• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Linked Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong,

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
>noooo my chud website
just quit being a chud if you want to stay up its simple

Featured on Aug 30, 2022 at 2:28Pm: Liz Fong-Jones, the ex -Google employee with a trans-snake girlfriend (male) gets a thread 5 years after they first tried to have Kiwifarms taken down.

[Kiwifarms users,] there is a way out. I recognize they practice cult-like behavior, traumatize you, and isolate you from others, threatening your safety if you become a part of the out-group. Delete your account. Log off. There is no way to be safe if you are participating in this process that makes every trans person unsafe." ~Liz-Fong Jones, Acclaimed Psychotherapist

Liz-Fong Jones (人妖 Rényāo)
, born Elliot William Fong, is the vengeful spirit taking the form of an MtF Keffals orbiter and Robert Z'Dar reincarnate. Thought to have been sealed by holy rites in rituals performed during 2017, he is best known for his unceasing attempts to shut down both Kiwifarms and Cloudflare. Further research into unholy texts, however, have revealed the horrific events which led to his unleashing upon this unsuspecting world, along with his long and documented history of tormenting various companies and employers, including his own. Escaping from his spiritual containment to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, he has asserted for years that he has his own thread on Kiwifarms despite one never actually existing. Whoops.


Until fairly recently, much of Liz's past was mostly conjectural, although further investigation reveals a majority of the assumptions made about him were wholly correct. Having studied computer science at prestigious universities, Liz continues the trend of college graduates demonstrating a notable lack of quality education in the realms of basic common sense and human decency.



In terms of current day, Liz is married to his trans concubine "Elly" Fong-Jones. Hinting at his tendency of shoehorning his frankly unpleasant sexual interests into any situation, Elly was more than happy to share how the various collars Liz is seen brandishing is the result of sexual sadism, claiming "ownership" over Liz. But please, non-creepy comments only. Furthermore, while it is unclear whether or not this occurred before or after Liz's marriage (although this is entirely due to researchers' wary unwillingness to investigate further), Liz is post-op as confirmed on his blog where he discusses all the favorite and expected topics surrounding the surgery, including dilation.



Going beyond basic conventions of modesty and into breaking barriers of marital fidelity, Liz is polyamorous. While researchers are not ones to judge when those in committed relationships are open to including others, they are fit to judge the company these individuals choose to surround themselves with. Somewhat notable is the occasional mention of an armless MtF who believes he is the embodiment of a snake god (yes, really), and which can be seen interacting with Liz now and then, but is often reserved for cheap laughs on account of being so unbelievably weird. Readers are asked to exercise caution, however, as this creature is prone to delightfully repulsive content including erotic roleplays and eye-melting nudes, so discretion is advised.


If a trans snake demigod wasn't odd enough, it appears that a large portion of Liz's relationships stem from an embarrassing My Little Pony-themed polycule. However, the most notable individual involved in Liz's open relationship is one "BinaryVixen899," who seems to have a large hand to play regarding Liz's actions later. To serve as further foreshadowing of events to come, Liz also was in close contact with Greta Gustava and Kjel Anderson, individuals who ran the infamous Trans Lifeline. Beyond these key players and unusual social circle, Liz's personal history lacks anything else of particular intrigue. He currently runs a company by the name of "Honeycomb.io," and his only other actions of note was an exceedingly strange instance where he rented his car out, resulting in its renter dying in a head-on collision while driving the car (although this obviously was no fault of Liz whatsoever), which lead to Liz immediately putting a different car up for rent a disconcertingly short time later.


Cope Seethe Dilate picture.png

As this story often goes, if Liz's weird personal history and even stranger bedfellows were the only thing worth pointing out about him, there would be absolutely nothing to discuss. He would simply have faded away as another creepy internet victim and disappear into obscurity. Forever the overachiever, however, Liz decided to make a name for himself as both a laughingstock and a nuisance for the internet and internet-based companies. As written by his own Wikipedia article (and further detailed here), Liz's pull as a hire for Google could not make up for him being an active menace for the company every step of the way, even when given favorable treatment.


However, that isn't to say Liz was purely a negative influence on the company. In fact, he managed to to fumble his way into using his bothersome nature for a general good. When Google+ was still around, Liz was one of the individuals who vehemently objected to its policy requiring the use of real names, for obvious reasons. Liz went so far as to help co-author a pivotal letter titled "Real Name Considered Hateful," complaining to the higher ups of Google regarding the policy. This eventually led to Google conceding and removing not only the policy on Google+, but resulted in the change having long lasting effects and influence on Google's general policies as a whole. This was a key moment in preserving online anonymity, even if Liz only did so for completely different reasons than what the average internet user would have.


This may very well be the only applaudable action Liz had done during his time at the company, unfortunately. The first inklings of Liz's harmful presence at Google was his comments on articles about his own employer, accusing them of constantly stalking him. This paranoid behavior could possibly explain his later and seemingly neurotic actions relating to Kiwifarms itself. There additionally exists quotes from alleged coworkers complaining about Liz's manipulative and controlling personality. This included the contemptible accusations of Liz using his position to threaten or discriminate against coworkers and subordinates for the personal benefit of himself or his friends.


These accusations are substantiated by a resulting lawsuit which cites Liz explicitly for actions that coincide with the aforementioned accusations. Taking absolutely no humility and showing not a single morsel of regret for his actions, Liz was emboldened enough to countersue in defense of his own actions as a result of Google's considerably gentle reprimanding for his behavior which led to the original lawsuit to begin with.


While this is a reasonable enough action for a company to can their worker, Liz directly and openly breaking the company's policies may have been another catalyst leading to his dismissal. When Liz attempted to take down Kiwifarms a second time, which shall be explored in detail later, he used his position in Google to intimidate and bully the smaller hosting services associated with the forum. The use of his official Google email for his personal vendetta violated the company policies outlined above, which no doubt played a part in the company eventually paying him a comfortable $100,000 settlement to leave, most likely in hopes he wouldn't threaten litigation yet again. In a sense, such reasoning does technically mean Liz's often-repeated assertion his engagement with Kiwifarms was responsible for him being fired is true. Unfortunately for Liz, it's entirely due to his own actions while the forum remained completely passive beyond laughing at his takedown attempts.

Kiwis in the Clouds

Although the information mentioned thus far, Liz's dismissal from Google especially, may come as news to many readers, Liz's most recent actions against Kiwifarms and Cloudflare is something most users are well-aware of. What may still come as a shock, however, is the potential reasoning behind his intense fervor and unrelenting crusade.


Despite his claims of holding immense technical skill within his field, Liz made himself be known to Kiwifarms proper by contacting the host of Kiwifarms's email server believing it hosted the website. Immediately lying, Liz asserts that being mentioned in passing was a Kiwifarms attempt at harassing and blackmailing him. Into doing what, specifically, is a question which remains unanswered to this very day.



In the midst of Liz's intense anger and resultant wailing from Kiwifarms cruelly reading the information he posted online in blogs and sharing his pictures to giggle at his razor-sharp jawline, it was quickly discovered that Liz has shared how he wholly supports free expression, although naturally only content he personally approves of counts as "free expression." As an even greater surprise, Liz seems to be a strong proponent for the very same doxing doxXxing he complains the forum engages in. However, he is careful to make one key distinction so that cruel Kiwifarms users cannot use his own stated morals against him. The secret to his sanctimony: it's just called "unmasking" when he does it, and that makes it okay.


Not a year later, Liz made a second attempt to take down Kiwifarms due to his involvement with Trans Lifeline. Outlined in the provided thread, Trans Lifeline was touted as a service for transgender individuals to call in for emotional support. The service is heavily criticized by multiple parties including the target demographic it aims to help. Documented as having nearly non-existent uptime and an insanely high rate of unanswered calls, it eventually led to a frequent caller killing himself. In addition, none of the operators of the service were actually trained in suicide prevention. Often being cited as a charity scam, Trans Lifeline's owners were also found to have taken thousands of dollars worth of donations to take an extended vacation while the service ran in its horrid state. Despite having a direct relationship to those involved in running Trans Lifeline, Liz "bravely" published his donation to the service while misrepresenting this valid criticism as blind and meaningless hatred.

Thus, as stated earlier, his connections with Trans Lifeline eventually led to his second attempt at taking down Kiwifarms, using the intimidation factor of utilizing his then-employer Google's official email to scare the smaller services which were even vaguely associated with the forum into immediately folding, an action which possibly helped lead to his firing as explained before. Despite all this occuring in 2017, Liz still blames the forum for his dismissal from Google to this very day, although he's careful to never actually explain or provide proof as to how a bunch of flightless birds squawking at his wedding photos influenced his employer's decision in any capacity. As demonstrated in the provided audio clip of his interview with Channel 6 Radio (starting at two minutes), he continues to assert he has been "harrassed" by Kiwifarms despite no user taking any action off of the website and ignoring that Liz himself attacked Kiwifarms first and repeatedly.


Equally nonsensical is his constant assertion that Kiwifarms is, as he puts it, a "cult." As directly quoted at the start, Liz seems to believe a website which both encourages anonymity and whose users regularly discourage personal involvement somehow employs common cult tactics and recruitment. As with his regular accusations that Kiwifarms was the direct cause in his firing, he has yet to elaborate on these claims in any capacity, perhaps in belief that if he repeats a falsehood without evidence enough times, it will eventually become true.


Given his strained and unidirectional relationship with Kiwifarms, Liz was more than eager to jump on the opportunity provided by lolcow superstar Keffals's attempt to also take down the website. It is, at this point, important to note that one of the services Kiwifarms utilized at the time which Liz regularly targeted was Cloudflare, coincidentally the same company Keffals targeted with his own campaign against the forum. This was not, however, the first time Liz had gone after Cloudflare specifically, although he obviously intensified his efforts against the company after Keffals involved himself. In fact, Liz has oddly targeted Cloudflare for years, and seems to make an extended effort to undermine the company as a whole rather than sever its ties with Kiwifarms despite the latter being more feasible and expedient.



Liz's hyperfixation on Cloudflare is not sheer happenstance, even if Keffals's focus on the service was a happy coincidence. As mentioned earlier, Liz has a current and extended relationship with "BinaryVixen899." A beautiful culmination of all events leading up to this point, Liz's nepotistic nature shown during his employment with Google resurfaces in full force. BinaryVixen899 works for a service known as Fastly, a DDoS mitigation software which is a direct competitor to Cloudflare. Thus, not only it is entirely plausible that Liz's attempts at taking down Cloudflare is motivated by a mixture of his hatred for Kiwifarms and as a means of benefiting his lover, it is highly asserted through documented evidence of his past actions and personal history that this is the case. Liz has since attempted to sidestep this clear conflict of interests.


Yet as sleazy and self-serving as his motives may be, Liz's efforts are, ultimately, fruitless beyond serving as a direct source of entertainment for the forum. While his personal history with his freakish MtF polycule made up of aspiring snakes and horse roleplayers, his detestable history with one of the largest companies in tech, and even his weird following of mind-control fetishists is as fascinating as it is entirely unnerving, Liz has and will forever be just another voice yelling into the void. Whether this be through his idiocy on Twitter or his endless diatribes on his Twitch channel (which, unsurprisingly, are equally idiotic), all his screaming amounts to the proverbial void simply echoing back laughter. Impotent and ineffectual, the vengeful spirit of Liz has and will continue to have no tangible effect on those he has declared his unwitting enemies.
this nigga could've been le chang instead of trooning out and fuck decent looking women instead of a crippled snake retard that cant even give him a handjob but no he had to get the progressivity points
and lol @ using advent of code as a metric of skill jajajajaj
this nigga could've been le chang instead of trooning out and fuck decent looking women instead of a crippled snake retard that cant even give him a handjob but no he had to get the progressivity points
and lol @ using advent of code as a metric of skill jajajajaj
I am wondering what kind of a snake she is. Is she a Garter Snake, a Rock Python, a Water Snake?
LFJ deleted her "consent accident" tweet some time in the last couple of weeks after it was posted on KF (the tweet is from 2019, so she was OK with it being public until recently). Fortunately, she wasn't quick enough.

For the sake of completeness, here is an archive of the tweet (it's currently being retweeted a lot).

Consent accident

The "executive assistant" to LFJ is in damage control mode (the last comment refers to keffals).
Reason: formatting, adding link
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LFJ deleted her "consent accident" tweet some time in the last couple of weeks after it was posted on KF (the tweet is from 2019, so she was OK with it being public until recently). Fortunately, she wasn't quick enough.

For the sake of completeness, here is an archive of the tweet (it's currently being retweeted a lot).

Consent accident

The "executive assistant" to LFJ is in damage control mode (the last comment refers to keffals).
View attachment 23160
" I have a phobia of dogs so that's why I didn't sexually assault them "
I'm going to say it right now, Fuf was ten times the KiwiFarms antagonist than this TryHard Asian with a fetish for wearing womens clothes will ever be. Lucas put so much gusto into the role, he invested so much of himself and I was really rooting for him. Now he's sitting alone, grooming some incel from Stoke On Trent in a discord server as this ugly, entitled Chinese man takes all of the glory, with absolutely no finesse.

I'm going to say it right now, Fuf was ten times the KiwiFarms antagonist than this TryHard Asian with a fetish for wearing womens clothes will ever be. Lucas put so much gusto into the role, he invested so much of himself and I was really rooting for him. Now he's sitting alone, grooming some incel from Stoke On Trent in a discord server as this ugly, entitled Chinese man takes all of the glory, with absolutely no finesse.

View attachment 23210View attachment 23211View attachment 23212
I can't wait for the close of the Twitter deal on Friday.

Large Twitter thread of images mocking LFJ after LFJ DMCAed the account owner.

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Apparently this person is the one spearheading the recent efforts to get KF dropped by their service providers. (btw, can anyone blow this image up? I can barely read it. https://t.me/kiwifarms/71)

This is a very much a pro-censorship advocate who has worked for Google in the past.

This self-described 'activist' created a fund raiser last year to raise money to help Netflix employees who decided to quit their jobs in protest over Dave Chapelle... you know because there's not other people who need help in this world more than entitled woke tech workers.

I am not surprised that people like this exist, nor even angry at their existence, but I am extremely frustrated at their continued unimpeded success and admiration by the mainstream. Liz deserves to be humbled. None of us should dictate and control the speech of others without end, there has to be limits. The world is not tailor made to your sensibilities, we all must learn to tolerate and coexist with people we don't like. If I have to tolerate 'her' then she should have to tolerate me.