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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
"Mooooooom I told you already for the 50th time I'm NOT taking down my Kiwifarms! I'm the alpha male! ME! I will NOT let the spammers and British guy win! NEVER!"

Check another box for my Josh still lives with his Mommy Schizo Theory Checklist
Pretty gay thread. People are mostly responding earnestly too.
2Gay thread.png

Pretty gay thread. People are mostly responding earnestly too.
View attachment 7067
I mean Aaron Rodgers is a faggot.
  • Agree
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Typical Dom Cruise post:

'These recent developments are proof that everything is going downhill: The internet, the US, culture, technology, tectonic activity, and even cartoons from Japan. I can't even watch animes anymore without feeling a sense of shame and embarrassment for being a man in his 30s still interested in Japanese animated television series made for teenagers. This is definitely the doing of those dang dirty SJWs, this would have never happened in the 2000s.'
You should be more embarrassed about being a fat nazi loser who posted on SASS and then MPC.
sad gab foxdickfarmer
pics of the happening



Isn't Babylon Bee an extremely cringey the onion clone but for conservative christcucks


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I'm sure the reason the banks don't want to do business with Gab is because they glorify Jesus Christ

It's got literally nothing to do with all the users posting shit like "KILL ALL NIGGERS 1488 OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT"
I don't know what's more embarrassing: that, afrer having been fleeced for decades by the likes of Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson, boomer conservatives are still falling for any scam that involves praising Jesus, or that younger conservatives are not learning anything and falling for it all anew.
I don't know what's more embarrassing: that, afrer having been fleeced for decades by the likes of Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson, boomer conservatives are still falling for any scam that involves praising Jesus, or that younger conservatives are not learning anything and falling for it all anew.
What was the scam exactly? I thought the whole point was to have a conservative "free speech" twitter with no porn. Sounds pretty alright to me. But I don't really know or give a shit about a Gab in.
What was the scam exactly? I thought the whole point was to have a conservative "free speech" twitter with no porn. Sounds pretty alright to me. But I don't really know or give a shit about a Gab in.
There are only two Gabes you should care for: the dog and the fat of Steam.
What was the scam exactly? I thought the whole point was to have a conservative "free speech" twitter with no porn. Sounds pretty alright to me. But I don't really know or give a shit about a Gab in.

'Scam' might not be quite the right word, but the way that he's deflecting criticism from by using 'I'm on the side of Jesus' rhetoric.