• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
totes-Dynastia and totes-CasualSeppuku's 'AMA' over on /snow/ had some funny and True and Honest descriptions of a lot of these characters too.

Dynastia said:
AnOminous went through a pretty nasty divorce with custody issues that got dragged out from late 2016 to midway through 2017. He's was always a pretty heavy drinker but after that things got out of control and his professional life suffered pretty greatly, he lost his license to practise law in California and last I heard he was bouncing between unemployment and reception desk work and only gets supervised visitation. We've tried to get him the help he needs but he's honestly not interested so there's not much anyone can do.
AnOminous isn't a terfy asshole, he's a very liberal communist who's kinda bitter and resentful at the more obnoxious parts of the left. He doesn't hate trannies, just SJWs and insane shrieking men in dresses making his politics look like a joke. With all that said, he's mentioned before that he posts here semi-regularly already, he's just a good boy who doesn't namefag or post his penis. I'll pass along the invite but he might not want to come field questions because it'll connect him to all his anonposting. Also he's kinda salty at me right now for telling you about his divorce and shit lol.

Dynastia said:
Katsu was a 'femboi' gay socialist game developer from Pennsylvania in 2015 or so who became admin because he was the only person invested enough in the cwcki forums who knew how to run the forum software. He's the one who originally taught Null everything he knows about php and java coding.

In 2016 or so he went full tranny, quit his job and got on obamacare for tittyskittles and a pathway to SRS. He still hasn't got the chop but after he started HRT he and Null got into some huge fights. Null was taking a backseat from the site and Katsu invented a 'gay table' ranking all Kiwi Members by level and class of 'gayness', awarding 'gay titles' and giving out trophy points based on how gay you are. He started using admin rights to dox people who claimed to be gay but who he suspected of not being gay. Eventually he got fully de-adminned and left the site in shame. There are still some pretty funny stories floating around about him, but keep in mind he namesearches himself on a daily basis and is known to send out DMCA's to anyone mentioning him, even by pseudoname.

Dynastia said:
By placebo I'm assuming you mean @wagglyplacebo. He is probably my favourite admin, he does good janitorial work and is almost always cheerful and friendly. That said, he's also morbidly obese and has a not-a-joke cuckolding fetish, in the degradation bdsm sense. Not even gonna judge or kink-shame that, good for him for not being embarrassed about what he likes, I just wish he wouldn't ask any more Kiwis to have cybersex with his wife because that's just creepy. I'm uncomfortable with the idea that he's getting a sexual thrill out of cleaning up my shitposts. He met a girl on Kiwi Forums and ended up moving across the country to marry her, and she once let slip that he suffered from (and still struggles with) pica, which is a compulsion to eat dirt usually only affecting pregnant women. It's pretty weird, and despite a lot of questioning he's never really been able to explain why he feels the need to eat dirt, although he has been going to therapy for it. He lives in the deep south now where his obesity doesn't stand out so much, and he enjoys punk music and culture. He's a nice guy overall.

OwO What's This?
Dynastia said:
Owo made a bit of splash when she first arrived because she's brash, loud and unapologetically a degenerate furfag. She rubbed a lot of people the wrong way because they were mad everyone was talking about owo constantly, and it took them like a year to realise that the only people constantly talking about owo was them. It was pretty embarrassing. That said owo is a gross shameless furry transwoman who gets way too invested in Kiwi Farms happenings and sometimes gets overly emotional about it, which results in shit like the ass-puckeringly embarrassing Something Awful post, which we will never stop mocking her for. A lot of people think she e-fucked or flirted her way to the top or whatever but the simple truth is that she just got really interested in how KF was run and kept pestering Null with suggestions and ideas, some of which were stupid, some of which were pretty good. Null's actually dumpstered and calm-down-banned her a few times for getting too obsessively imposing about how she thinks things should be run, but at the end of the day she's a janitor because she cares about how Kiwi Farms and puts a lot of thought and effort into Kiwi Farms and nobody else is stepping up to do that.

Obligatory embarrassing secrets ; she's addicted to shit-tier herbal opiods, lost a ridiculous amount of money in a Turkish ponzi scheme in 2017, and now works in the periphery of the sex trade and complains about not being able to afford furry OC commissions.

Dynastia said:
I think @Meowthkip is a great janitor because nobody else ever wants to go into the Tumblr forum and clean it up because it's seriously fucking horrible in there. She is a weird Team Fortress 2 fetishist in her late thirties. She never married and posts a lot of sex fanfictions on various tumblrs and fetish fiction sites. She owns five cats. I don't know about closet Columbining but it's no secret she really has a thing for bad boys, and the Team Fortress porn she's written that I've found and skimmed over is really heavy on amputation and snuff, etc. etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the Columbine shooters just happened to slot into that weird fetish because they're murderers, but I don't think she has a thing for them in particular. Everything I read was mostly starring video game and anime villains. Again, not gonna kink-shame. All in all she's a nice enough sort and has a lot of patience. Out of all our janitors she's probably the one we can least afford to lose because nobody wants her shitty position cleaning up after the Tumblr kids.

Dynastia said:
@Smutley is a former university teacher in his 40's who is now unemployed/self-sufficient/retired and lives in a very unpopulated part of Kentucky. I think it's kind of like a prepper's cabin and he grows a lot of his own food, hunts small game, and generally pays almost nothing in living expenses. He seems pretty happy with that lifestyle most of the time but you can tell the isolation must get to him in some ways because he's mentioned a few times things like how it's been months since he saw another person irl. Any time Kiwis talk about irl meetups he's always really eager to be part of it and tries to convince them to host it in his cabin, but when people don't like that idea (because it's halfway up the Appallachians and doesn't even have an address) he just drops out of the conversation. He doesn't seem willing to leave home, for whatever reason. All in all I think he's a good dude but there's probably some serious issues with agoraphobia or something like that that aren't being properly treated. I don't think I know anything really embarrassing about him.

Dynastia said:
Melchett - She's been with us since the earliest Chris-trolling groups, and she's been a mod for a long time before taking up residence in BP. A lot of people assume she's useless because she hardly ever actively janitors and she's somehow broken the entire site (twice) trying to use basic moderator tools, but she's actually a fairly valued staff member because she puts out a lot of insight and has good judgement on how to respond to conflicts behind the scenes. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all that community relations isn't Null's strong suit, and he knows it. Anyways, she's a 21-year-old dangerhair living in Cadgwith, Cornwall who lives on carer's welfare and does a lot of shitty high-school drugs. I remember her begging for cigarette and food money to get paypalled to her in chat years ago, but things are looking up for her now. She started collecting a carer's pension for looking after a severely autistic and possibly retarded teenager she lived with, who she slept in the same bed with because 'they couldn't afford a second bed', and later started fucking and became his girlfriend. She calls him 'spergmate'. We all told her that this was probably legally actionable as rape but she just laughed it off and called us SJWs. They seem happy enough so who am I to judge? There's a long-running forum meme that everyone calls her a toilet full of shit and tard cum.

Alan Pardew
Dynastia said:
I think the most shameful kiwi I know of is @Alan Pardew. He was a long-term unemployed 'househusband' whose wife started having an affair with an Asian man and when he found out and told her to stop, she flat-out refused. He used to cry about it a lot in Supporters back before people realised everyone here is not their friend. It's all deleted now and he won't talk about it at all anymore so as far as anyone knows he still hasn't left her because then he'd have to find a job.

Dynastia said:
CasualSeppuku - CS was slightly underage when she first joined the farms, and it eventually became known. At that point she was fairly well liked and she never acted like a stupid autistic kid so we all just turned a blind eye, as we tend to do. She's a goth kid from an extremely wealthy family in Lago Sul, Brasilia. She's donated a lot of money to Kiwi Farms over the years, but she got her modship for basically the same reason BP did ; sensible comments and sensible reports. The rumours that she e-fucked or flirted with Null is either some sad bullshit made up on 8chan, or people misunderstanding the time she kept trolling Null with dd/lg shit. Null and CS actually dislike each other pretty seriously (KF moderation staff is not made up of people Null likes, he quite often promotes people he seriously dislikes but respects), and she's actually been banned or put on account restrictions a few times by Null because she kept spamming DD/LG roleplay memes at him in public. There's not a huge amount to say about CS, really. She's pretty young and sheltered and I don't know if she even has any embarrassing personal secrets to find. She once tried to whisper a picture of herself to another KF user and fucked up the formatting, so it got dumped publicly in chat. I saved it and posted it in the Raven Sparks thread as a Raven selfie and nobody noticed it wasn't Raven, which was pretty embarrassing for her.

Yawning Sneasel
CasualSeppuku said:
Dude is a weird college professor from MI, is old enough to be my father and has a weirdly nasal voice. Tried to transition in the past but gave, supposedly the voice training he did while trannying out is why his voice is weird up to this day. Is currently an alcoholic tranny chaser and has a reasonable risk of unemployment in the future thanks to a charge of misconduct that he never tells me what is about. Oh yeah, he also told me several times that he thinks i should be a pole dancer so he is kind of an asshole.
Dynastia said:
Sneasel is somewhere in his 50's, teaches some kind of Marxist economy class in Ann Arbor. Failed tranny with degenerate fetishes (actual furry and tranny-chaser, and way too passionate about creampie porn). He used to hang out in the lolcord a bit so I'm sure some of you reading this have chatted with him. He's an alright guy, pretty good doxer and funny as fuck sometimes. A few months back he was drama-whore crying about how he's going to lose his tenure over getting caught having dinner with a female student or something, but nobody ended up wanting to make a big thing out of it and he's just going to quietly transfer to Iowa State until he retires and ekes out the rest of his twilight years alone and unloved by any of the qt traps he tries to get noticed by through doxing them.

CasualSeppuku said:
Really good doxer and we share some interests outside lolcows (literature/anime). Nothing really juicy to talk about them, they work as a librarian and is ok financially. The weirdest thing i can think of is that they are biracial and transexual, which makes the monokuma avatar they usually use have some extra layers of meaning and autism.
Dynastia said:
Ride is an early-20's kid from Częstochowa, basically a NEET but living off a (sizeable) inheritence. He won't ever run short of money so long as he doesn't piss it all away or have kids. He does volunteer at a public library two days a week as part of some kind of therapy he's in, but barely leaves the house aside from that. The only things I know him to get excited about or open up over is doxing techniques and his cat, which is basically with him 24/7. He even takes his cat to work with him riding on his shoulders, which is fucking adorable and also how he picked his name. He's a very quiet and reserved person in general.

Dynastia said:
Trombonista is an oldfag dating back as far as the PVCC days. She's early 30's, lives in New Jersey. Works from home doing something with computers. There was an ancient drama about other members of PVCC trying to pressure her into catfishing Chris, and he called her his girlfriend a couple of times despite her wanting nothing to do with it and never personally interacting with him. cogsdev eventually expelled her from PVCC for not going along with the catfishing and she washed up in cwckiforums later down the line. She seems like a decent enough person.

Dynastia said:
Valiant is a fat salty sped from Sydney who lives with her parents on Australian welfare and has to work at a secondhand store in a work-for-welfare scheme. She looks like Philip Seymour Hoffman. The only things she likes is stirring up drama between female kiwis, eating nandos, playing Skyrim with sex mods installed, and writing robot-fetish sex fanfiction. She's been cautioned by Null like 8 times for being a fat salty drama-whore screeching for blood and drama. I met up with her at a food court when I was over about a year and a half ago and she came across as was painfully autistic with the personality of a wet sponge. She's fat.

CasualSeppuku said:
Another britbong, this time a budhist. She works at a bakery and you can tell if her biz is doing well or not by how frequently she posts. Her posting frequency is directly inverse to her work requests, quite amusing. Also don't really get why you hate her, besides some long posts on trannies.

Flowers For Sonichu
CasualSeppuku said:
FFS is and always was a faygo fueled faggot.
totes-Dynastia and totes-CasualSeppuku's 'AMA' over on /snow/ had some funny and True and Honest descriptions of a lot of these characters too.




OwO What's This?




Alan Pardew


Yawning Sneasel





Flowers For Sonichu
Is it weird that I can believe all of this?
Is it weird that I can believe all of this?
That's the thing; there's grains of truth in there. I know the stuff about KatsuKitty, for example, pretty much lines up with stuff that Josh himself has said about Katsu on his streams at one point.

EDIT: not the stuff about his 'gay rankings', to be clear (that's obviously bullshit), but the stuff about him being a tranny and the SRS and fights with Josh are things that Josh himself has later confirmed happened.
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  • AnOminous - Failed lawyer with anger issues, extremely obese, spends every waking hour on the site, appears to have no life. He's generally well liked because he has a sense of humor and a heart of gold ?(though these might just be layers of cholesterol). Quit in 2016 when null allowed the site to be overrun with trumptards and other politispergs.

I've got to admit that I'm fascinated by AnOm. If you check his post history and activity logs, he really does seem frequently to spend literally every waking hour on KF. But he keeps his waking hours very regular, and despite being the most terminally online person imaginable on one of the most autistic forums on the internet, he somehow manages to being a consistently very excellent poster who everyone likes. Certainly he seems to stay suitably detached from all the insane drama that inevitably goes on inside that gossip forum for spastics. From things he's said in his posts, it sounds like once upon a time he lived an eventful and interesting life, which makes it all the more depressing that he's using his late-gen-x-middle-age to do nothing but browse KF.

Is it actually true that he's a fat fat fat fatty? I always thought that was just a joke based on his use of John Goodman avatars.
I've got to admit that I'm fascinated by AnOm. If you check his post history and activity logs, he really does seem frequently to spend literally every waking hour on KF. But he keeps his waking hours very regular, and despite being the most terminally online person imaginable on one of the most autistic forums on the internet, he somehow manages to being a consistently very excellent poster who everyone likes. Certainly he seems to stay suitably detached from all the insane drama that inevitably goes on inside that gossip forum for spastics. From things he's said in his posts, it sounds like once upon a time he lived an eventful and interesting life, which makes it all the more depressing that he's using his late-gen-x-middle-age to do nothing but browse KF.

Is it actually true that he's a fat fat fat fatty? I always thought that was just a joke based on his use of John Goodman avatars.
AnOm is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met on the internet. He was one of the first people to tard wrangle me when I was being an autist on KF and while I didn't really get to know him that well, I would always bant with him whenever I saw him in a casual thread or supporters.

Probably one of like, five people from the site I regret being banned for.
he really does seem frequently to spend literally every waking hour on KF. But he keeps his waking hours very regular, and despite being the most terminally online person imaginable on one of the most autistic forums on the internet, he somehow manages to being a consistently very excellent poster who everyone likes
There's a pack of braindead asslickers following him everywhere since he's the user with the higher count of both posts and upvotes, other than that, no, just le epic Kiwifarms gold giving
AnOm is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met on the internet. He was one of the first people to tard wrangle me when I was being an autist on KF and while I didn't really get to know him that well, I would always bant with him whenever I saw him in a casual thread or supporters.

Probably one of like, five people from the site I regret being banned for.
Oh come on, he's unfunny as shit and his le epic oldfag facade is tiring as shit, he's the kiwifarmer gatorgamer.
There's a pack of braindead asslickers following him everywhere since he's the user with the higher count of both posts and upvotes, other than that, no, just le epic Kiwifarms gold giving

Oh come on, he's unfunny as shit and his le epic oldfag facade is tiring as shit, he's the kiwifarmer gatorgamer.
Show us on the doll where @Anonimus hurt you.