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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
So they want Chicago carpet bombed because Nick Fuentes and I guess some hardline right-wingers live there too? Kiwi Farms isn't beating the glowposting allegations. (Correct me if I'm wrong on anything on this).

Also it seems Kiwi Farms is just mad that the Online Right isn't big on the Alt-Right shit anymore (the Alt-Right advocated for actual fascism but it has since became irrelevant after 2020) and the American Right has since moved on to more libertarian ideals these days.
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So they want Chicago carpet bombed because Nick Fuentes and I guess some hardline right-wingers live there too? Kiwi Farms isn't beating the glowposting allegations. (Correct me if I'm wrong on anything on this).

Also it seems Kiwi Farms is just mad that the Online Right isn't big on the Alt-Right shit anymore (the Alt-Right advocated for actual fascism but it has since became irrelevant after 2020) and has since moved on to more libertarian ideals these days.
Mmhmm what a bunch of buffoons
So they want Chicago carpet bombed because Nick Fuentes and I guess some hardline right-wingers live there too? Kiwi Farms isn't beating the glowposting allegations. (Correct me if I'm wrong on anything on this).

Also it seems Kiwi Farms is just mad that the Online Right isn't big on the Alt-Right shit anymore (the Alt-Right advocated for actual fascism but it has since became irrelevant after 2020) and the American Right has since moved on to more libertarian ideals these days.
It's just the usual amount of fed posting that kiwi farmers engage in daily.
You should have seen the British summer of discontent thread before the jannies had to mop that mess up.
At one point somebody was posting how to make pipebombs
It's just the usual amount of fed posting that kiwi farmers engage in daily.
You should have seen the British summer of discontent thread before the jannies had to mop that mess up.
At one point somebody was posting how to make pipebombs
What the fuck? A Kiwi Farms user was posting instructions for making pipe bombs?

I know some of the Kiwis have a few loose screws but I've haven't heard of that until now.

Holy shit.
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Don't they seem to realize that libertarianism is basically a right-wing ideology without a bias for the religious tradcon stuff?
Libertarianism is belief agnostic. It doesn't take a position because it has no mechanism of enforcing it. It's just the maladjusted railing against society because they assume everyone would just not seize control of a power vacuum. They're retards of every actual political camp with the sole unifying factor being a nebulous central power as the source of all their suffering, just pointless distinctions about what that central power is. Child marriage advocates (their term; they're simply pedophiles) of religious beliefs fall under the libertarian umbrella, along with actual LGBT child molesters that what their perversion legalized to groom more victims. The distinction here is meaningless when it's the same goal. You can put fancier words into manifestos about your political aims and goals but it's all the same rallying against your dad/government/globalism/Rothschilds/Jews for not giving the world to them underpinning the entire ideology.
Why does Null have the stupidity people online?
This reminds me of how video games became popular.

In the old days, if you admitted that you were a gamer then you were basically opening up to people hazing you and making fun of you for playing video games. But when Mortal Kombat and Doom came into the scene, suddenly video games became cool because the cool kids at school played them; it was no longer something you got made fun of anymore because from that point on video games became a widely accepted form of entertainment.

Now and days, if you find someone that makes fun of you for playing video games then the person making fun of you will be seen as the loser because being made fun of for liking video games these days is like someone making fun of you for watching movies or watching TV or reading books. At this point, video games have become so normie that anyone that still makes fun of people for playing video games these days are part of a very tiny minority where they are now the outcasts and the gamers have pretty much won in the end (the gamers have become accepted as consumers of entertainment).

The same thing is happening with anime and manga and Japanese pop culture in general. 20 years ago, you would've been made fun of and bullied for liking anime and manga because that was seen as uncool (anyone that was around for the Internet during the 2000's will know what I'm talking about) but after Covid-19 where people were forced to stay in their homes and watch TV and streaming content for a while would expose more people to anime and eventually manga and at this point Japanese media is no longer seen as uncool. The cool kids like anime and manga now and anyone that doesn't is now the outcast.

Whether Jersh and the Kiwis know it or not, Japanese media as we know it is here to stay and no amount of tradcon talking points is going to change that in the same way video games became cool by the end of the 1990's. I'm pretty sure that by the end of this decade, Japanese pop culture media will be as accepted as movies and television and video games by that point on and anyone that still makes fun of people for liking any aspect of Japanese media will be seen as the outcast by then.
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Whats with the retarded zoomers null keeps around lately? Seems to be literal glownigger bot accounts that are only there to be provocateurs.

Its like some retards learned their first swear word and can’t stop spamming it in every post. Lol
I've noticed that as well. The glow posting started really ramping up around, I would say, 2018, with COVID and the Floyd riots. Though I did see a huge uptick in it with the presidential election in 2016, but that should be normal. Interestingly, I was surprised to see that even my British users in the Summer of Discontent thread were getting worked up, particularly over the three girls, with the female posters being especially vocal - it was a notable exception to the usual transatlantic divide in online discourse.
Whats with the retarded zoomers null keeps around lately? Seems to be literal glownigger bot accounts that are only there to be provocateurs.

Its like some retards learned their first swear word and can’t stop spamming it in every post. Lol

i get that most of them have no dads but then to just use Null as a internet daddy figure its just sad
So they want Chicago carpet bombed because Nick Fuentes and I guess some hardline right-wingers live there too?

Kiwifarms users see it fit to mock steamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell over the fact that he was molested as a child.
Speaking of these two, the fact both of them were exposed in a leaked sex video of them hate fucking eachother will never stop being funny. Those "just fuck already" jokes aged very well.
But when Mortal Kombat and Doom came into the scene, suddenly video games became cool because the cool kids at school played them; it was no longer something you got made fun of anymore because from that point on video games became a widely accepted form of entertainment.
I'd like to remind people of the Street Fighter movie, and Kylie being in it. This really broke Games into the "normie" world.
20 years ago, you would've been made fun of and bullied for liking anime and manga because that was seen as uncool
Akira? Body Hammer?
I'm pretty sure that by the end of this decade, Japanese pop culture media will be as accepted as movies and television
I think it's already happened, what with how popular Pokemon was (to the point of people trespassing on Nuclear facilities and Concentration Camps.
Still, not as good as the good old days of the Nips creating something that the Yanks love (and maybe idolize)
FYI: Raymond Burr was edited into the original Godzilla (1954) to help sell it to the Yanks. And just because I'm feeling nostalgic...
Godzilla (and Godzoooooooookkkkyyy). And finally...
This was the Nips greatest revenge for "Little Boy" and "Fat Man". btw my family used to have the board game of Pac-Man.
Whats with the retarded zoomers null keeps around lately? Seems to be literal glownigger bot accounts that are only there to be provocateurs.
This reminds me of "psy op" fun and games (look into the experiments that Auntie Ted did at college). Mostly the Man Hate stuff (which is the irony of "Supposed RIght Wing Hate Forum, that hates "Wokeism" that is infested with Terfs (who have the SAME Cultural Marxist based beliefs).

Which is like Commiefagsters bitching about "Muh fascism", when 1. Fascism is from socialist thought (Mussolini was a Commie, until he realized that it was bollocks, he realized Internationalism is unobtainable, so decided to just stop the programme of "Dictatorship of the Proles", the last stage in the revolution before "Communist Utopia(C)".

Some of it is just "edge lords" getting of on saying shit their Moms would take their pocket money from, if they ever heard their little special poppet saying. But, I do think there is some grooming. joshy is no better than 746...(8 Motorway, soz). And they are all about doxin (or threaten to dox)
Its like some retards learned their first swear word and can’t stop spamming it in every post. Lol
"Give me N-Towers or give me death!" Patrick Henry (maybe).
Ummmm... did this kwiffar just let the cat out of the bag...?
"-How many Greer copyrights are on the site (Answer, none, there are only links and direct posts have been removed)"
Have been removed. Meaning they were there. And why were they removed? What happened, so that the broom felt compelled to remove them. Well done Debbie, you just said the quiet bit out loud.