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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
"please make part of your Kool Kids Klub nobility like Vex, i deserve privileges and special treatment like him"
fucking kill yourself
if i wanted to be like vex i would have killed myself a long time ago
Vex editing @SchizoNetwork posts was funny as shit
it really wasn't because he spent literally dozens and dozens of hours editing every single one of his posts just to bold shit, it was funny at first but it got autistic way too fast
Vex has too much time on his hands
wow Sig is from the South?
feed and seed.jpg
Why yes how could you tell
It made me laugh pretty fucking hard that time someone changed the picture of Nikokado's ass for a the Last Of Us 2 tranny 41% meme but Vex told me it wasn't him.

Any funny highlights? As far as I've noticed Vex only bold'd certain words.
My favourite was when he added “Red Robin? the absolute best gourmet burgers.” to that post of Kengle sperging abour burgers to AOC.

He seemed to take real issue with the phrase “gourmet burger”
It made me laugh pretty fucking hard that time someone changed the picture of Nikokado's ass for a the Last Of Us 2 tranny 41% meme but Vex told me it wasn't him.

Any funny highlights? As far as I've noticed Vex only bold'd certain words.
he changed a bunch of your posts into sexual gibberish of you begging for gay sex likely as a projection of my inner, closeted lust
My favourite was when he added “Red Robin? the absolute best gourmet burgers.” to that post of Kengle sperging abour burgers to AOC.

He seemed to take real issue with the phrase “gourmet burger”
Also this post is lost to time now fuck you kengle