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Lounge96 Lounge 96

Gossip and drama in Gargamel's splinter forum
now he's repeating shit. he's now an NPC without the funny
Simmer down, toilet pervert
As if he hasn't already done that a dozen times already?
I've never betrayed you as there's never been trust between us. Opportunistically switched sides cuz funny? Definitely. But being on the same side during the Pedofails war has softened my heart towards furries, if not the Jewish people as a whole. Give us some time to grow closer, don't be a nigger when the olive branch is extended and we'll be as thick as thieves in no time.
Please, I beg of you, keep trying to make Kendra happen.
Kendra has had her voice silenced by Kengle's internalized homophobia and I intend to make sure she's heard 🫡
The Kenghole fears the Jew
I will not be posting here until there are no pedophiles on staff
It's a sektur adjacent forum. And you know what jannies are like normally.
Daniel is leaving the forum any day
Aaaaannnny day now.
he said so at least six times over the past year.
He wants you to know. Like the bint that keeps on reminding you she's ignoring you.
he's now an NPC without the funny
Always was, always will be.
Dan, on the other hand, is a victim of his own success.
Yeah, simping for a pissminge. Smell of victory, huh?
Spoilers Daniel betrays gargamel
Betray= Shits up his hugbox with his Miss Hissy freak outs.
As if he hasn't already done that a dozen times already?
You asked for it...
btw You're welcome Squire and Warski.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Like out you are dinny faggot, whose butthurt for the same reasons as Daniel "Self Harmed For a Pissminge" Lopez? You sucked off Ken for favours, just as much as Damiel.
Opportunistically switched sides cuz funny?
Because you are Fatherless.
It's a sektur adjacent forum. And you know what jannies are like normally.

Aaaaannnny day now.

He wants you to know. Like the bint that keeps on reminding you she's ignoring you.

Always ways, always will be.

Yeah, simping for a pissminge. Smell of victory, huh?

Betray= Shits up his hugbox with his Miss Hissy freak outs.

You asked for it...
btw You're welcome Squire and Warski.

Like out you are dinny faggot, whose butthurt for the same reasons as Daniel "Self Harmed For a Pissminge" Lopez? You sucked off Ken for favours, just as much as Damiel.

Because you are Fatherless.
I'm still waiting for him to get triggered over something in the furry community to start saying they're all pedophiles again. Maybe I should bait him with monkey torture articles.
Leaving any moment now... Daniel isn't the type to flounce and then come back, well, apart from the other times.

NO! THIS TIME! Daniel will leave, and not keep making a tit of himself, by proving that he has nothing else in his life, only taking his daddy issues out on some guy on the Internet(C). And he won't be coming back, so we can point and go "See? See what a pathetic faggot you are?" He has a steely commitment to flouncing once and for all.
Leaving any moment now... Daniel isn't the type to flounce and then come back, well, apart from the other times.

NO! THIS TIME! Daniel will leave, and not keep making a tit of himself, by proving that he has nothing else in his life, only taking his daddy issues out on some guy on the Internet(C). And he won't be coming back, so we can point and go "See? See what a pathetic faggot you are?" He has a steely commitment to flouncing once and for all.
The thing he has in common with Josh is his pedo mom groomed him by taking him to LGBT pride parades and letting her boyfriends turn his butthole into an inside out pink sock. This explains why he makes so many sock accounts. Compound this with being a fat bald fatherless ginger hobo and it's no wonder he's such a faggot.
Reason: He probably got beaten like the red headed step child he is.

Get yourself cooler, lay yourself low Coincidental murder with nothing to show When the judge's constipation go to his head And his wife's aggravation, you're soon enough dead It's the same old story Same old song and dance, my friend It's the same old story Same old song and dance, my friend Gotcha with the cocaine, they found with your gun No smooth-face lawyer to getcha undone Say love ain't the same on the south side of town You could look but you ain't gonna find it around It's the same old story Same old song and dance, my friend It's the same old story, same old story Same old song and dance Fate comes a-knockin', doors start lockin' Your old-time connection change your direction Ain't gonna change it, can't rearrange it Can't stand the pain when it's all the same to you, my friend When you're low down and dirt from walkin' the street With your old hurdy-gurdy no one to meet Say love ain't the same on the south side of town You could look but you ain't gonna find it around It's the same old story Same old song and dance, my friend It's the same old story, same old story Same old song and dance


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Leaving any moment now... Daniel isn't the type to flounce and then come back, well, apart from the other times.

NO! THIS TIME! Daniel will leave, and not keep making a tit of himself, by proving that he has nothing else in his life, only taking his daddy issues out on some guy on the Internet(C). And he won't be coming back, so we can point and go "See? See what a pathetic faggot you are?" He has a steely commitment to flouncing once and for all.
Goodbye forever
it's hilarious
I don't think you did laugh
how some retards can blindly believe anything they see on the internet
Crimson freaking out and spamming gore the first time the dox was brought up was a pretty good indicator that where there's smoke there's fire. She's very obviously not a biological male even if I picked the wrong fedora tipping edgelord pooner (I didn't).
Also, you're a toilet pervert which indicates you're probably some kind of ching chong 😁