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Last Update January 21, 2025

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

You gotta love this TGWTG watching nigger calling the josh thread a "vent thread", I'm not surprised that anyone that is willing to pay 20 bucks to Josh, or to join Something Awful or to join SASS, has a room temperature IQ, anyone with a three digit one would rather set it on fire, that's unironically a more productive endevour, anyway, a fool and his money as they say.

The irony of Rich Evans Apologist calling this an open gay clubhouse for banned users and then, right after this, a user banned here @Observerer comes to whine about how Ken is little a socially awkward trust fund kiddie like the neurotypical NPC that he is.
God has a great sense of humor.

Hey Rich Evens Apologist, if this is such an open gay clubhouse, take off your mask.
Not sure to upload this here or in the gunt thread, but here it goes, that guy that was cucked by Ethan Ralph (no less!) comes to pay a visit to his thread in the gunt thread because that never backfires whatsoever, he must be lonely and desesperate for social interaction or something. The passive-aggresive janitor known as AltisticRight acts like a faggot lapdog as he usually does.
