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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I don't remember clearly because it never mattered to me but I believe he's a sous chef. I don't think I'm overselling it that much. The chemical wounds on his legs kept opening up on him and weren't healing properly. I don't see why they wouldn't heal if he was taking care of himself and followed whatever medical directions he was given. I have a suspicion that he was or has been using the injury as excuse to collect worker's compensation.
>leeching money
Every time
this is a judgment-free zone
>he's a casanova
>on a lolcow forum
>he takes his social status very seriously
>he got the polisperg DM leaks thread locked because my memes were causing him to have an ashtma attack
>he will never have any real friends
>he will never fuck any real pussy
>he will never lose his virginity
wow, I thought you guys were trying to make me hate Satan. He seems like a swell when you put it this way.

Kiwifarms is an okay website and I would occasionally post there.
wow, I thought you guys were trying to make me hate Satan. He seems like a swell when you put it this way.

Kiwifarms is an okay website and I would occasionally post there.
enjoy yourself, you can go break a leg for all I care
imagine being so invested in a-logging deathfats that you drop money on their onlyfans accounts