While I generally appreciate this type of Hobbe-pilled "pessimistic pragmatism" I strongly feel like "Might Makes Right" is either unhelpful or absurd.
Let me explain why I think it's absurd first:
"something is right because the powerful say so. The powerful say so, so it's right"
That's not how definitions work, that's circular logic.
Let me explain why I think it's unhelpful:
Morality describes how things are supposed to be, not how they are.
"Things are this way, so they ought to be this way unless something superior is even more this way"
Another contradiction.
That being said.
I'm not a moral nihilist but I'm also very skeptical of any "zealous" system of ethics though, the think is, like Wittgenstein back in his day pointed out, nihilism is just as low IQ as trivialism is.