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Communities Look At That Catwoman Faggot (Lolcow.farm)

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Post funny screencaps and copypastas from lolcow.farm

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Look at these broads complain about a fine lady who is taking care of herself, you can smell the fat jealousy from here and it don't smell like my momma's cooking GABAGHOUL!
When a business/company/website is failing, problematic or has complex, unsolvable problems, you can do more honour in it’s name by shutting it down and leaving people with a good memory of it.

Lolcow.farm has done the entire fucking opposite. With one look in /meta/, it is increasingly obvious that the site is overrun with trannies, Discord gayops, in-fighting, and a lack of farmhands.

For a long time, LC was entertaining, it was the go to place for lore on cows like Kiki Kannibal or Venus Angelic, but over the years, it has become filled with vendetta threads, gayops, and anons shitting on each other.

The best thing the admin can do for that site, is to shut it down before it becomes a trashfire.

It is on a downward spiral, and the amount of work and skills that would be required to bring it back to what it was, would be impractical and probably extremely over the top for anyone on this side of the Internet.

Along with the technical issues, like whole boards being wiped, VPN ranges being banned for everyone because trannies use them to spam and ban evade, and errors uploading media, the culture of the site has essentially been diminished.

Most threads seem to be the same 2/3 people interacting with each other, there are also posts which are clearly from people with ulterior motives, like that one Tranny, and the content is really bottom of the barrel most of the time, with the only thread updates being screenshots of people’s Twitters, or updates on their username changes.

They are ridiculously understaffed. CP/gore spams are dealt with far too late, I saw a post the other day from an anon who said content of that nature had been up for over 6 hours before it was deleted, and the slow removal indicates a lack of staff, alongside, no actual solution to prevent these spams. This has been going on for years now, and there are still no captcha codes or long term solutions to prevent CSAM.

This isn’t necessarily the fault of the admin or farmhands, but they should also recognise when something has reached it’s expiry date, and is no longer salvageable, in their control or fun anymore.
When a business/company/website is failing, problematic or has complex, unsolvable problems, you can do more honour in it’s name by shutting it down and leaving people with a good memory of it.

Lolcow.farm has done the entire fucking opposite. With one look in /meta/, it is increasingly obvious that the site is overrun with trannies, Discord gayops, in-fighting, and a lack of farmhands.

For a long time, LC was entertaining, it was the go to place for lore on cows like Kiki Kannibal or Venus Angelic, but over the years, it has become filled with vendetta threads, gayops, and anons shitting on each other.

The best thing the admin can do for that site, is to shut it down before it becomes a trashfire.

It is on a downward spiral, and the amount of work and skills that would be required to bring it back to what it was, would be impractical and probably extremely over the top for anyone on this side of the Internet.

Along with the technical issues, like whole boards being wiped, VPN ranges being banned for everyone because trannies use them to spam and ban evade, and errors uploading media, the culture of the site has essentially been diminished.

Most threads seem to be the same 2/3 people interacting with each other, there are also posts which are clearly from people with ulterior motives, like that one Tranny, and the content is really bottom of the barrel most of the time, with the only thread updates being screenshots of people’s Twitters, or updates on their username changes.

They are ridiculously understaffed. CP/gore spams are dealt with far too late, I saw a post the other day from an anon who said content of that nature had been up for over 6 hours before it was deleted, and the slow removal indicates a lack of staff, alongside, no actual solution to prevent these spams. This has been going on for years now, and there are still no captcha codes or long term solutions to prevent CSAM.

This isn’t necessarily the fault of the admin or farmhands, but they should also recognise when something has reached it’s expiry date, and is no longer salvageable, in their control or fun anymore.
This has always been the tossup between forum style sites with usernames, logins, etc which can be limiting to anonymity and *chan style imageboards with no usernames, no logins that are better for anonymity.
Classic examples are the multiple deaths and rebirths of 4chan. the /gif/ board in 2005-2008 was mostly memes, funny shit. /gif/ had it's own subculture that slowly eroded as people left and new people showed up. Now it's just a dumping ground for bots to post blacked, cuck and tranny porn. Same with /b/, /gif/ /a/, /v/, etc etc etc etc.
Without usernames it's impossible to contextualize the shift in culture. It's a double-edged sword in either respect, because with usernames people get reputations which then define the culture and try as kiwi farms (for example) might to say otherwise, posts don't stand on their own merit. People look at reputation, usernames, avatars, etc before they even read the posts. Two people can post the exact same thing and get two different reactions. Imagine if anyone but Dynastia said most of the things that Dynastia says, for example. Imagine if anyone other than Secret Watcher went around MATI hatting posts..
Over all, I'd say that the downsides of forums for this kind of content don't outweigh the stability of forum culture vs imageboard culture.
Imageboards have a purpose, but it's not for this kind of thing. Wikis and forums are the superior medium for documenting and discussing lolcows

So I agree; LCF probably should just accept what has happened and terminate the service; it's just going to continue to decline.
It’s sad when a site goes from ‘haha look at those faggots’ to being such a cess pool it’s not even funny to laugh at.
It’s a shame. I also noticed some of them had reposted some of our comments on here about them, on the site, I can’t remember where now.

I’m pretty unbiased when it comes to content, entertainment is my priority, and considering how male dominated this sector is, women wanting a more, “female friendly” (this may sound unintentionally condescending, I’m not sure how else to word it) space, is understandable considering women have to deal with the “tits or GTFO” “women don’t have rights” “you can’t speak, you’re a woman” comments all over most other image boards.

I believe a lot of them seem to assume criticisms are coming from misogynists, or some “autistic Illuminati” of lolcow.org users, Null haters, or lolcows.

It is completely understandable why lolcow.farm was created, but the current autism has diluted all of the foundations and culture of the site, and is almost insulting to what it used to be and once was.

I’m coming from a detached position. What I said was merely an observation.