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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
In 4 years I have only reported 1 poster, yes, one, and that was because some absolute nigger was being a faggot spamming gore all over the thread, I think it was the incels community watch one, which is full to the brim with absolute niggers, but not sure, perhaps it was the waifuist one.
Regardless, Boingo got you there APC.
yes when the mods there are RIde, HK, secret asshole, null and occasionally Trombonista, it's really not hard to figure out how people respond particularly when HK is the only one with witty retorts. And yea I would report OPs to get moved to other parts, i reported my own posts a few times.
Where do you think CasualSeppuku went? I'm gonna wager college because politician daughters (as the thread suggested) probably get the reverse sausage factory + indoctrination treatment, see Malia

With sausage factory he probably means penile inversion surgery
lolbulls be trooning out into lolcows.
Delicious Tacos once compared his friend's promiscuity to a 'reverse sausage factory', where in she keeps taking dicks into her vagoo.

But it's possible CS might troon out. Ever seen the twitter acct "Antes e Depois da Federal?"

Dude who writes depressing shit on a blog. He's a good writer, for all that he lives a dysfunctional life. I think his writing style is called "Gonzo"? Either way he's been interviewed by some e-celebs. What I meant was, given what universities in Brazil look like, CasualSeppuku is either fucking multiple men in a federal university (if she attended one) or she is trooning out.
the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, my DICK is throbbing, what a wonderful day for cooming... GOOD MORNING JUNE LAPINE. I've been awake for twenty whole seconds and I haven't COOMED yet. It's time to hop onto my porn throne and machinegun jackhammer my deathgrip bloodshot semi chub with my roided doomfist once again! *AGGRESSIVE TYPING* HUH. I-is that a-a female girl!? HHHHNG UH. I- *begins the ritual* I MUST SNIFF. MMMMMMMMNNNNFFFFF. NNNNG. AAAAAAGGH. NNNNG. HHNG-RNNG. OH GOD. AAAAAGHHH. UUUUUUH. AAAAAAGH. O-OH FUCK. NNNNNNG. MMMMFFFMNNNNFFF. UGGGH. UUUNG MMMFFFFNNNFFF. AAAAGH *smashes desk* I'M... C-COOMING. (coom) I'M... (coom) I'M COOMING (coom) I'M... COOMING. *white gift starts to emerge* (coom) I'M (coom) COOMING. I'M COOMING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH. OOOH FUCK. AAAANNNNHHHGGGG. COOOMING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. (coom) NO. (coom) NOAAAAAAGH. OH FUCK IT'S EVERYWHERE. (COOOM) AAAAAAAAAAAGH. OHHHHHHH. NNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. *starts coughing in pleasure* OH fuck. Nnng. Oh fuck. Oh jesus. Oh shi- oh fuck. SSNNNNIFFF. *Completely exhausted from the magnitude of the coom* Oh fuck. ohhhh... ohhhhh. there you are, my slippery white gift to the world. My son... My son... (o-oh fuck) Well, time to get some breakfast.

Actually... A little coom first wouldn't hurt