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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
That's too bad, Zed's cool. Or used to be, anyway.

Kiwi Farms is kinda gay lately. The only thing funny at this point IMO is the doomer-posting and dumb slap-fights in the Uprising thread.

Removing Boxer's ability to rate is kind of amusing but it may actually stop him from posting his insane nonsense. We'll see.
My opinions on A&H and its frequent posters are well known, and I don't want to seem like I'm a-logging them, but this one is just too good to not share:

The one that made me actually laugh out loud was "Are you saying we won't see legislative pet projects like camps and/or executions for Trump supporters?"

I asked him for clarification and he confirmed that he believes the Democrats in Congress are gonna set up re-education and extermination camps for Trump supporters.

Naturally the vast bulk of his posts are in A&N, Happenings, and Deep Thoughts, with the rest in Games, which means I am inclined to believe he's not trolling

Anyway, back to laughing at Satan for blowing his load early and then chimping out that people are mad at him, lmao

EDIT: LMAO "I don't like people shitting on me in the thread I made, please lock it" Get wrekt, Satan
My opinions on A&H and its frequent posters are well known, and I don't want to seem like I'm a-logging them, but this one is just too good to not share:
View attachment 1218

The one that made me actually laugh out loud was "Are you saying we won't see legislative pet projects like camps and/or executions for Trump supporters?"

I asked him for clarification and he confirmed that he believes the Democrats in Congress are gonna set up re-education and extermination camps for Trump supporters.

Naturally the vast bulk of his posts are in A&N, Happenings, and Deep Thoughts, with the rest in Games.

Anyway, back to laughing at Satan for blowing his load early and then chimping out that people are mad at him, lmao
Oh that guy. From what I've seen, even A&H hates him for constantly doomering.
That's impressive considering all the doomering I've been seeing lately.
Most of that is just going "I think Biden will make America be in a terrible spot", which I think is a fair concern considering the mess American politics is currently. But that guy is going full "they're going to execute us and put us in camps" mode.
"lol they had a private PM chain to talk about politics and other stuff? Hugbox snowflakes lol"
"oh no someone pointed out how dumb I'm acting! Lock the thread daddy Null!!!"