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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Least Favorite Kiwifarms Users

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
I eat cock and can't stop eating cock.
Really weird thread but okay.
Really weird thread but okay.
Scarlett Johansson writes like a bot who got fed on too much reddit, xitter and zoomer brain data, so fucking annoying. He spends all the time simping about some random waifu or shitting threads with his "omg, yaas, aww, ugh love this character ugh need my stonk womym team so excited ugh" shit. I think he's the only one actually willing to unironically buy Assassins Nigga, all because of "cute ninja waifu Naoe ugh".
Scarlett Johansson writes like a bot who got fed on too much reddit, xitter and zoomer brain data, so fucking annoying. He spends all the time simping about some random waifu or shitting threads with his "omg, yaas, aww, ugh love this character ugh need my stonk womym team so excited ugh" shit. I think he's the only one actually willing to unironically buy Assassins Nigga, all because of "cute ninja waifu Naoe ugh".
omg, yaas, aww, ugh love this character ugh need my stonk womym team so excited ugh
Scarlett Johansson writes like a bot who got fed on too much reddit, xitter and zoomer brain data, so fucking annoying. He spends all the time simping about some random waifu or shitting threads with his "omg, yaas, aww, ugh love this character ugh need my stonk womym team so excited ugh" shit. I think he's the only one actually willing to unironically buy Assassins Nigga, all because of "cute ninja waifu Naoe ugh".
He's a coom brained retard who can't formulate his thought in more than one sentence. I also heard a rumor that he might be a tranny.
Null, himself, is one of them, easily.

If he’s somehow also on Kiwi Farms, I award Nektar Geist for being a schizo dumbass.
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What's the deal with Sinner's Sandwich? Why is he always salty and seething at everything and everyone?