But when Mortal Kombat and Doom came into the scene, suddenly video games became cool because the cool kids at school played them; it was no longer something you got made fun of anymore because from that point on video games became a widely accepted form of entertainment.
I'd like to remind people of the Street Fighter movie, and Kylie being in it. This really broke Games into the "normie" world.
20 years ago, you would've been made fun of and bullied for liking anime and manga because that was seen as uncool
Akira? Body Hammer?
I'm pretty sure that by the end of this decade, Japanese pop culture media will be as accepted as movies and television
I think it's already happened, what with how popular Pokemon was (to the point of people trespassing on Nuclear facilities and Concentration Camps.
Still, not as good as the good old days of the Nips creating something that the Yanks love (and maybe idolize)

FYI: Raymond Burr was edited into the original Godzilla (1954) to help sell it to the Yanks. And just because I'm feeling nostalgic...

Godzilla (and Godzoooooooookkkkyyy). And finally...

This was the Nips greatest revenge for "Little Boy" and "Fat Man". btw my family used to have the board game of Pac-Man.
Whats with the retarded zoomers null keeps around lately? Seems to be literal glownigger bot accounts that are only there to be provocateurs.
This reminds me of "psy op" fun and games (look into the experiments that Auntie Ted did at college). Mostly the Man Hate stuff (which is the irony of "Supposed RIght Wing Hate Forum, that hates "Wokeism" that is infested with Terfs (who have the SAME Cultural Marxist based beliefs).
Which is like Commiefagsters bitching about "Muh fascism", when 1. Fascism is from socialist thought (Mussolini was a Commie, until he realized that it was bollocks, he realized Internationalism is unobtainable, so decided to just stop the programme of "Dictatorship of the Proles", the last stage in the revolution before "Communist Utopia(C)".
Some of it is just "edge lords" getting of on saying shit their Moms would take their pocket money from, if they ever heard their little special poppet saying. But, I do think there is some grooming. joshy is no better than 746...(8 Motorway, soz). And they are all about doxin (or threaten to dox)
Its like some retards learned their first swear word and can’t stop spamming it in every post. Lol
"Give me N-Towers or give me death!" Patrick Henry (maybe).