Time to put shame in Autistic Spites Culinary Game...
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It's Chicken TIKKA Masala, it's not actually a "British"
From Glasgow's Shish Mahal restaurant to India, discover the history of chicken tikka masala and figure out who on earth invented it!
It's a Punjabi dish, that caught on in Britain. Basically, some guy complained that his chicken was too dry, and wanted some kind of "gravy" (which curry can be translated as) on it. A "in a pinch" sauce was knocked out (tomato soup was use, in haste, with some spices).
Secondly... Fish and Chips, the dish is probably Chinese, historically battered food... got that from the Chinks (they invented LOADS of stuff.... then Communism... now they are dumb as a Kwiffar janny. The reason why the Brits eat Fish and Chips ON A FRIDAY (and I was in one of those families, Dad would stop off after work, get his Haddock, which he would have with HP sauce, just to give you an idea of how working class I am) is because Christians are expected to abstain from meat on Fridays... like in Lent, the Catholic Church decreed (a long time ago) that fish wasn't meat. A la: Fish on Friday.
Autie probably lives off of instant noodles...