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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
so they turn into a ecchochamber of undeserved sympathy and parasocial relationships for the cow in question?
LMAO, glad that the newfags raped your safe space. Get fucked.
Lol retard i don’t like tranny spergers acting like all trannys are evil because of the action of one and people making the same “eww pedo” comment over and over and over again.
Lol retard i don’t like tranny spergers acting like all trannys are evil because of the action of one and people making the same “eww pedo” comment over and over and over again.
Trannies are evil and degenerate and supporting them is supporting degeneracy and evil. I'm sorry your offended on behalf of them because you're a literal faggot. Actually no I'm not. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you're gay.
lol i'm against the constant sperging of trannies being repeated almost verbatim because it's boring as fuck, but why bring up the pedo when it's true and warranted?
Because it’s been repeated 1000 times in the past week. It just comes off as retarded virtue signalling.
may I note here that I have defended {o}p2 more than anybody else on KF because I honestly believe the allegations against him to be false, yet he continues to attack and attribute conspiracies to me. Very sad!
I would like to see him come back but he keeps acting like this.
may I note here that I have defended {o}p2 more than anybody else on KF because I honesty believe the allegations against him to be false, yet he continues to attack and attribute conspiracies to me. Very sad!
I would like to see him come back but he keeps acting like this.
What do you want a fucking medal? When did i attribute conspiracies against you? I’m a grown man i can look after myself.