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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Actually, what did cause KF to enter it's current state? Everyone blames right wingers and politics, and those are part of it, but takes those away and there's still tons of cancer eating away at the forum.
The Kiwi Farms is a warm, loving trashfire and I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't think that nuking politics would solve anything. What needs to happen is stricter moderation. No-one ever bothered to moderate the 2020 election thread because there was so much low-quality posts there. Like, do your job, nigger. Ban the retards that say dumb shit and don't contribute anything and let us sane people have a civil discussion.

I get pissing off retards is fun but at some point you gotta drop the hammer. It gets old fast.

Only Null, as the owner of the site, can take the necessary measures to improve his site. In general, I find that he doesn't take action until something becomes annoying enough that it overrides his laziness.

The rest is up to the staff to make calls, and for the normal users to call out bullshit when they see it, and start bullying people who shit up the forum with their retarded /pol/-grade takes and general faggotry. There's already a system in place to deal with these people, but I feel like stricter moderation specifically where it's needed most would help a lot.

No forum is perfect. You're always going to have retarded fags shitting things up with their retarded faggery. Stop complaining about it and do something. Say something.

On the doxing issue, I don't think it's going to help much, it's a little too late for that, to say the least, but it's something.
The Kiwi Farms is a warm, loving trashfire and I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't think that nuking politics would solve anything. What needs to happen is stricter moderation. No-one ever bothered to moderate the 2020 election thread because there was so much low-quality posts there. Like, do your job, nigger. Ban the retards that say dumb shit and don't contribute anything and let us sane people have a civil discussion.

I get pissing off retards is fun but at some point you gotta drop the hammer. It gets old fast.

Only Null, as the owner of the site, can take the necessary measures to improve his site. In general, I find that he doesn't take action until something becomes annoying enough that it overrides his laziness.

The rest is up to the staff to make calls, and for the normal users to call out bullshit when they see it, and start bullying people who shit up the forum with their retarded /pol/-grade takes and general faggotry. There's already a system in place to deal with these people, but I feel like stricter moderation specifically where it's needed most would help a lot.

No forum is perfect. You're always going to have retarded fags shitting things up with their retarded faggery. Stop complaining about it and do something. Say something.

On the doxing issue, I don't think it's going to help much, it's a little too late for that, to say the least, but it's something.
The election thread moderation was awful. One of the mods openly said they were letting people troll and mess up the thread since it counted as "discussion", and to punish the thread for being a trash fire started bringing in previously threadbanned members like DocHolliday and BoxerShorts47.
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The election thread moderation was awful. One of the mods openly said they were letting people troll and mess up the forum since it counted as "discussion", and to punish the thread for being a trash fire started bringing in previously threadbanned members like DocHolliday and BoxerShorts47.
I guess they'd figure it would be funnier to watch the trashfire burn rather than kick-start the street sweeper and fire-extinguishing cannons, so, whatever works, I guess. But that leave the rest of us to either embrace the flames or run which is kind of unfair in my opinion.
@{o}P has made yet another sock on Kiwi Farms. I'm pretty sure this is his 48th sock there.

I'm amazed that Null (or one of the other admins) hasn't banned his IP yet.
KF get's constantly invaded by a fat underaged furry talkin bout love and peace and acceptance and shit, what makes you think they would do anything about {o}P?
He refuses to use a VPN, so getting rid of him takes all of five seconds in the admin panel.

@Hello Sigs Can i be unbanned? just got {o}Peed.

>shit up the forum and derail every thread that you post in until I have to lock you in a tard cage
>only let back into chat because someone else asked me nicely
>sperg out in chat and get banned from it again
>chimp out on people's profiles so hard that the other admin permabans you
>try to make 11 sock accounts asking to be unbanned until I ban your IP just so I don't have to go into the approval queue every couple of minutes and reject your new account
>try to make a 12th sock the moment your IP address changes, but it gets sent to the approval queue because you're retarded and logged in to your banned account first
>somehow expect me, the person who's had to clean up all of your shit on this site, to defend you
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