• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

I wonder what this kiwi looks like, since he's judging people's looks, gotta see what under that pfp of mr Rembrant's
View attachment 57680
I wonder what this kiwi looks like, since he's judging people's looks, gotta see what under that pfp of mr Rembrant's

View attachment 57681
View attachment 57682
The fucking admittance people have on KF is quite frankly amazing (What a fucking nigger)

View attachment 57683
"Guys he buys disney stuff and he's a cums00muh, he's a certified wojak" Perfect PFP for this niggerish chimp slave
"These people are cows because I personally do not like them."

Peak Reddit moment right here.
To be fair though, troons do love inserting their tranny shit into everything. The average troon makes their tranny status their entire identity, which is extremely annoying. Constantly having tranny rights propeganda shoved in your face is exhausting, and the last thing I want to do is have anything to do with these depraved creatures.

They would likely face less hatred if they could just shut the up about tranny shit and at least make some attempt to blend in, ie. what the act of trooning out was originally claimed to be.

I do agree that deliberately seeking out things you hate is a recipe for disaster, much like eating Joshua's big fat pussy.
> obsesses over trannies
> totally not transphobic guise

To be fair though, troons do love inserting their tranny shit into everything. The average troon makes their tranny status their entire identity, which is extremely annoying. Constantly having tranny rights propeganda shoved in your face is exhausting, and the last thing I want to do is have anything to do with these depraved creatures.
Bless my friend's heart. She is FtM and I value her as a friend but I can't stand when she starts talking about random online retards (i.e. Contrapoints, Philosopher tube, Keffals) as if I were expected to know them. I do, but I pretend to not know them because gender and trans discussion is the least of my interests. No, I don't want to go to drag club or gay bar, even if I am pansexual. I even question why she transitioned, she doesn't have a gender dysphoria, and she does absolutely nothing to be "masculine" other than HRT or top surgery.

"I am the main character" syndrome is not intrinsic to troons, but a trademark American culture. They love to always tell everyone and anyone about shits no one cares about, demands respect for their opinions, and get mad when no one give them assparts. Niggers blabber about BLM and CRT, white Christians moan about shitskin muzzies and abortions, liberals screech about diversity, conservatives go on culture war frenzies, the examples go on and on. You just can't escape the brain rotting politics in this country anymore.
Christians moan about shitskin muzzies
What is funny, is that Christ himself was a shitskin.
she doesn't have a gender dysphoria
This is the key problem with the gender movement, the idea that anyone can be anything simply because they feel like it, regardless of reality, along with the expectation that you will affirm it 100%.
More like six degrees of living rent free
No, it is Joshua who lives rent free in your head. Enjoy Coke death, stalker.
What is funny, is that Christ himself was a shitskin.

This is the key problem with the gender movement, the idea that anyone can be anything simply because they feel like it, regardless of reality, along with the expectation that you will affirm it 100%.

No, it is Joshua who lives rent free in your head. Enjoy Coke death, stalker.
She has alluded some serious abuses and even rape when she was younger, and though I am not certain 100% for my friend specifically, a lot of FTM seem to have suffered some serious self hatred due to their gender.