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  • Turnaround is fair play Ash. You gossip about me in the other forum. We can gossip about you here.

Religion & Psychology & Personal Legality of Polygamy

Religion and Psychology and Personal
Wow this babble bibble guy is all over me like a cheap suit. Let's see here zero score, zero stars, go straight for me and acts like an autistic.

Chances of being Socky: 99%
101% it is him.


Guess he wasn't getting enough attention from @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt and the cartoon rabbit pedos.
I like how Antarctica has "Polygamy Legal Status: Unknown" instead of just being shaded out or something less stupid.

Maybe it's unknown because nobody's tried it yet.

Perhaps YOU will be the one to solve the mystery of polygamy.

Idk I doubt it, he/she negated me alot as well and I doubt socky would have done it since I bribed him not to with my feet pictures. I thought we had a deal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ of your tits and I won't negrate you to hell...
Unless they are sub par... then by my honor I can't promise anything I don't mean.