is official). I obviously don't know if these two individuals have a BDSM relationship in private, but if there is a BDSM relationship going on here, in that context this name-change could also indicate ownership or control. Again, I am not saying that what they're doing, just that we should consider this as another possibility for the name change.

Vivian might not be a groomer, and his relationship to the younger"Jane Vivian" might be perceived as 100% consensual by both of them. However, by a different set of standards, standards he surely rejects, Vivian might have become one of the toxic "admirers" that famous British detrans activist Richard Heron was referring to in this Substack essay, where he wrote candidly about the way he himself was groomed into transitioning by older men on the internet:

As a teenager, I felt weighed down by my OCD - or I felt as if I were running the race of life with shackled feet. To break away from this, I would distract myself with other obsessions, like games, and chatrooms, and I was well and truly addicted by age twelve.

In online games, I was an idealised version of myself. Confident, witty, and fiercely intelligent, at least I thought so at the time anyway. As I got older, I found myself running gaming communities and would happily play with my online friends until the sun came up. No one shared pictures, no one was interested, and we had a common goal: the game or the gaming community. I used to think I had wasted my youth on the internet, but honestly, I look back fondly at those gaming communities, they were a much welcome break away from my burdened mind.

But it wasn’t all roses, my online world was a double bind in itself. Whilst I had the welcome distraction of games and gaming communities, I was enthralled by the concept of online chatrooms. I would talk to strangers for hours, giving away intimate details and as I got to around the age of 13/14 - messenger applications like ICQ, MSN, and AOL allowed these strangers to be in constant contact with me. Like my parents, I also fell for the false security of being at home and the belief that nothing could happen to me whilst I was there.

In my internet travels, I would occasionally come by someone who was a few years older, and they would take me under their wing, listening to my troubles and giving rather kind and wise advice. These guys often had kids of their own and were the role models I needed. I’m grateful I had those interactions, actual caring men who helped a kid in distress…

Then there were the others, those who listened for their own ill-intentions. They gained my trust quite easily over the course of months, I began to share pictures of myself, my face, and my body. They made me feel in control, even though I wasn’t. I occasionally have bite-size memories come back, where I would be sat nervously, unsure if I should switch my camera on, only for them to convince me to with little real effort. I remember turning on the camera and seeing a much older guy’s reaction, he sunk into his chair and let out an audible sigh. After he showered me with praise, compliments, and offerings of gifts, I was too worried about my parents finding any packages from internet strangers and wisely declined. But he wasn’t the first nor the last man I would be in contact with.

This behaviour followed me into my twenties, where through ‘admirer’ websites I would gladly post pictures once again, for the sake of validation and attention but this time with the purpose to affirm my trans identity. And just like when I was younger, men decades older would parade me with compliments, and offerings of gifts, almost as if I was repeating history. Though part of me felt empowered at the time, just like when I was younger, it left me feeling ashamed and empty afterward.

I knew that if I ever felt doubt about my appearance, I could also go on a trans forum, Reddit, or even my own Facebook and share a selfie and be paraded with compliments. For me at least, this was a way of outsourcing my self-esteem to others, through permission seeking and validation. Every trans person who posts in those spaces knows that no matter how you look you will receive positive attention because any negative commentary is seen as transphobic or hurtful. This is how masculine-looking trans women believe they are unmistakably female: their self-image is based on FaceApp and filters, as well as toxic validation online in these trans affirming spaces.

This compounded when I started sharing photos of myself presenting as female and is a way that the online grooming manifested itself offline. Being overly trusting, I met up with a few individuals from the forum, and whilst some were like me, some were intentionally targeting young vulnerable transitioners like myself, showering them with gifts and dining out and as someone who was on a very low income, I would gladly welcome a free meal.

One individual, who was 30 years older than me took me out for a meal on the premise of confidence-boosting, but as I found myself alone with him, he announced that ‘we’re on a date!’ and I completely shut down. Nothing sinister happened and I put it down to a misread situation, but
that older man knew exactly what he was doing and how vulnerable I was at that time. After I didn’t respond, he moved on to others in my peer group. I did what I could to put a stop to it, yet none of the people who had this experience would dare say that it was an older trans person that did this to them.

There is an uneasy silencing of the shit behaviour within the trans community, and even trans on trans crimes are rarely given any traction. Incidents like this would pop up now and again, and it did nothing to challenge I truly was a trans person, and the fact this negative attention was occurring was further testament to the validity of my transition.

Retrospectively, every interaction, thought, memory, joy, and loss, were all unfairly attributed to gender dysphoria. Not being able to understand my peers, not being able to fit in, my same-sex attraction, depression, anxiety, sensory issues, OCD, and my desire to escape reality were all awarded unfairly to dysphoria and nothing else. This is the very essence of Trans OCD.

I’ve never had an obsession like this that was aided so aggressively by external forces, that it makes it impossible, even for seemingly intelligent people to see the forest for the trees.

In a fictional story on his Substack, Richard describes an older male groomer as "the Necromancer":

The Necromancer is one who specialises in death. He’s driven by long deceased ideas, resurrected and repackaged as rebirth. His rituals hold no grace, nor beauty, nor is there any delight in the outcomes, aside from his own sadistic self-satisfaction.

His pursuit for power is marinated in a deep selfishness, driving an iron will of self-preservation that should not be underestimated. Whatever it takes, no matter the cost, just so long as he does not pay the price himself.

I didn't expect to see this Big Gender Reveal from Vivian in the midst of a Livestream about being trans in 2023:

"Sometimes I feel like I have more in common with gay men than straight cis women... I had a lot of gay guys who were into me before I transitioned, and I know that several of them felt betrayed when I went and became a girl, because, yeah, that messed with them and their own ideas of their sexuality. I think that's where a lot of transmisogyniy in gay men comes from, the recognition that we're 'more alike' than they're comfortable with."

Even and despite all the drugs and the HRT frying his brain, despite all the gaslighting from the trans community and the woke anarchist community, Vivian still understands this simple fact about himself. He just can't allow the implications of this admission to really get through to him.

I'll let Mr Menno explain it to Vivian and Jane:

So Vivian lives in Portland, Oregon? That explains A LOT:

V. Strange, FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸✊🍉
Dec 4, 2021

Why I don’t interact with the wider trans leftist communities of Portland.

Polyamory, BDSM, orgy-porgies, psychedelic trips and smokery, they’re all good and fine and all, but they are NOT cornerstones of community and solidarity. https://t.co/ePjSxRQqEs [the link was to a now defunct far-left account @askverattv ]

LMAO, no wonder he's suicidal, I too would be feeling suicidal if I was living in this shithole:

"It's not funny anymore! We'd like to go back to where Portland was just weird.", as in... GENDERWEIRD?

Vivian claims Portland Oregon is now too expensive for him to live in. How can a shithole this bad be too expensive to live in? I'm almost convinced now to post his hideous OnlyFans to help him get out, but I don't want to enable any more of those GAMP to AGP pipelines or which Vivian is himself so clearly a victim, even though he won't admit it to himself.

Oh well, maybe Demon Momma up in Seattle can use a new pet whose crooked teeth match Faun's, LMAOOO. I was pondering Vivian's hideous crooked teeth for a moment... but then I remembered whose mouth those teeth remind me of. This homosexual Youtuber's guest:

This is basically Viv if he had actually been born a white trash woman but with the same hideous cavernous teeth. At least his gums aren't bleeding like with Demon Momma's boyfriend Faun in the pictures I had posted on KF. I still remember how Demon Momma ended up sending Faun to the dentist after we went over his bleeding gums in the BreadTube thread.

I am pretty sure now that the Palestine Derangement Syndrome is either drug-induced, or a distraction from the Portland hellscape around him. He's focusing on a group people far away with whom he has absolutely nothing in common, who have it unimaginably worse than he does in Portland, so he can ignore all the problems around him. He can ignore what drug-decriminalization (which he as a far-left anarchist obviously supports) has actually done to his own city, and instead rant all day about "evil colonizing genociding Israel". But Fentanyl + drug decriminalization in Portland is a kind of genocide too, if you think about it. Why not focus on your own local "genocide" and make videos about that, instead of what other people are doing far away on another continent?

It's pretty obvious from his videos and the way he looks and sounds, that Vivian himself has some kind of background with drug abuse and homelessness, which explains why he ended up in Portland, OR. But instead of making videos about his own life and experiences, he's making videos about Queer Movies and foreign people fighting at the other side of the globe. That's not "solidarity", it's escapism. It's literally what the CrimeThINC book he was reading from was arguing against.
I don't know who any of those people are but Bushnell was an anarchist, he stated as much. He died heroically to keep from being shipped to Israel to kill more children while you're going to die obsessing about losers on the internet. So stuff "Palestinian derangement syndrome" up your ass.
Seeth Palestinian nigger, thousands more shitskins will die and there is nothing you can do about it retard
As if I needed a confirmation, Vivian is actually a huge ContraPoints simp, in this video he's begging Nyk to call him:

I wonder how Vivian feels about the fact that Nyk just put out a 3 hour video about fucking Twilight of all things (don't care, didn't watch) while people in Ghaza are still being bombed to the stone age. I bet Viv's PDS is off the charts right now at such flagrant disinterest from Nyk. Viv, you know Nyk got in on the content creator game early, he doesn't care about Ghaza, Ukraine, or any of that IRL shit. Nyk made his Youtube millions and got to meet Hitlery Clinton too. If you ever manage to get over your hatred of KiwiFarms and go read all the shit I was posting Nyk in his KF thread all these years, you might get a clue about whom you're fanboying here. BTW, Viv, if you have the balls(?) and you wanna call Nyk yourself, I still have his phone number here somewhere if you're interested. No doxxing, Nyk had posted it on his piano teacher Wyx site before he got rich on Youtube and trooned out.

Look at this you guys, this is actually sad for a troon:


I thought troons were, like, super-dysphoric about body hair... but Vivian is a radical tranarchista so I guess he doesn't shave his armpits? Or is he so poor that he can't even afford to buy razors to shave anymore?


Vivian, I want you to know, your smile is the best argument for socialist free dentistry in the United States I have ever seen. Your cavernous mouth and that of Faun's too of course (Demon Momma's gay harem boyfriend). You've sold me, even my true capitalist ass, on the need for free dental care.

BTW, if you actually wanna leave Portland for Seattle, hit up Emily on Xitter, he will get you connected. He's openly bragged about doing that for other troons that needed to move out, and he even xeeted out their move fundraisers. Hope that helps!
Vivian reads his Bible like a good troonie, but it's of no use with him, he's too far gone, the HRT has done its damage.


Why is it every time I am watching these troons on Youtube, they're holding up a Bible like a manic street preacher?


Oh wait... that reminds me of something...


Who did the thumbnail with Bible best, Vivian, Emily or Null? Cast your votes below!
Palestine Derangement Syndrome in the midst of a video about the Oscars where he plugs his OF:


I guess I pissed him off by commenting on his admission about liking older "women", LMAO.

Seven dahllaz a month for the OF though? You're selling it cheap Vivian, you gotta raise the price of your t-porn and adjust it to inflation if you're gonna help rebuild Ghaza after the war, one gurldiq-pic at a time. How are you gonna get out of Portland, Hellhole if you don't try to make more money?