Fair enough I forget not everybody has the full story.
This guy is a 36yo pothead living with his parents who's part jewish schizo nazi from Ottawa who when he stopped smoking weed claimed that his body uncontrollably shaking, "tremors" had chills full on panic attacks and couldn't stop sweating for days to the point he lost 10 pounds. He sent me a DM claiming he "OD'd" after I simply just asked how he was.
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He spergs out like almost nobody else, I'll come into chat and he'll send this huge paragraph on how Biden is a pedo communist, I'm a literally Hitler and the lockdowns are the great reset allowing the Chinese to take over.
He regularly talks about how he would kill himself before ever to won of these camps

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He believes there corona camps that are used for political dissidents and that hes a rebel fighting the system. He also thinks his parents(the ones he lives with)are "dumb sheep" for not agreeing.
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I've been sending him propaganda on discord claiming the corona camps in canada are real, but he was saying it long before I memed it 
He claimed Justin Trudeau would personally make everybody posting right wing stuff would be forced to delete it in 24 hours, this was based on a 3 year old fake news story.
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Somehow he believes Ghost of Null, a bot, is actually Null but only sometimes. If you ask him about this he gets very upset very quickly.
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