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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Unrelated but guess who ended up coming back earlier?
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What else did we honestly expect?
The old username as @jack Edelweiss is @MrJokerRager. I wonder what could have possibly caused him to change it?

He also go into a fight with soft kitty during his a breakdown IIRC
Him calling HHH a pajeet
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@OnionNull are you okay with a "ban on sight" policy for these kinds of people? They will contribute nothing to a site like Onion Farms except for strife and misery.
NO. If people want to argue and debate politics that is fine. I will make as many sections as people want to debate news and happenings and politics. Null may see political sperging as a curse. I don't. Since I am interested in expanding news and political discussion, this may turn out to be a blessing. Now if it turns out the political spergs start personal attacks and shit-flinging against the forum that's a different matter. But I am willing to take a carefully calculated risk.
I just posted on KF that if you want to discuss political and economic theory regardless of whether it is right wing, left wing, capitalist, communist or socialist you are welcome to do so on the Onionfarms.
Make sure they stay in the right place at least. I don't want my threads to become conspiracy theories that come ripping out of 8kuns asshole.