• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Something I noticed is that games made by trannies attracts kiwifaggots, and I have no idea if that's good or bad.
I'm saying this in due to the shitty troonslop thread, I also think they're probably closeted, also the sharty is the same way with how you see those shitty ass posts on there.
kiwislop 2.PNG

Ultragemmy: I like Ultrakill
Colon Capitol faggot: And I was personally offended
Dude people in the troonslop thread like the games trannies put out, why are you bitching that someone likes Ultrakill. ...Ultrakill.
Chingtastic Chong is seething that Torswats only got 4 years in jail for swatting hundreds of people for pay and killing no one. He claims he had to relocated (finally moved out of his parents basement?) and that it took more than a year to get his life back together after being accused of swatting Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green by Torswats.
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Chingtastic Chong is seething that Torswats only got 4 years in jail for swatting hundreds of people for pay and killing no one. He claims he had to relocated (finally moved out of his parents basement?) and that it took more than a year to get his life back together after being accused of swatting Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green by Torswats.
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He mad as fuck
Even people in the business of tourism warn you not to go to certain areas. And that it's not perfectly safe. And to not drink the tap water. And warn you to stay away from the cartel don't talk about them unless you want to die. Basically explaining it is in fact a shit hole but in more words.
The Sharty is a complete shell of what it once was.

The original soyteens were trolls and raiders who migrated from the 4chan board /qa/ after /qa/ was shut down by 4chan mods. These OG soyteens carried over a lot of the culture from their time on /qa/, with most board activity consisting of image board raids, Twitch Jackbox raids, and the spamming of traditional shock images such as gore, dead nigger baby, Nikocado's butthole, etc... On one hand, this was the Golden Age of the Sharty, with most Soyjak OC being created during this era and many hilarious raids and memes coming from it. However, while most of the original soyteens were just edgy trolls, there was a small contingent of Foodists on the site who kept spamming illegal shit like CSAM and baby monkey torture. Unfortunately, the early admins of the Sharty were either ineffective at keeping Foodists off the site or actively coordinating with them on Discord to flood the site with illegal shit, driving a lot of the original users from the site.

Things were made worse when the GigglyGoonclown incident (and the accompanying Turkey Tom video) brought a huge influx of newfags from Twitter and Kiwifarms to the site, quickly overtaking the original soyteens that remained. These newfags viewed the Sharty as some form of autistic pedo-hunting moralfag Illuminati, rather than the funny, edgy trolling group that it actually was.

The newfags from Twitter and Kiwifarms pushed for the Sharty to ban a lot of its core culture and trolling tactics. Soylita? Banned because it "enabled pedophilia", even the SFW images. Coinslot and thugposting? Banned because "porn is degeneracy". Ronnie McNutt, dead nigger baby, and any other gore? Banned because "think of the heckin' children". Twitch raids and image board raids? Banned because "raids are Discord (unless it's heckin' wholesome raids against 'pedos')". Anyone who disagreed with these rule changes was deemed "Discord" or "Foodists" and banned from the community.

On the bright side, all these changes scared off the Foodists, causing them to make splinter sites. However, with almost everything remotely edgy banned by the Kiwifarms and Twitter newfags, the Sharty became stagnant and slowly started to die. Raids effectively became a thing of the past, with most "raids" consisting of doxing and harassing "pedos" (i.e. random artists and VTubers on Twitter with 100 followers). Any trolling attempts boiled down to the same old nigger and swastika spam that doesn't affect anyone outside of the most sensitive troon. All new Soyjak OC became the same old "Chudjak beating up Troonjak" meme repeated over and over, since most other variants got banned for being "Discord". The site stopped being fun, turning from a funny, edgy trolling group into a bunch of boring moralfag posers who do nothing except spamming the same tired chudjak memes over and over and harassing random Twitter users (basically Kiwifarms in an image board format). While the Kiwifarms newfags are an upgrade over Foodists since they don't spam illegal shit, the newfags are still boring busybody moralfags who most people can't stand for more than five seconds.

All the funny trolls who created all the good OC left Sharty for Twitter and 4chan, where soyjaks and soyjak culture has started to thrive. Meanwhile, the Sharty rots away, a shell of what it once was.

The sharty is full of obsessed queer faggots who obsess over SNCA 24/7.
The soysphere, especially soyjak.blog, is infested with pseudo intellectual closeted pedo groomers and the jannies there are so gay they leak peoples ips of they don't like them, they did it to me, on of the mods, a ED pokemon faggot, leaked it to show off to people that don't like me and believe me there are a lot of people on that website and the sharty, particularly nu-/qa/ that hate my guts for some godforsaken reason.
Hopefully Doll pulls the plug on that shithole someday and Froot sells the sharty to some crypto scammer and it dies, completely forgotten about forever, and the soyteens can go back gettting groomed in their trooncords.
>Most people worry more about dying from coyotes than thugs
Cue the meme.

There are other things, including thugs, in Canada that should be of more concern when it comes to potentially KILLING you than wild canines who mostly mind their own business if you don’t feed or chase them, urban areas included, and still have non-lethal bites.
>Most people worry more about dying from coyotes than thugs
Cue the meme.
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There are other things, including thugs, in Canada that should be of more concern when it comes to potentially KILLING you than wild canines who mostly mind their own business if you don’t feed or chase them, urban areas included, and still have non-lethal bites.
Colloquially, a coyote is a person who smuggles immigrants across the Mexico–United States border. The word "coyote" is a loanword from Mexican Spanish that usually refers to a species of North American wild dog (Canis latrans).
kiwislop 3.PNG

"This what the community luuks eht, mmmkay" Like retard, how about you show your face, sitting their on your keyboard warrior ass fucking computer commenting on someone else's looks you nigger faggot. I bet you all this faggot colon capital faggot looks worse than the FNAF fan guy.
Why do these people always feel inclined to comment on someone else's looks.
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"This what the community luuks eht, mmmkay" Like retard, how about you show your face, sitting their on your keyboard warrior ass fucking computer commenting on someone else's looks you nigger faggot. I bet you all this faggot colon capital faggot looks worse than the FNAF fan guy.
Why do these people always feel inclined to comment on someone else's looks.
KiwiFarms users are a bunch of hypocrites
Chingtastic Chong is seething that Torswats only got 4 years in jail for swatting hundreds of people for pay and killing no one. He claims he had to relocated (finally moved out of his parents basement?) and that it took more than a year to get his life back together after being accused of swatting Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green by Torswats.
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Who fucking cares that the mutt swatter will "only get 4 years in prison"?
It's almost they want him to stay there longer so they can imagine him getting butt raped cuz they love gay fantasies, like soyjak.blog poster.