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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Bros I think I found The Last Stand's fapfiction

I love how TardHull goes from shitting on "femcels" sperging about troons to then defend them as hard as possible in the span of very next post.
You can realize the moral grandstanding and obsessive kvetching over muh troons in that thread while still thinking "Sophia" is a gross pedo.
Take your meds, or don't, I love how mad my existence makes you.
imagine not thinking Sophia is a pedo.
Also yes, there's moral grandstanding, I'm morally superior to you.

Tell me, @Leg Pit Cream are you into ageplay just like you're into armpits.
Zippocat's Revenge manages to be the most unhinged autistic newfag by a significant margin in a thread where multiple incels join the farms to defend their ideology.
Man, this is motivating me to troll retards again with socks...