Retired Staff
Eliot "Billy-Boy" Fong
Eliot, or "Billy-Boy" as he prefers to be called, is a 35 year old man who has made a professional career out of mixing drag, software engineering and social justice to create the powerhouse you see before you today.
Eliot credits his strong, proud jawline to the the cutthroat world of business and technology, an industry, Eliot says, takes a thick hide to survive.
Eliot took fellow tanktop enthusiast "Elly" to be his handsome husband in 2011

Billy and Elly enjoy a simple wholesome lifestyle together with their dog, Misty-Doo, who has remained uneaten and unmolested to this day as far as we know.
Billy lost his penis in an unfortunate accident which he details in his blog: Here but that doesn't stop him from broing down with his hubby as they trend-set and globetrot and solve mysteries and shit
The Backstory
Liz/Eliot Fong has, over his career, appeared to endeavor to catapult himself into lolcowdom By Any Means Necessary starting in 2017 with the Google Memo written by James Damore when she and seven other google employees were "targeted for harassment" (a common theme with Eliot) following the termination of Damore by google. The diversity in tech was a pony Eliot tried to ride for a period of time following the incident as shown here in an interview from 2018, nearly a year following the termination of Demore detailing the public tantrum Eliot threw towards his employers and their paychecks; demanding that pay raises be tied to progress in diversity instead of anything useful.
Eliot has adopted for himself an interesting brand of "intersectionality" between social justice/activism and engineering and often uses engineering as a metaphor for the forms of social change he'd like to see; there are many videos on youtube for anyone interested enough in this annoying homosexual to sit through his 30-60 minute interviews of which there are many; yet still not enough to satiate his cravings for attention and validation, more on that later.
The rabble rousing about hiring more Nigerians who have never even seen a computer was the first in a string of clout-grasping power plays by Fong in 2018 which led up to her "voluntary" resignation from google in 2019.
Other incidents include
Rabble-Rousing about sexual harassment following the dismissal of then google VP Andy Rubin whose severance, among other

Listening to Eliot drone on calls to the mind a vision of some abominable lovechild between Steven Wright and Rainman but somehow even more one dimensional and unlikable.
Whoever said Asians make good traps must have never seen this ACME product; even a blind marine could dodge this Punji Stick by the voice alone and not even the drunkest sailor could be tempted into clearing out his Chu Chi tunnel, although an M2A1-7 flamethrower might clean out the hairballs in his new rat's nest.
-2/10 shamferu dispray
BTW you're a guy, Eliot
**Will update with the Keffals shit when I compile it**
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