The Lolicon thread there is starting to resemble the old Mr. Enter slapfight shitshow the farms had many years ago (this was back in the days when Rickrolling and the Reddit Rage Faces were at their peak of popularity).
Here's some old Kiwi Farms history that I know, they used to have an entire subfourm dedicated to a shitty cartoon critic called Mr. Enter (I don't know if he still goes by that on Youtube or if he still makes videos these days where last I heard he made a shitty premise for a cartoon show he wanted to do) where back in the old days of Youtube he was one of the biggest animation critics but people made fun of the guy because he often took kids cartoons way too seriously and he often was a complete dumbass when it came to his critiques for animation in general (he didn't reviewed anime though, he just reviewed mostly American cartoons).
There came a point where Mr Enter's fans and his haters alike engaged in an A-Logging war like no other to the point that there was no winner (the whole drama was Mutually Assured Destruction). Eventually I think Jeresh and the admins at the time realized they were getting burned by the drama and they decided to shut down the Entershphere subfourm because it was getting too hot and way too out of hand (even for them) and it was one big autistic slapfight over a mediocre cartoon critic that hardly anyone remembers anymore these days.
Don't get me wrong, the lolicon community is filled to the brim with some of the biggest degenerates that the Internet has to offer (can't argue against that). But the reason why I bring up the Mr. Enter drama is because he was a rare case of a lolcow where there was no winner on either side of the debate and everyone involved (whether they were a fan of Mr. Enter or a hater) made a a fag out of themselves; Mr. Enter made an ass of himself, his fans made asses of themselves, and even the trolls also made complete jackasses of themselves (it was a SNAFU an a M.A.D with the debate with Mr. Enter back in the day).
So it wouldn't surprise me if the admins and maybe even Jersh himself will probably lock down the Lolicon thread for the same reasons they've temporarily locked the Nick Fuentes and Mr. Enter threads a while ago (autistic slapfighting that resulted in A-Logging and violent calls to action).