I have caught up on the thread. I do not follow Lidl so my only exposure to him/her is through this thread. This is my tl;dr as someone who is consistently Misgendered On the Internet:
Women can and do talk like this. Women do know what Rule 34 is, at least in geeky/fanfiction circles where there's high autism and femcelism/catladies + high porn consumption. Women fanfic writers and other geeky types like Woman IT, follow male dominated areas like compsci, comic bookery, and figure assembly/painting (the Warham/Gundam stuff is especially attractive to a certain breed of autistic female because they can slot it under "crafts" and they enjoy paint and color.) XKCD is one of the oldest webcomics and while there were not many women on the net in the late 90s and 00s, there were more than you think. So when the XKCD came out with this comic:
Every woman on the internet read it, and it proliferated in female porn spaces like LiveJournal, InsaneJournal, JournalFen, fanfiction.net etc. If you were a young female teen or a middle aged computer nerd femoid then you saw this and incorporated it into your fandom vocabulary.
As for the derogatory and bitter language in those forum posts, all you have to do is go to Ovarit or even lolcow.farm to find women talking in violent, dehumanizing, locker room terms. I understand that many of those posters are male LARPers but the truth is that many, many women think and speak this way in anonymous or woman dominated spaces. I have seen it IRL and online.
My take is that, along with the hypocritical stance femcels/TERFs have on porn (please trust me, these women read Amazon ebook pornos and lots of Supernatural werewolf rape fanfiction), this language and "philosophy" (if you can call it that) is a reactionary stance created in response to places like /pol/. The woman hate mindset was proliferated through 4chan and it used to be rampant on Voat when that was a thing. That was the beginning of men circlejerking over this gender war stuff (usually while having gay porn open in other tabs.) Geeky and/or compsci adjacent women go into these male-dominated spaces all the time because that's where hard/crunchy discussion is. You can see women's presence on the /cgl/ board at 4chan (almost 100% female) and in /jp/ where there is a years-old thread called /blog/: BL and Otome Games General, so we know that they are present and there. If you go on /y/ then you find lots of women and gay men interacting and it's an interesting car crash of the two perspectives on sex as well as the places where they find common ground (more likely than you might think.) (There used to be Vic Mangina threads on /cgl/ where they posted their horror stories of being groped by Vic at cons which is why so many female anime nerds were ready to believe the Kick Vic stuff.) Women go into these anonymous spaces on other boards or on other forums, they see men talking the way they do, and they have a reaction to it. This is partially why misandry has made such deep inroads into female Westerners, because the autistic females who go into 4chan and such bring back screenshots and reports from "the battlefield" so to speak, and they tell their war stories and share what men are posting online.
The reaction to this has been varied but it has resulted in lots of posters like Lidl. It could be that Lidl is not a gay man and is not Josh, Lidl might just be a woman who has been radicalized by the internet and has spent at least a decade in male-dominated spaces, absorbing the ghey rhetoric and seeing the unfiltered thoughts of men in the process. Women have a tendency to take this stuff personally and when they react to it they often unwittingly copy what they are seeing, just flip the (dreaded!!!!!) pronouns. If a woman is a very good chameleon, or if she is able to put her ego aside and just live for the shitposting, then it is very easy to mistake a woman for a man. It is not uncommon for women who post like this to be labelled gay men.